then go to war

Gongsun Ping was completely confused this time, she couldn't understand what the two were talking about.

She felt that Xia Xia and Lin Bingbing were singing a show. There were dozens of guards here, but one of them said they could escape, and the other said they could kill everyone here.

This is simply too legendary, she thought Lin Bingbing was just talking.

But Summer actually blew it with her.

Gongsun Ping now even thinks that the two of them have reached the level of mutual understanding, and actually began to sing along with each other.

"The two of you are getting more and more married. Although I don't want to admit it, Bingbing, you really learned to brag from him." Gongsun Ping and Lin Bingbing grew up together, and they were not polite.

"Uh, Sister Ping, I'm not bragging." Lin Bingbing realized that, it turned out that Gongsun Ping always thought the two of them were bragging.

"Looks like you really learned badly from Xia Xia." Gongsun Ping said when she saw Lin Bingbing's sophistry. She now felt that Lin Bingbing's sophistry was exactly the same as Xia Xia's.

"Okay." Lin Bingbing simply gave up the explanation. She turned her head to look at Xia Xia and asked, "Let's wait here or find a way to get out."

"Let's wait and see, I want to see what the Xia family want to do." Xia Xia said lightly.

Gongsun Ping was completely speechless, she heard what Xia Xia meant as if she could leave here at any time.

"But aren't you afraid that they will take action against people outside?" Lin Bingbing knew about those confidantes and relatives in summer, and she also knew that those people were most worried about in summer.

"Don't worry, those people outside are protecting me." Xia Xia didn't worry about those people outside. Now there are Han Zifeng, the two of them, and Xia Jiajun, and Brother Xiao Ma and the others are all healed.

It can be said that Jianghai City is now his protection zone.

His guarding power in this area is very strong.

It's much safer outside than here.

"What about the people from the Xia family?" Lin Bingbing asked again.

"Let's go to war," Xia Xia said very casually.

"Hey, what are you two talking about? We are still in danger." Gongsun Ping said depressedly.

"Going to war, you really want to fight the Xia family in the imperial capital. A Xia Qing has so much energy, then the Xia family is even more terrifying, and you have a lot of enemies now." Lin Bingbing didn't seem to hear Gongsun. The screen is normal.

"Don't be afraid of the lice when there are too many lice. The ones that should come will come eventually, and I can't hide." Xia Xia knew that the Xia family would do something sooner or later, and Xia Qing's incident was a fuse. The family will also come to deal with him.

"Well, I'll help you anytime." Lin Bingbing looked at Xia Xia very seriously and said.

She has long regarded Xia Xia as her best friend. Xia Xia has been dying for her time and time again. She sees all these things in her eyes. Although she doesn't say it, her feelings for Xia Xia are changing. Little by little changes.

"How could I be willing to let my sister police flower be in danger with me." Xia Xia said tenderly.

"Hey, that's enough for the two of you. I just started saying some inexplicable things, but now I'm showing off my love again. There is still a big living person." Gongsun Ping said dissatisfiedly, she was starting to admire Xia a little now. She knew everything about Lin Bingbing, but she couldn't figure out how the summer made such a big change in Lin Bingbing.

"Fool, you don't even want your life for me, and you gave me hope, how could I see you in danger alone." Lin Bingbing ignored Gongsun Ping again, looked at Xia Xia and said, at this moment, there was something in her eyes. It seems to be really full of love.

Xia Tian smiled slightly and didn't speak, but he understood that it was absolutely impossible for him to let Lin Bingbing fall into crisis with him.

And the day when the Tongtian Outer Cave opens will be the strongest crisis he has ever encountered in his life.

He also didn't know if he could survive that crisis.

His only hope now is the treasure on August 15th, if he can find a way to control the zombies, then

He could take the zombie in the back mountain as his own, and as long as there was that zombie, he wouldn't be afraid of a prefecture-level expert.

Of course, if he finds a few more scrolls, his strength will also increase, but this kind of scroll is a treasure.

This thing can only depend on luck.

If you specifically look for it, it will undoubtedly be looking for a needle in a haystack.

Gongsun Ping gave up. She saw it. At this moment, the two people only had each other in their eyes. She was like a light bulb now.


The door was kicked open.

A man in his forties walked in from the door, followed by a few people, all of whom were experts.

After that person walked in, he walked directly towards Xia Tian.

Seeing this person, Xia Xia understood that the Lord is coming.

"Hmph, you cut off one of my son's arms, right." Xia Xia Qing looked at Xia Xia and said coldly.

"Yes." Xia Tian nodded.

"First chop off both of his arms for me." Xia Qing said directly.

He didn't come here to reason with Xia Xia, he came to avenge his After his words came out, a person behind him shot at Xia Xia instantly, and a sign appeared in that person's hand. He slashed the short knife directly at Xia Xia's arm.


A golden light flashed, and an arm fell to the ground.

But this arm is not Xia Xia's, but Xia Qing's subordinate.


The golden light flashed again, and the man's other arm also fell to the ground.

"I've already done what you said. Now you can sit down and talk." Xia Xia looked at Xia Xia Qing with a smile on his face.

Seeing that Xia Xia shot so cleanly, Xia Xia Qing was slightly taken aback. He didn't expect Xia to be so powerful. He just sent out a master at the early stage of Xuan level, but that master at the early stage of Xuan level was instantly killed by Xia Xia. Broken arm.

"I have nothing to talk about with you, a little brat, if you are the dead father, that's fine." Xia Qing looked at Xia Xia angrily and said.

"It seems that we don't need to talk anymore, so let's go to war." Xia Xia looked at Xia Xia Qing and said lightly.

"Do you mean to start a war with me?" Xia Qing looked at Xia Xia in confusion and asked. Now that his people have surrounded Xia Xia, he thought it was just a massacre, not a war.

"No, it's a war with your entire Xia family, you're not qualified yourself." Xia Xia came to Xia Qing Qing and said coldly.