ancient santa

"Here, it's 3,110 yuan, so I'll have five copies." Luwan's senior brother directly took out the money and handed it to the waiter.

"Okay, it's up to you to invite me this time, and I'll invite you after I get down the mountain." Xia Xia said solemnly.


Shameless can only be used to describe summer.

He actually wanted to invite Luwan's senior brother to have a lunch box after going down the mountain. A meal on the mountain was 500 yuan, and a bottle of water was 200 yuan. At the bottom of the mountain, a meal was 10 yuan, and a bottle of water was 2 yuan. What a difference.

"Forget it, it's too expensive, you spend more money." Lu Wan's senior brother really didn't know what to say.

"It's okay." Xia Xia seemed to have not heard the meaning of Lu Wan's senior brother's words.

"Hee hee, you are really interesting. My senior brother invited you to eat such an expensive lunch. You can't treat us to a big meal after you go down the mountain, but you still want to treat us to a lunch." Lu Wan smiled slightly, her first time. See someone like Summer.

After the waiter handed over the box lunch, he walked to other places. This is a large auction. Most of the people who come here are very rich. Although these box meals and water are very expensive, they don't care about it at all.

If a Xuan-level expert says that he has no money, he will definitely be laughed at by others. Of course, Shaolin Temple is another matter. For someone like Zhao Shanhe, if you ask him to spend 500 yuan to buy a box of lunch, he will would rather starve.

Many people who came this time knew that they might not be able to photograph anything back, but they still came here from thousands of miles away because they wanted to open their eyes.

The things that appear here are definitely treasures.

In the future, they will be able to recognize this kind of treasure when they see it outside, which is also a very face-to-face thing.

So most people still watch the fun with this mentality.

In summer, after they have eaten, there are dedicated waiters to clean up. The place is very clean, so no one is allowed to spoil the hygiene here. In summer, there is a table in front of each of them, and there are tissues on the table.

"The environment here is good. It is definitely a miracle to build such an auction venue in such a big mountain." Xia Xia said, looking at the surrounding objects and everything in the auction.

Just now, he was so hungry that he only focused on eating. Now he is finally in the mood to appreciate this auction.

"I've always been curious as to how this place was built. The country must not know of its existence, otherwise, it would definitely be explored by those scientists as a kind of inconceivable." Lu Wan nodded and said.

Many of those who entered the auction were first-timers, and they were all attracted by the momentum of the auction.

Some people started to talk formally, especially the people next to each other, who reported their families to each other, and then made friends, so that in the future, if they went to the other party's city by themselves, it would be the same.

These people gradually regarded this place as a place to make friends.

Xia Xia's clairvoyant glanced around the scene twice and found that the three guys were actually sitting together.

"Damn it, I'm so dishonest, I thought I was sitting separately." Xia Xia muttered to the back of the three of them. The three not only sat together, but also sat in the first few rows.

You must know that ordinary people would never dare to sit in the first few rows.

Because the first few rows are all experts, if you don't have the strength to sit down, it will cause dissatisfaction from everyone around you.

Although those masters dare not do it in the auction, after going out, some of those masters may take action, because they feel that this is disrespectful to them.

Master Ma Yuanyi sat in the first row, Qing Yang also sat in the first row, Xia Xia and Lu Wan and others sat in the tenth row, neither forward nor backward.

Some people saw Luwan's senior brother showing off his power just now, so they deliberately gave way to the seat next to him, which led to the fact that there were more than ten seats next to Luwan's senior brother and no one was there.

Those people would rather sit in the back than sit next to Luwan's senior brother.

Everyone can see that this thin and weak person is not easy to provoke, so no one dares to come over and make friends with him.

After everyone was almost seated, the auction rang three times.

dong dong dong

Hearing these three bells, everyone looked at the stage, because they knew that the auction was about to start.

At this time, the stage was shrouded in black cloth. Xia Xia had already tried it. His perspective eyes couldn't see through the black cloth, just like the clothes of Yun Miao and her junior sister at that time, they couldn't see through it at all.

The black cloth slowly rose.

When the black cloth rose, Xia Tian saw a familiar picture.

It's three words.

"Ancient Sacred Tower."

These three words are familiar to Xia Xia and can't be familiar anymore, because his artifact refining is related to this ancient holy tower, and there is also the stone engraved with the artifact refining art, although he does not know what the name of the stone is. , but that stone has become his treasure.

"My darling, it's such a coincidence." Xia Xia didn't expect that he would see the ancient holy tower in such a place again, and this auction was actually held by the ancient holy tower.

He later studied the situation at that time. The woman must have wanted to trick him, using those ordinary stones to inject spiritual energy into it in some way, but she didn't expect that she would be able to steal the chicken and not lose the rice.

Selling treasures like alchemy to me as an ordinary I'm really looking forward to it. The ancient santa should be full of treasures. I hope I can find some treasures this time. "Summer said excitedly.

He was very much looking forward to this auction.

He may not have had any feelings about this auction before, but when he saw the three words ancient santa, his interest immediately sublimated. An artifact refining technique made his mental power skyrocket, and he also learned to control the flame. .

If he can get any more treasures from here, then he will make a lot of money.

The time to open the Tongtian Outer Cave is getting shorter and shorter. He knew that if he didn't have the ability to save his life, he would definitely die there.

Liusha and Huashanzong teamed up to deal with him and Yin Nie.

This is no simple matter.

Those are all elites, and there is also Jiang Tianshu, the hidden prince, Tong Lao, Wenya, etc.

A man who looked to be in his forties was standing on the stage. In front of him was the auction table. He was the host of today's auction.

"Good evening, everyone, I'm the host of this Shennongjia auction. You can call me Mr. Wu. You won't suffer. I'm over 180 years old this year." The host said.

Hearing his words, those who came to the auction above all gasped.

One hundred and eighty years old, this is simply an old monster.