Taoist temple

Bai Yu went up too dashingly, that is to say, if Xia Xia couldn't be as handsome as the one on Bai Yu, then even if he was stronger than the first two, he would not be worth anything. Now he finally understands why Fan Chaifeng wanted to let Bai Yu go. Go first, they are just playing with themselves.

He compares with Bai Yu

What an international joke.

"Summer, it's your turn, come on, you can learn to look like Bai Yu." Fan Zhuifeng said with a smile.

"Amitabha, just do your best." Zhao Shanhe said, but his appearance was exactly like what he said, but he looked at Xia Tian with anticipation, as if he wanted to see if Xia Xia could be more handsome than Bai Yu. Same.

"Come on." Bai Yu nodded and looked at Xia Xia at the same time.

The three of them just stared down like this, waiting for the summer to come up.

"You three wait for me." Xia Xia gritted his teeth, thinking about how he could get up, and he had to be handsome or different, otherwise, no matter how hard he worked, he couldn't surpass Bai Yu.

After thinking for a moment, Xia Xia's face suddenly brightened.

Then a golden knife appeared in his right hand, which was the money flying knife.

"What is he doing? That knife is very sharp, so be careful not to get caught." Fan Chaifeng was slightly taken aback when he saw Xia Xia took out the golden knife. He had seen the sharpness of the golden knife with his own eyes.

At that time, the battle was at the back mountain of the Xia family.

The people from the Xia family fight against the people from Xia.

It was the golden knife in the summer that showed its mighty power. Those heads were easily harvested by this golden flying knife.

Bai Yu also watched the flying knife in Xia Xia's hands all the way, and he didn't understand what Xia Xia would do with this flying knife.

Hearing Fan Zhuifeng's words, Zhao Shanhe realized that it turned out that Xia Xia still had his hand. If Xia Xian used this kind of weapon at that time, would his golden bell hood be able to prevent it.

Obviously impossible.

"I'm here." Xia Tian smiled slightly, but the golden knife could be controlled by his heart. As long as he didn't want to kill people and didn't have any grudges in his heart, the flying knife and the golden thread would become blunt weapons, and the golden thread would become a blunt weapon. The length of it is also very terrifying, and it can be easily thrown to the top of the cliff in summer.


The golden thread on the golden knife wrapped around a big tree.

Seeing such a scene, Bai Yu and Fan Chaifeng were stunned at the same time. When they saw Xia Xia throwing the flying knife, they knew what he was going to do, but they didn't expect that the golden thread on Xia Xia flying knife was so long, and that The flying knives and golden threads that can easily harvest people's heads did not cut off the tree.

"How is it possible that when the flying knife and the golden thread touch, the head will fly off. Even the bones can't stop the blow of the flying knife, but the tree has not been broken." Fan Chaifeng's face was full of disbelief. , He really couldn't understand what was going on.

"It's a little weird." Bai Yu also looked at Xia Xia in confusion.

Only then did Zhao Shanhe understand how sharp Xia Xia's flying knives were. He now confirmed that his golden bell hood would definitely be unstoppable, but at the same time he also wondered why the flying knife in Fan Zhuifeng's mouth could cut off a human head. Knife, but even the tree can't be cut.

When Zhao Shanhe went up the mountain, he used his internal strength to step on it with one foot.

Fan Zhuifeng used bouncing and got up twenty times.

On the other hand, Bai Yu flew up after only stepping on two feet. The lightness and movement skills of several people were clear.

But now the three of them are all looking at Xia Xia with weird expressions, Xia Xian didn't even step on the stone wall, he rose slowly.

He uses the principle of leverage.

The golden knife can shrink by itself as soon as it is pulled. In the summer, two trees are used as levers, so as soon as the golden knife is recovered, it directly pulls the summer up, and he climbs the cliff with ease.

"Uh, that's fine." Zhao Shanhe was slightly taken aback.

"Let's compete on body skills, what are you?" Fan Zhuifeng said dissatisfiedly.

"It's a light work. You haven't seen the flying on TV that fly like this." Xia Xia explained, and then walked straight ahead.

I have to say, I won this summer, and even Bai Yu can't compare to him, he didn't step on it, Bai Yu

He also stepped on both feet, so this time he won in the summer, but he did not win by light work, but by his brain.

"Hey, just walk forward if you know the way." Fan Zhuifeng shouted loudly.

"There are traces of others walking in front, and it is obvious that some experts came up from here, and they came up earlier than us." Xia Xia's observation skills are not formidable, he saw the traces here at a glance.

Although the people in front try to minimize traces.

But with Xia Xia's perspective and his experience in the army fighting in the jungle, it was very easy to see this.

"Be careful, this road is not easy to walk, and there is a good chance that the previous gang will leave a trap." Fan Zhuifeng shouted hurriedly.

"Why leave a trap?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"The people who can come up from here are generally experts. If there is one less expert, there will be less competitiveness, so they will naturally leave some traps." Fan Zhuifeng explained.

In summer, I don't worry about encountering any traps.

His power of observation is not limited, and he is very familiar with jungle warfare.

"You actually played this set." Xia Xia actually discovered booby-trapped mines, and these were real mines, not fake mines used in exercises~www.mtlnovel.com~ Xia Xia directly removed the mines, and then they moved on.

Later, in the summer, I found some filaments. These are very thin, but very sharp, just like the gold threads behind the golden knife. If you don't observe carefully, it is really difficult to find.

But since he was discovered by Xia Xia, he could easily break it.

After the golden knife was thrown, it directly cut off all the golden threads in this row.

"That's right, Xia, it seems that your ability to fight in the jungle is really strong. I originally expected that we would arrive in the evening, but now it seems that we should be able to arrive in the afternoon." Fan Chaifeng said with admiration, he knew that Xia was in the army. Yes, and know that he is proficient in jungle warfare.

"There is no pressure at all. Even my comrades in the army can easily discover these people's skills." Xia Xia could see that these organs were left by some ordinary special forces, and they were also special forces who participated in jungle warfare. .

They walked for about an hour.

In the summer, he saw a Taoist temple, a very large Taoist temple. He couldn't understand. This is not a tourist scenic spot, so how could there be a Taoist temple.

Those who travel can't get here at all, because the neighborhood is too steep.

"How was this Taoist temple built?" Xia Xia asked in confusion. If you want to build this Taoist temple, it should be very laborious, because those cranes and the like can't get up at all, and even ordinary people can't go. Here, that's not to mention the car.