To go to war, one must die

Xia Tian's words are very simple, what he means is that you, Xia Qing Qing, are not qualified to fight with me at all.

What I want to fight is the entire Xia family.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, Xia Xia Qing's face became very ugly, and he was actually looked down upon by Xia Xia.

Being looked down upon by a junior, he felt very shameless.

And now that the summer is completely surrounded by him, as long as he gives an order, the whole room will be beaten into a hornet's nest.

But Xia Tian dared to speak like that, saying that he was not worthy of being his enemy, and that he still wanted to fight the Xia family, this is a big joke "You are crazy, you can kill the Xia family with just one finger. You're crushed to pieces."

"I seem to be underestimated, Sister Jinghua, what usually happens to such a person?" Xia Xia looked at Lin Bingbing and asked.

"Death or injury." Lin Bingbing said lightly.

Gongsun Ping was really speechless this time. She felt that Xia Xia and Lin Bingbing were singing double reeds. She didn't understand when the two had such a good tacit understanding. Their conversation seemed to completely ignore the defense here.

The two of them seemed to treat all the guns around them as decorations.

"Hahahaha, it really made me laugh to death." Xia Xia Qing said with a big laugh, he seemed to have heard something funny just now.

"Uncle Xia, it's not good to do this." Gongsun Ping looked at Xia Xia Qing and said.

"Hmph, I haven't settled with you yet. The two of them are your friends, right? You must have teamed up with them to harm my son. I want you to die here today." Xia Qing snorted coldly. said.

He could see that the relationship between these three people was not simple, and he also inquired about the situation at that time.

His son's arm was cut off, and Gongsun Ping, his fiancee, actually left with the murderer. This was obviously a premeditated assassination. He would never allow the person who killed his son to live in this world.

"I called you Uncle Xia, have you forgotten who I am?" Gongsun Ping looked at Xia Xia Qing coldly and said, "Others are afraid of your Xia family, but I, Gongsun Ping, are not afraid. If I die here, Do you think you can live?"

"Gongsun Ping, don't be too arrogant, since I dare to do something to you, then I have made full preparations, no one will know that you were killed by me, and there are many people staring at your position, once you die, Those people are taking your position, how can they care who killed you." Xia Qing heard Gongsun Ping threatening him, and his anger suddenly rose.

Today, he feels like a small person. At first, he was ignored by Xia Xia, and now he is still threatened by Gongsun Ping.

He was a high-ranking person in the second generation of the Xia family, but he was actually looked down upon by several younger generations.

"You can give it a try, Xia Xia Qing, don't you want to ask me why I never bring bodyguards?" Gongsun Ping looked at Xia Xia Qing and asked, she is not a small person. Ten bodyguards are normal.

Xia Xia and Lin Bingbing also looked at Gongsun Ping at the same time. Only then did the two of them remember this matter. Gongsun Ping is not a small person, but one of the powerful figures in the Gongsun family.

And she also participated in the auction she hosted in the summer.

Her identity is definitely not simple.

But why did she go out without a bodyguard? Isn't she afraid that someone will attack her?

"Why?" Xia Qing also looked at Gongsun Ping with the same doubts.

"Because no one in China dares to kill me at all, if you don't believe me, you can call those old guys in your family and ask, and now I'll go out from here, you can let your people shoot at any time. After Gongsun Ping finished speaking, he glanced at Xia Xia and said to Lin Bingbing, "Let's go."

"I rely on being so good." Xia Tian realized now that Gongsun Ping was actually so good. Xia Tian didn't think Gongsun Ping was joking.

"Stop for me." Seeing that the three of them really went outside, Xia Qing shouted directly.

"Why are you still shooting?" Gongsun Ping looked at Xia Xia Qing and asked.

"I want to take a gamble. I'll kill you now. I want to see what you can do to me when you die." Xia Qing was ready to die. His son was cut off with an arm and let him Dear

Watching the enemy leave in front of him with his own eyes, he couldn't rest his eyes, so he decided that he must kill the three of them in Xia Xia.

Xia Xia saw Xia Xia Qing's determination, and he nodded to Lin Bingbing.

Lin Bingbing and Xia Xia have cooperated so many times, and they have long since formed a tacit understanding. The moment Xia Xia nodded, her figure disappeared directly in place.

"What?" Xia Tianqing was shocked when he saw Lin Bingbing suddenly disappear.

But before he could react, Xia Xia and Gongsun Ping also disappeared.

"Run and chase after me." Xia Qing made sure that they didn't disappear just now, but ran straight out of the door.

After Xia Xia gave Lin Bingbing a look just now, Lin Bingbing fled directly. Xia Xia then picked up Gongsun Ping with one hand, and the clouds under her feet flashed, she used the inch step directly, and instantly disappeared in place.

Gongsun Ping didn't realize what was going on at all, she saw Xia Xia pick her up, and then the surrounding scene was changing rapidly.

ten minutes later.

The sound of the chasing soldiers was no longer heard from behind, so Xia Xia and Lin Bingbing stopped.

"Uh" Gongsun Ping was completely blinded, she didn't know what happened, but she is safe now. "What happened just now?"

"Sister we are safe." Lin Bingbing explained.

"What's wrong with safety?" Gongsun Ping looked at Lin Bingbing puzzled.

"I had already communicated with Xia Xia just now. He asked me if I could escape. I said yes, and then I escaped, and he escaped with you." Lin Bingbing explained.

"It's that simple" Gongsun Ping's face was full of doubts.

"It's that simple." Lin Bingbing said.

"No, I remember that we were watched by dozens of people with guns just now." Gongsun Ping said.

"Yes." Lin Bingbing said.

"You mean, we escaped from dozens of people with guns." Gongsun Ping asked Lin Bingbing with a puzzled face.

"That's right." Lin Bingbing nodded.

"Did you make a mistake? That's dozens of guns. How did you two monsters do it?" Gongsun Ping was completely stunned. She still can't believe that all this is true.

But she was quite sure that what just happened did happen.

Xia Xia and Lin Bingbing took her to escape from dozens of guns.

"You want to go back?" Lin Bingbing asked, looking at Xia Xia.

"Well, since the war starts, people must die. Now that the two of you are safe, I'm going back to harvest." Xia Xia said lightly.