Zhao Shanhe strikes

Looking at the appearance of the younger brother of the Maoshan School, people who don't know it will think it's a corns hole, and the pants are flying off.

Hearing Xia Xia's order, Han Zifeng and Zhong Chuhong picked up the two suits that were all dusty, and then put them on the bodies of the brothers from Maoshan Pai, setting their bodies on fire with a fire.

"Take me out of here first, I need to rest for a night." Xia Xia said.

Han Zifeng and Zhong Chuhong carried Xia Xia to the car, and then sent Xia Xia home. The two stayed outside Xia Xia's house. Xia Xia was in pain for most of the night. The pain made him even use Tianxing Jue. Can't do it.

After Chen tossed for most of the night, he reluctantly started the Heavenly Awakening Judgment and entered a deep sleep.

The next morning, I only got up at ten o'clock in the summer. After getting up, my body was almost better, but I still felt pain. After a simple breakfast, he went to the Green Forest Villa. He did not let Han Zifeng and Zhong Chuhong follow him. Summer doesn't intend for these two to appear in front of people.

Little girl, little Erlang, carrying that schoolbag to school.

"In summer, Zhao Shanhe is looking for you everywhere."

"Tell him that I'm in the Green Forest Villa, and ask him to come to the Green Forest Villa to find me, and you come here too, and bring the documents that I have sent to you."

Xia Xia hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

The Deputy Director Li has been arrested by the Independent Commission Against Corruption. Xia Xia asked the people from the Special Operations Department to find out the secret collusion between him and Li Yuan, as well as the whole process of money laundering, and they also found out that Deputy Director Li had a scheme abroad. A villa worth 30 million.

These evidences are enough for Deputy Director Li to spend the next life in prison.

When summer entered the Green Forest Villa, the battle between Bai Yu and Fan Zhuifeng was not over yet.

"Hey, stop fighting, the two of you, I brought breakfast here." Xia Xia shook the breakfast in his hand and said, he really admired the two of them, they had been fighting for a day and a night and there was no winner.


The two figures landed next to Xia Xia, and both of them were out of breath. Although neither of them used their full strength, the two of them fought for a day and a night. The physical exertion must have been a lot.

"How are you two playing?" Xia Xia asked both of them, looking at them.

"In the five-pointed star area, his speed is incomprehensible." Bai Yu said lightly, he was also a little tired, and after a day and night of fighting, even he couldn't bear it.

But Xia Xia saw it, and Bai Yu still didn't take off the load.

"His speed is the fastest I've ever seen. If it was just a competition for speed, I would have already lost." Fan Zhuifeng said.

"Let's eat first." Xia Xian handed breakfast to the two of them. He knew that Fan Zhuifeng was a vegetarian, so all the buns he bought were vegetarian.

The two immediately started to eat.

Xia Xia had probably already understood the strength between the two. Fan Chaifeng belonged to that type of defense. In his five-pointed star area, his speed was close to invincibility, while Bai Yu was very fast in the whole field, but he Once entering Fan Chaifeng's five-pointed star area, it was also very difficult.

If you compare the strength of the two, Bai Yu is still stronger, because he has always been the attacking side, and the most important thing is that he has not unloaded the burden.

"You don't look good, what happened last night?" Bai Yu looked at Xia Xia and asked.

"I had a fight with a big monster, and my body seemed to fall apart." Xia Xia shook his arm, his body was still very sore, and the side effects of yesterday's transformation had not been completely eliminated.

Bai Yu nodded, he knew Xia Tian's ability to wake up, Xia Xian had already told him that all negative states would be cleared up after a good night's sleep, but Xia Xia has not recovered yet, which proves that yesterday's incident The battle is not easy.

"Is there anything else for a while?" Fan Zhuifeng looked at Xia Xia and asked. He saw Xia Xia was a little absent-minded.

"Well, a person named Zhao Shanhe is coming." Xia Xia said lightly.

"Zhao Shanhe" Fan Zhuifeng was stunned for a moment when he heard the name, then looked at Xia Xia strangely, "You didn't do something inappropriate and be caught by him, right?"


Several people framed me and burned their house down. ' Summer explained.

"With your current ability, it should be easy to find evidence that you didn't do it." Fan Zhuifeng looked at Xia Xia in confusion and said.

"You must have itchy hands, right?" Bai Yu looked at Xia Xia and said, he knew Xia Xia's character best, and seeing Xia Xia's appearance, he knew that Xia Xia must have heard that he was good at it, so he had to try it first.

"Well, I heard that his strength is good." Xia Xia said with anticipation.

"Hehe, you." Fan Zhuifeng shook his head helplessly and continued, "Zhao Shanhe is not easy to mess with, he is a disciple of the Shaolin Temple. After going down the mountain, he has been cleaning shoes for people in the suburbs for a living. Many big bosses once promised him The annual salary of hundreds of thousands of millions asked him to be a bodyguard, but he didn't do it, he was only willing to exchange money with his labor force, and he was jealous of evil and would take action when he saw injustice."

"Then how many people did he offend?" Xia Xia was most puzzled by this. He is a monk from the Shaolin Temple and has no big friends. Wouldn't anyone dare to attack him?

"He is a monk~www.mtlnovel.com~ Who can do anything to him? He is a vegetarian all day long, and the police are not willing to arrest such a person. His foundation is too clean. If he is arrested today, I am afraid that tomorrow Jianghai City will be blocked by reporters." Fan Zhuifeng explained.

Summer nodded.

Those with power and power are also afraid of such opponents, and they have no way to start.

"It's interesting." Xia Xia smiled slightly. It was the first time he had seen such a person. Another reason why he was so interested in this person was because Zhao Shanhe came down from the Shaolin Temple.

He wanted to go to Shaolin Temple for a long time. The ancient Buddha relic in his body is very mysterious, and the power contained in it is far greater than he imagined.

This ancient Buddha relic saved him several times.

The ancient Buddha relic is still the treasure of Buddhism. He has not yet mastered the real usage of the ancient Buddha relic, so he plans to have the opportunity to go to the Shaolin Temple to see if he can find out how to use the ancient Buddha relic.

"Come on," Bai Yu said lightly.

Xia Xia and Fan Zhuifeng both looked forward, and two people came over, one was Mr. Xu and the other was Zhao Shanhe.

"Master Fan, I'm here to disturb you again." Mr. Xu said hello directly. In the past, anyone who came to Green Forest Villa needed to be notified, but now it is not necessary, because Fan Chaifeng let the person who notified the door guard the door, as long as they knew each other. Everyone let in.