vampire vs werewolf


Xia Xia felt that the power in her body was completely disobedient to her commands, and she began to rush outwards.

The powerful blood of Cain burst out as if being pulled.

"No, it must have something to do with the werewolf in front of him." Xia Xia finally understood that werewolves and vampires have been mortal enemies since ancient times, so the blood of Cain in his body will explode directly after feeling the existence of the werewolf.

The transformed werewolf also seemed to feel the changes in Xia Xia's body, and rushed towards Xia Xia directly, and his huge claws shot it directly.

After the transformation just now, the wound on his claws has completely disappeared.


The powerful claws slapped Xia Xia again. This time Xia did not dodge. If this claws were slapped on Xia Xia's head, Xia Xia's head would be directly shattered.

Just when his paw hit Xia Xia's head, Xia Xia moved, and Xia Xia's two hands directly hugged the paw, and then turned around, his hands exerted force, and he fell directly over the shoulder.

The werewolf's body was directly thrown out by Xia Xia and smashed hard against the wall.


The werewolf's body was directly smashed into the pile of rubble.

"It's strange, I can keep my sanity." Xia Xia was surprised to see the changes in his body. It was incredible that he could keep his sanity now.


At this moment, the werewolf rushed out directly, knocking Xia Xia's body flying out.

"No pain." Xia Tian found that his body didn't feel any pain.


Xia Xia punched the werewolf, and his strength was greatly increased. With one punch, the werewolf was knocked back several steps, and then he punched the werewolf again. Now he can completely control his body.

The werewolf on the other side is a beast with no thoughts at all.

Han Zifeng and Zhong Chuhong ran more than a thousand meters away, and the two of them could clearly feel the ground shaking.

"What happened there? Is this a battle? It seems that aliens have invaded." Han Zifeng said in surprise, feeling the changes in the surrounding ground.

"Although I can't see what's going on there, I guess there should be a battle going on there." Zhong Chuhong's face was also full of incredulity. It was the first time she saw such a battle, and she could feel the ground shaking thousands of meters away.

"It's terrifying. Humans can actually fight like beasts." Han Zifeng couldn't imagine what level of battle was going on there.

At this time, Xia Xia and the werewolf were fighting, and the two sides fought more and more fiercely.

"Beasts are beasts after all." Xia Xia didn't know why, but his emotions were also driven. Now he just wanted to kill the werewolf in front of him.

This seems to be a call from the blood in the body.

Aw, that werewolf rushed towards Summer again.

Xia Xia directly hugged the werewolf's waist, and then threw the werewolf to the ground.

"The blood of this werewolf is stimulating me. It seems that this is the reason why I can stay sane." When Xia Tian thought of this place, the whole person became very excited. If he got the ability to transform freely, then what would he be afraid of? Ground level expert.

He believed that his current strength was no worse than those of the prefecture-level masters.


The biggest feature of a werewolf is its speed and strength, and his defense is also extremely terrifying, but his defense is nothing to the power of a vampire.

Every attack of Xia Xia can cause damage to him. Although he can also cause damage to Xia Xia, Xia Xia can't feel the pain in his body at all.

"The battle is almost over." Xia Xia took out a golden flying knife in his right hand.

Money flying knife.

His speed instantly soared to the limit.

Puff puff

Xia Xia's flying knife directly broke the werewolf's hand tendons and hamstrings, and then he broke the werewolf's bones.

"Han Zifeng, come here quickly." After Xia Xian finished the phone call, he sat on the ground.


Very tired, he suddenly felt very tired.

Then he lay on the ground. When he lay on the ground, all the blood of Cain disappeared, and his body returned to its original state. At this moment, a severe pain came from his body.


"Fuck Nima" Xia Xia roared angrily.

He finally understood why he didn't feel pain just now. It was as if he had been given a stimulant, but as soon as the excitement passed, all the pain in his body came.

He was fighting werewolves, and he didn't know how many times his body was beaten by werewolves just now.

The intense pain almost broke him.

He didn't expect that his body could actually hurt so much. The pain from being hit by the werewolf just now appeared all at once.

This is the pain after the transformation. Every time Xia Xia changes, it hurts so much that he meditates a hundred times in his heart and will never change again, but every time he has no face, the consequences this time are even worse.

This was the fiercest battle after his transformation, and the one with the most injuries.

"Boss, how are you?" After Han Zifeng and the others came over, he hurried to Xia's side and asked.

"Don't mind me, go and put his blood on Before he dies, give me something to seal and collect his blood." Xia Xian said with snot and tears. For a moment, I have to say that Xia Xia's nature to take advantage is too strong, and his body is so painful that he can actually manage that werewolf.

Hearing Xia Xia's order, Han Zifeng and Zhong Chuhong hurriedly ran to the werewolf.

Seeing the mess nearby, and the werewolf lying on the ground, their hearts almost didn't jump out, it was hard for them to imagine what happened here just now.

The werewolf with a height of more than three meters seemed to feel fear, and the surrounding ground was full of damage and shallow pits.

Now they finally understand why Xia Xia screamed so badly. If normal people's bodies had made so many collisions with the ground, they would have died long ago.

"You two, hurry up for me, he should change back when he dies." Xia Xia shouted loudly, and now he was in so much pain that he didn't know his name.

But he will never forget the blood of the werewolf.

That is the treasure of his transformation, the treasure that can save lives.

Ten minutes later, Han Zifeng and Zhong Chuhong filled the containers they were carrying, and the werewolf was completely dead, and his body returned to human form. .

"Burning the suits with their two brothers and sisters is considered to see them off." Xia Xia gritted her teeth and sat up with difficulty.