
What I look forward to most in summer is not the auction, but the treasures that will appear in the auction.

At the same time, he was also very puzzled, why did this auction choose a place like Shennongjia, Shennongjia has been a mysterious area since ancient times, and there are mountains and forests everywhere.

There have been countless explorers who wanted to go in and find out, but in the end there was no result.

Some people say that there are savages there, and some people say that there are monsters there.

Some people say that there are thousand-year-old ginseng and countless opportunities in it, but so far I haven't heard of anyone who got good things in it, but even if they did, they would definitely not dare to publicize it.

"Shennongjia, a mysterious place. After I have dealt with the matter at hand, I must go inside and find out." Xia Xia himself is also a person who likes to explore, because he knows that since there are martial arts in this world, there are also longevity. People, maybe there is a higher realm of martial arts in this world.

When summer arrived at the airport, the other three had already arrived.

"What are you three doing here so early?" Xia Xia said to the three of them.

"It's nothing, let's get on the plane. Some people have passed by many days earlier." Fan Zhuifeng explained that before he left Jianghai City, he called Ye Wanqing and said to go out with Xia to do some errands.

Ye Wanqing heard that he went out with Xia Xia, so she didn't ask any more questions, but Ye Wanqing still sent out the entire Special Operations Department, just because she was afraid that someone would make a fool of yourself when Xia Xia and Fan Zhuifeng both left Jianghai City.

"I went early, can I get any reward?" Xia Tian asked.

"No." Bai Yu replied happily.

"What's the use of going so early, a bunch of idiots." Xia Xia cursed.

"Those who go early can make more friends, and they can also get acquainted with the environment and terrain there. If something happens, they will have a chance to escape." Fan Zhuifeng explained.

"It seems that the people who go first must be people who are not very strong." Xia Xia said, but he knew the attitude of these masters in Huaxia, it was very arrogant, how could they go earlier, and even more would not go Make friends with others.

Even if others befriend them, they will ignore them.

"Get on the plane, Shennongjia is not very easy to get to." Bai Yu said.

"Isn't there a car, and there is already a road there." Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"The auction was not held in the city, but in an auction house in the mountains. This is to prevent some ordinary people from breaking in by mistake." Fan Chaifeng explained.

"Damn, so much to say." Xia Xia and others directly boarded the plane.

The plane flew for about three hours to the vicinity of Shennongjia, and in the summer they took a car to a very remote place.

On the way, the most thing I see in summer is the tree, there are trees everywhere.

The master was not very willing to leave at first, but for the sake of giving him a lot of money in Xia, he finally sent Xia and the others to the place.

Seeing this cliff with a height of hundreds of meters, Xia Xia turned to look at Bai Yu and Fan Zhuifeng and asked, "Although we can go up from here, I don't believe that ordinary martial arts practitioners can go up too."

The **** of this cliff is almost vertical, unless the experts above the Xuan level have the opportunity to climb up, and they must be people with good physical skills, otherwise it is impossible to climb.

As for the auction, there will definitely be a lot of people participating, and most of them will be at the Huang level. How could those people go up from here?

"This is a short road. If you want to enter from the front, you have to take a car for about four hours to get there. Moreover, it should be completely banned now, and there will be many people watching the fun. Our identities are not suitable. Go in from there." Fan Zhuifeng explained that the four of them completely represented four different identities, and others could see the differences between the four of them at a glance.

Once you enter from the main entrance, it will definitely attract the attention of others.

At that time, it may cause unnecessary trouble.

"Who exactly organized this auction?" Xia Xia asked again.

"I don't know, and no one knows, it's just a big

Everyone knows that the people in this auction are very strong. There was once a half-step master who wanted to grab other people's things in the auction venue. In the end, that person was directly beaten to death in the venue. The one who shot was the auctioneer. people. "Fan Chaifeng explained that he didn't know much about this auction, but he knew that this auction was different.

"It's so powerful, it seems that I can't fight with others inside." Xia Xian didn't want to be killed directly, but he also confirmed that no one dared to fight inside.

If he didn't do it, Xia Tian would not be afraid of anyone. He thought he was the second best in the world, and the first one was Zhao Long's sister.

She can't stand it even in summer when she opens her mouth.

God cursed.

"Amitabha, I'll come first." After Zhao Shanhe finished speaking, he took two steps in three steps and ran directly to the 100-meter-high cliff. His footsteps were very steady, and almost every foot stepped on it. .

It can be seen from this that Zhao Shanhe's foundation is very deep.

"Good work." Fan Zhuifeng praised.

bang bang bang

Zhao Shanhe ran directly to the top of the mountain.

"Who are you?" Zhao Shanhe shouted from the top of the mountain.

"I'm Fan Zhuifeng saw Zhao Shanhe's strong footwork, and was also interested. He likes this kind of scene. Everyone competes for a certain ability together. No matter whether you win or lose, you will have great pleasure. .

Fan Zhuifeng stepped directly on the cliff with his right foot, and then turned his left foot, and his figure appeared at a height of more than five meters.

Then he turned his right foot and rose another five meters.

In this way, Fan Zaifeng's feet kept turning, and after twenty times, Fan Zaifeng came to the top of the cliff.

"Pretty, this movement is so beautiful, I feel like you jumped up." Zhao Shanhe kept praising him, he admired Fan Zaifeng from the bottom of his heart.

After Fan Zhuifeng stood firm, he looked at Bai Yu below, "Bai Yu, come first, I want to watch the summer last."

"Okay." After Bai Yu finished speaking, he pointed his toes, and he actually started to jump right where he was, and then his whole body floated up like a feather, and then his toes tapped on the cliff, and his body started to jump again. He floated up, his toes a little again, and his body landed on the top of the cliff safely.


Everyone looked at Bai Yu with admiration on their faces, but Bai Yu actually reached the top with just two taps on the cliff.

China's No. 1 speed is definitely not a cover.

This ability is beyond the reach of several others.

"Damn it, you're so aggressive, what do you want me to do." Xia Xia felt speechless for a while.