2 of us, 1 game

Fan Zhuifeng felt very speechless when he saw that Xia Xia started to use internal force to attack.

Zhao Shanhe's golden bell hood is like an indestructible tortoise shell. Only by finding a living acupoint can he break through his defense, but a living acupoint is not necessarily an acupoint, it can be any part of the body.

This depends on where the cultivator puts the living point.

Of course, the more hidden the location of the living point, the more difficult it is to practice. You must have a high understanding of the golden bell.


Xia Xia's Lingxi One Finger Second Layer is a monster-like existence.

Obviously, the strength has not reached the earth level, but he can already use the internal force to release it. Although the strength has not reached the strength of the earth level master, the internal force release is just a kind of nemesis of the golden bell.

The golden bell hood can protect Zhao Shanhe's body from harm, but he cannot guarantee that his internal organs will not be injured.

It's like a person hiding in a big bell, and then the people outside ring the bell hard, then the people inside will definitely not feel good.

Zhao Shanhe's body kept retreating, and blood was already flowing from the corner of his mouth.

It seems that he was really shocked by Xia Xia.

Xia Xia didn't care about the consumption of internal strength at all, and used the second weight of Lingxi One Finger ten times in a row at one time.

"Okay, Xia, don't make trouble." Fan Zhuifeng said when he saw Xia Xia's deceitful appearance, he knew that if this continued, Zhao Shanhe would have to suffer internal injuries, and it would be hard to deal with internal injuries.

"Oh." Xia Tian nodded, and then sat on the stool beside the stone table. Just now, the next person came over to clean up the table, and brought new tea leaves and tea.

In Green Forest Villa, the water used to make tea is dew, not ordinary water.

So drinking the tea here will give you a very special feeling.

"Zhao Shanhe, sit down and drink some tea." Fan Zhuifeng looked at Zhao Shanhe and said.

Zhao Shanhe was stunned for a moment. He didn't understand what was going on. He was obviously here to make trouble, but now it has become like this.

Although he knew that if he continued to fight, he would definitely lose, but such an inexplicable stop made him feel inexplicable.


These people are too casual, and each one seems to be a master.

"Here's this for you." Xia Xia threw the information in Old Xu's hand to Zhao Shanhe, and took a sip of tea. "Bai Yu, how are the two of us? I have a new understanding of Manyun Xianbu recently."

"Okay." Bai Yu was open to all who came. Although he had just fought for a day and a night, he and Fan Zhuifeng didn't use any internal energy for the test, so it didn't consume a lot of energy.

Zhao Shanhe became more and more confused.

This is all about learning from each other, but he still looked at the information Xia Xia gave him.

After a while, he finally understood what was going on. It turned out that this group of people had long known that he would come looking for trouble, and they all knew that Xia Xia was not a murderer, but was framed, so they became so natural and calm.

And the reason why I didn't say anything about it at the beginning of that summer was to have a discussion with him.

"Hehe, that's what happened." Zhao Shanhe said embarrassedly, and then he also sat down.

"Drink some tea, let's watch a play, Xia Xia is very curious about you, so I brought you here to discuss." Fan Zhuifeng explained.

"Yes, but he's really strong. Master Fan Zhuang, you are recognized as the number one expert in Jianghai City. What will happen if you compare with Xia Xia?" Zhao Shanhe looked at Fan Zhuifeng in confusion and asked.

When he played against Xia Xia just now, he discovered that Xia Xia's strength is really too strong, both in terms of strength, speed and means, he is superior, and Xia Xia can also release internal strength.

This is simply too terrifying.

"I don't know, but I'm sure I'm definitely not his opponent in a few months." Fan Zhuifeng watched Xia Tian grow up a little bit, and the speed of Xia Xia's growth made him feel very scary.

It's only been a few months, and the summer has grown to this level, so in a few months, the summer may have the opportunity to become a land.

level expert.

By then, he would be no match at all.

"What about this man in white?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"I'm not his opponent. The two of us fought for a day and a night without using any internal strength. He was always carrying a weight on him. If he didn't carry a weight, I would have lost." Fan Zhuifeng found out long ago. The weight on Bai Yu's body is heavy, so he will admit that he is not Bai Yu's opponent.

He is also a person from Quicksand, and he is also the leader of Quicksand.

The Hidden Bat was Fan Chaifeng's defeated general, and Fan Chaifeng couldn't defeat Bai Yu.

Zhao Shanhe was completely shocked. He didn't expect that there were so many masters in this Green Forest Villa, and he couldn't beat each of them. After he came down from the Shaolin Temple, he always thought that he was invincible in the world, but today he found out. .

In China, it is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Moreover, he could see that Xia Xia had a very good relationship with these two people. He just wanted to teach Xia Xia a lesson, but now it seems that he is really too arrogant.

"Who is Xia Xia? I also inquired about a lot of respectable people at that time~www.mtlnovel.com~ Those people don't seem to be very willing to mention him." Since Zhao Shanhe knew that he had misunderstood Xia Xia, he naturally had to ask clearly.

"Hot blood, impulsiveness, and clear grievances, these are the characteristics of Xia Xia, don't look at his usual giggling, there are dozens of wounds on his body, and several of them almost killed him, and he also made special national merits. "Fan Zhuifeng explained.

"Man, a real man." Zhao Shanhe praised, he understood that if he did special merit for the country, he must have saved the lives of tens of thousands of people, or even more, before he could get this badge of honor.

He has always considered himself to be the embodiment of justice, but there is absolutely no way he has saved as many people as Xia Xia.

"Don't underestimate him. You said just now that he has a lot of murderous aura. This is because he killed dozens of Xuan-level masters the day before yesterday." Fan Zhuifeng patiently explained to Zhao Shanhe.

"Why did you kill so many people, and they were all Xuan-level masters?" Zhao Shanhe said with a look of surprise.

"Well, there are a total of 100 Xuan-level masters, and there is an old guy in the late stage of Xuanji. Those people are here to kill him and his relatives, so he resisted, and he killed all those people, although I don't like it. Killing, but I know he did the right thing." Fan Zhuifeng understood Xia Xia's situation, and he also understood that if Xia Xia didn't do it, he would only face greater danger.

"Bai Yu, don't you take off the weight?" Xia Xia looked at Bai Yu and asked.

"No need." Bai Yu said confidently.