Bai Yu picks up the load

"I don't believe that I can't let a person who is tired and lying down take off the load." Xia Xian shook his arms and legs, preparing for a battle.

"You're not much better than me. You must have experienced another battle last night, and you used the Lingxi One Finger ten times in a row just now, and the consumption is also a lot. You should not be much stronger than me now." Bai Yu faintly said.

Hearing Bai Yu's words, Zhao Shanhe realized that Xia Xia had fought against others last night, and he is not in the best state at all.

Looking at it now, summer seems to be easy to handle.

"Are you ready? I'm about to go." Xia Xia said excitedly.

"Come on." Bai Yu stepped forward with one hand, ready to fight.

body instant

As soon as Xia Xia came up, he used the teleportation technique and appeared directly beside Bai Yu. He pointed with both hands and pointed directly at Bai Yu's body.


This time, he directly touched Bai Yu's body, but Bai Yu's body suddenly turned in place, removing all the strength from Xia Xia's fingers.

"Damn it, that's fine too." Xia Xia always thought that this was a perfect sneak attack, but he didn't expect that Bai Yu would break it so easily, and Bai Yu's way of breaking his trick was really cool.

"It really opened my eyes, so that's fine." Zhao Shanhe said with admiration on his face, and when he saw Bai Yu, he was already full of admiration.

This kind of small skill in battle, although it looks very common, can play a vital role.


Bai Yu's toes were a little on the ground, her body appeared directly beside Xia Xia, and her right foot kicked directly towards Xia Xia.


Xia Xia's body resisted, but Bai Yu actually changed his move instantly, and the other foot was a roundhouse kick, directly kicking Xia Xia's waist.


This kick directly kicked Xia Xia out, and Xia Xia's body tossed in the air and landed steadily.

"Bai Yu, you are lying." Xia Xia shouted angrily looking at Bai Yu.

"You can too." Bai Yu said lightly.

"Okay, I don't believe it anymore." Xia Xia directly unloaded the weight on his body. When he threw the weight on the ground, he directly smashed a shallow hole on the ground, which shows how heavy his weight was.

"Why did he wear this kind of thing all the time when he was fighting with me just now." Zhao Shanhe looked at Xia Xia with an unbelievable face. He was really eye-opening today, whether it was the moves during the battle or the abilities of these people. , all surprised him, especially Xia Xia, he didn't expect that Xia was still wearing a weight when he fought with him just now.

"Looks like I'm going to try this trick too." Fan Chaifeng is also very interested in this training method. In the past, his pursuit of strength was very low, but with Xia Xia and Bai Yu, he felt that he was getting younger. , and his world seems to have opened another door.

He is again interested in improving his strength.

Not to become stronger, but to improve himself so that he can continue to learn from Bai Yu.

With an opponent, he is even more looking forward to the next match against such an opponent. He has never fought such a good battle before, and he hopes to show all his abilities throughout the process without leaving Bai Yu behind.

"Looks like you're going to be serious." Bai Yu said lightly, he was always that calm.

"Of course, I want you to take off the weight. If you don't take it off, I will kill you." Xia Xia said with a serious face, his attitude was very clear, that is, he wanted Bai Yu to take off the weight.

Although he knew that he was definitely not an opponent after Bai Yu took off the load, but this has always been his goal.

"Come here and try it." Bai Yu gave a rare smile.

Xia Xia's footsteps of the clouds flashed, and she came directly to Bai Yu's side.

"It's very fast." Zhao Shanhe said in surprise.

"His full speed has reached the realm of an earth-level master, and with the immortal steps of the clouds, he might really be able to force Bai Yu to take off his weight." Fan Zhuifeng also looked at the two of them expectantly. r/>

Xia Xia rushed towards Bai Yu in an instant, and pointed her fingers directly at Bai Yu.


His **** pointed in the air, but he didn't stop, and quickly left the place. When he left the place, Bai Yu kicked him in the place just now, "Okay, I have a long memory."


At this moment, Xia Xia Shunshu immediately showed his power, he instantly appeared behind Bai Yu, and punched Bai Yu on the back.

The two sides fought like this for dozens of rounds, and Xia Xia exhausted all his skills.

Bai Yu's brows have been frowning, and it can be seen that his body is indeed overwhelmed.

"Is it really okay to fight like this? I'm afraid it will really kill people." Zhao Shanhe said in surprise when he saw that Xia Xia and Bai Yu didn't let go at all. He thought it was just a simple discussion, and there was no need to be so serious.

"If the two of them died so easily, they would have died a hundred times already." Fan Zhuifeng smiled slightly.

Bai Yu is the killer of quicksand. If this ability can kill Bai Yu, then Bai Yu may not survive today. Xia's enemies are endless, but Xia can still stand here now, while his opponents do not A good ending.

"Look how you hide this Xia Xia shouted loudly.

Conscious rhinoceros one finger second heavy

A pair of huge finger phantoms blasted directly at Bai Yu, this finger Bai Yu could not dodge at all, if he was hit by this finger, Bai Yu would definitely be injured.


With a sound, something fell to the ground, and Xia Xia's finger phantom also hit the empty space.

"Oh yeah!" Xia Xian shouted excitedly, because he saw Bai Yu's weight, and those weights were lying on the ground quietly at this time.

"It succeeded, it actually succeeded." Fan Chaifeng also looked at Bai Yu with excitement.


At this moment, Xia Xia was directly kicked out by Bai Yu.

"Stop" Xia Tian hurriedly called to stop, at the same time his body rolled over in the air, and landed directly and safely, "I'm not playing anymore."

Xia Xia said very rascally, he actually said that he would not play anymore, Bai Yu had already taken off his weight, but Xia Xian actually quit.

"My purpose is to let you take off the weight, and now my task is complete." Xia Xia sat directly next to Fan Zaifeng and started drinking tea.

After Bai Yu sat down, she glanced at Xia Xia, "Will you go to the auction this weekend?"

"What auction?" Xia Tian looked at Bai Yu and asked.

"The Shennongjia auction will be attended by ordinary experts in China." Bai Yu explained.