Go to the auction

Since Xia Xia discovered that the people in Quicksand were investigating him until now, Quicksand has never stopped monitoring him. Even if Yin Nie came, they were still spying on him. Xia Xia and Yin Nie naturally discovered these people long ago, but Even if they kill these people, it is useless, and Quicksand will send a new group of people over.

And these people don't seem to be afraid of death at all, and they never bother summer, or sneak attack on summer.

Because they have paid a heavy price before.

The reason why they have been staring at Xia Xia is because of the Tongtian Scroll in Xia Xia's hands. Although they will not find any results, they just want to keep checking.

But now these people have all left Jianghai City.

"The people in quicksand are going to attack me." Xia Xia looked at Bai Yu and asked. Only Bai Yu could answer this question.

"It should be, but everyone in Wei Guang knew about my relationship with you, so he didn't inform me about it. However, when the Tongtian Outer Cave was opened this time, he sent me to a foreign country to do the task." Bai Yu explained road.

"The Tongtian Outer Cave is open. For such an important matter, he will actually send such an important expert in the quicksand away. Obviously, he is going to do something to me, but I should be safe for the time being. He should plan to wait until the Tongtian Outer Cave. When you open it, do it to me and my master." Xia Xia understood what Wei Guang meant, and these people should have caught fire with the three old guys from Huashan Sect.

"Well, I think so too, but I still have to do this task, because he knows my relationship with Xiaohong, if I don't go, Xiaohong will be in danger, and I have sworn that as long as my If the speed does not exceed the speed of his sword, then I cannot leave the quicksand for the rest of my life." This was the first time Bai Yu told Xia Xia why he had been staying in the quicksand.

This is completely a bet, a bet between him and Wei Guang.

If his speed exceeds Wei Guang's sword speed, then he can escape from the quicksand, if not, then he must stay in the quicksand for the rest of his life.

"Quicksand, you are actually from Quicksand" Zhao Shanhe looked at Bai Yu with a look of surprise. He was a little confused now, and he was a little confused about what kind of combination this was. One was the number one expert in Jianghai City, and the other was The mysterious and loyal summer, the other is a master of quicksand.

"Of course, he is the fastest white feather in China. There is only this person in the quicksand in China, and there is no semicolon." Xia Xia looked at him and said.

"I heard that Liusha is the only sss-level killer organization in China. The leader of the killer, Wei Guang, is very powerful. Even the legendary Xiyin Xialong died in his hands." Zhao Shanhe felt really surprised. , he has been drinking tea with the master of quicksand, and he is still known as the fastest white feather in China.

"The Xiyin Xia Xialong you mentioned is my father, but he was not the one who defeated my father by Wei Guang back then. Just relying on him, Wei Guang, is not qualified." Xia Xia admired his father very much.

"Why are you the son of Xiyin Xia Xialong, then he is from the quicksand, why are you?" Zhao Shanhe asked Xia Xia with a puzzled expression.

"He is him, Wei Guang is Wei Guang, my enemy is Wei Guang, but not him, he is one of my good brothers." Xia Xia explained.

Zhao Shanhe nodded, what happened to him at last.

However, he still couldn't accept it for a while. After all, so many people who were related to legends were standing in front of him like this, and they were drinking tea and competing with him, which was a bit unrealistic.

This is like a die-hard Jackie Chan fan. It makes sense to eat with Jaycee Chan, and he didn't know that Jaycee Chan was Jackie Chan's son.

He now finally understands why Summer can beat him.

He was not wronged at all when he lost to Xia Xialong's son.

"You scared him." Fan Zhuifeng said with a slight smile.

Little girl, little Erlang, carrying that schoolbag to school.

"Hey, who is it?"

"I'm Fang Yan. You must come to school next Thursday. There is a cultural exchange meeting between China and the island country. I need you to represent our department."

"Oh, is there any benefit?"

"No, but you won't come

If so, there will be disadvantages. "

"Alright then, I'll go."

After Xia Xia hung up the phone, he found that several people were looking at him with strange eyes. Fan Zhuifeng and Bai Yu were obviously looking at him with disgust, and their eyes seemed to say, I don't know him.

"Hey hey hey, what kind of eyes do you have?" Xia Xia said dissatisfiedly.

"The eyes of disgust, I warn you, if your phone rings while you are walking with me, I will definitely kill you." Bai Yu said rudely.

"Damn it, what's the matter?" Xia Xia said depressedly.

"As for" Bai Yu and Fan Zhuifeng nodded at the same time.

"Master monk, you said that my cell phone's ringtones are not trendy." Xia Xia simply ignored the two of them, turned to look at Zhao Shanhe and asked.

"Amitabha." Zhao Shanhe didn't speak, but turned his head to chant Buddha.

"I'll go." Xia Xia raised his **** to the three of them, and then walked outside angrily.

Little girl, little Erlang, carrying that schoolbag to school.

At this moment, Xia Xia's cell phone rang again. When Xia Xian picked up the phone, he glanced at the three of them. Bai Yu and Fan Zhuifeng also looked at them with contempt, while Zhao Shanhe continued to chant Buddha.

"Hey, who is it?"

"I'm your teacher~www.mtlnovel.com~, dear teacher, why did you remember to call me?"

"I need your help with something."

"What's up"

"Next Thursday, pretend to be my boyfriend."

"Is it good?"

"Talk to me about the benefits, okay, let's talk about it when we meet."


When Xia Xia heard that it was good, he was very excited, but when he saw the eyes of Bai Yu and Fan Zhuifeng, he turned around and left.

For the remaining two days, I went to school again in the summer.

He handed the remaining five tricks to the students in class 1, and he also specially tutored the two of them for a while, and finally left. The people in class 1 are now the most envied class in the whole school. .

Because they are the most unique class, and they can also learn military boxing.

The most important thing is that they found that by practicing military boxing every day, their sleep has also improved, and the overall quality of their bodies has also improved, and even their strength has improved a lot.

"Huhu" Xia Tian woke up early today because they were going to Shennongjia today.

Mr. Xu has already bought the plane tickets.

"The auction, I'm really looking forward to it." Xia Xia smiled slightly. He is the master who never suffers losses, so this time he must return with a full reward.