become a werewolf


With one punch, the younger brother of the Maoshan faction punched a big hole in the ground with just one punch. , in an instant this dilapidated building began to collapse.



Xia Xianmanxian steps dodged, dodging the collapsed area.


The super behemoth that the younger brother of the Maoshan School transformed into rushed up again, very fast, the ground under his feet was directly stepped out of a hole, and his body was shot directly like a cannonball.

"My darling, such a strong explosive force." Xia Xia looked at the super beast in surprise and said.

In just an instant, that super beast had already killed Xia Xia. His fists were filled with endless power, and even the air seemed to be hit by him.

"Go to hell" the super beast shouted angrily.

This super behemoth transformed by the Maoshan faction's junior brother is completely different from the military solution of the senior brother just now, and there is no soul armor around his body.

"Hmph, head to head, right? Then let me try your power." Xia Xia snorted coldly, his consonance finger itself is a kung fu full of explosive power, plus the increase in the vampire power in his body.

He is not afraid of any force.

Xia Xia gathered her inner strength with her two fingers, and then pointed them out directly.


Xia Xia's fingers and the opponent's fist smashed together fiercely, and the airflow generated by the powerful explosive force made a burst of explosions around, like the sound of gunpowder exploding.

"Not good" Xia Xia didn't expect that the opponent's fist could have such terrifying power.

Conscious rhinoceros one finger second heavy

A giant finger phantom appeared around Xia Xia's finger, the defeat was finally reversed, and the body of the super behemoth quickly began to retreat.

"Fortunately, I watched the battle between Fan Chaifeng and Bai Yu, otherwise I would suffer a big loss today." Xia Xia's finger just didn't use all his strength. This is because he watched the battle between Bai Yu and Fan Chaifeng and learned to After this point, you can't use all your strength at any time, otherwise you can't change your moves. If your strength can't hurt the opponent, or the strength is not as strong as the opponent, then it will be miserable.

But as long as you understand that you don't have to go all out, you can change your moves in summer, and you can even change your moves at any time.


The super behemoth let out an angry roar, and then killed Xia Xia again.

Walking through the clouds

Knowing that the opponent's strength is strong, this summer, he didn't fight him recklessly at all. Instead, he adopted the method of roaming to fight. Although the speed of this super behemoth is also very fast, there is absolutely no way to compare it with Xia.

Summer is not only about speed, but also about walking through the clouds.

What an exquisite footwork is the Manyun Immortal Step, and after integrating the Shunshu technique, the Manyun Immortal Step is also more powerful, and with the bonus of vampire power, he can completely take guerrilla warfare.

Xia Tian's **** kept touching each other's body.

"I depend on how thick this guy's skin is." Xia Xia's Lingxi finger wanted to touch the other's acupuncture point, but it didn't work, and he was too tall after transformation.

Xia Tian couldn't tap those acupuncture points on his upper body at all.

"I must kill you." The super beast shouted angrily, but he couldn't attack Xia Xia at all. Every time he almost attacked Xia Xia, Xia Xia would easily dodge.

"It's useless to grow big." Xia Xia kicked the super beast.

But he still didn't cause any damage to the super behemoth.

"This guy's skin is too thick. It seems that he will have to use a golden knife to break through his defense." Xia Xia dodged the attack of the super beast again, and then a golden flying knife appeared in his right hand.

The super beast slammed directly into the summer

"Big man, this time I'll let you see how powerful the golden knife is." Xia Xia is very confident in the golden knife, and even the defensive golden knife of the super zombie in the general's tomb can be broken, let alone the big man in front of him. .


golden light one

Shen, a long blood trough appeared on the fist of the super behemoth.

Blood kept flowing out of his hands.



A scream came from the mouth of the super beast.

"Big man, I'll see how you die this time." The golden knife in Xia Xia's hand was thrown directly at the super beast

"Die!" A loud roar came from the mouth of the super behemoth, and then a strong airflow appeared around his body. Xia Xia hurriedly pulled the derailed flying knife back, and the strong airflow had already rushed the flying knife out of the orbit. .

"My darling, this guy can actually transform again." Xia Xia looked at the super beast in surprise.

At this time, the body of the super behemoth has undergone incredible changes again.

Looking at the changes of the super behemoth, Xia Xia stopped the movements in his hands. His first feeling was that he was strong, the other party looked too strong, and the second one was that he was dangerous. Although the other party had not yet completed the change, Xia Xia felt an unprecedented wave. Crisis arises.


The super beast let out a huge roar, and then hair began to grow on the surface of his body. With long hair, his face also changed.

"It's so handsome that he can actually transform." Xia Xia said in surprise.

The body of the super behemoth is changing The huge three-meter-high body is covered with various long hairs. This kind of hair is like animal hair, and his face shape is similar to that of an animal. The bones also undergo dramatic changes.

"Damn it, it's actually a werewolf." Xia Xia looked at the changes of the super behemoth in surprise.

The current super beast has become half a werewolf, and his head has become half a wolf head, and it is still changing.

"It's hard to do now." Xia Xia's brows were furrowed. The defense of this super beast was already terrifying. Now that it has been changed to a higher level, its overall strength will definitely be greatly improved.

ooh ooh

Three roars came from the werewolf's mouth, and then he rushed directly to Xia Tian.


Xia Xia's body was instantly knocked out.

cough cough

A mouthful of blood was coughed out from Xia Xia's mouth. He didn't expect this guy to be so strong. His speed and strength simply increased exponentially. Even Xia Xian didn't respond to the opponent's super shock.

After the transformation, the younger brother of the Maoshan School has completely lost himself. His eyes have become bloodthirsty and have no vitality. His goal is only one, and that is to kill everything in front of him.

"Damn, what's the matter, why is my body out of control." Xia Xia suddenly felt that his body became violent, and the blood of Cain in the body broke out at this time, directly breaking through the blockade of the ancient Buddha relics .