0 year old Dan

In Huaxia, although there are many people with longevity, one hundred and eighty years old is the longest life among absolute longevity.

Even Master Ma Yuanyi who was sitting in the first row couldn't compare to him. Although he was only a few dozen years younger, once he was over a hundred years old, every extra year he lived was a brand new breakthrough.

One hundred and eighty years old, that is definitely the very old age.

The most important thing is that on the surface, he only looks like he is in his fifties. If it weren't for the precedent set by the master Ma Yuanyi, everyone would think that this host Wu always was bragging.

But the master Ma Yuanyi was over a hundred years old, but he looked like he was only in his forties.

Being older and looking young, this proves that the opponent's strength is not simple, and the forces behind it are definitely not simple. Only those who take those tonics all year round can do this.

"Old monster, he actually lived to be one hundred and eighty years old." Xia Xia said in surprise.

"Don't talk nonsense, my master said that the longer you live, the stronger the person's strength, especially the person who has lived over 150 years old, so that person is definitely not simple, in case you offend him , we are all finished." Lu Wan's senior brother hurriedly reminded.

"En." Xia Xia nodded, it is true, within one hundred years old, you can completely prolong life with medicine, but once you are over one hundred years old, you must need various medicinal herbs or elixir to prolong life, just like Master Ma Yuanyi is the same.

But the age of 150 is a hurdle, and only those who truly cross this hurdle can overcome the hurdle of life and death.

"Okay, the auction is about to start, let's watch the auction carefully." Lu Wan said excitedly.

Everyone looked at the old Wu, waiting for him to continue talking.

"The rules of the ancient sage tower are very simple. No one can do anything here. Otherwise, don't blame the guards of our ancient sage tower for being too heavy." Wu Lao came up and said the taboo here.

Everyone knows the rules of the ancient holy tower. Although many people have never been here, the person who told him that there is an auction here will definitely tell him the rules of the auction as soon as possible.

"Okay, except for this taboo, everyone can be free." Mr. Wu smiled slightly and adjusted the tense atmosphere a little.

"Now I announce the first auction item." Veteran Wu opened the curtain on the auction stage.

A jade bottle.

A jade bottle without any decorations, but in summer, I clearly felt that the atmosphere of the first few rows was a little nervous.

Wu Lao looked at everyone with great satisfaction, and then said, "This is a hundred-year-old pill, as long as people who do not suffer from some serious disease, as long as they take it, they can live to be a hundred years old. The one-hundred-year-old threshold."

"I'll let it go. The first item is so explosive." Xia Xia looked at the Baisuidan on the stage in surprise. Gu Shengta did not disappoint him. The first item was this elixir to prolong life.

For the real rich, money and life expectancy are nothing.

What's more, Baisui Dan is the best medicine.

There are several major limitations on human lifespan. The first threshold is 100 years old. As long as you cross this threshold, you will enter a new world. As long as there are no accidents and good maintenance, you will live to be 149 years old. The big problem is that after the age of 150, there is another hurdle. It is not so simple to pass this hurdle. It requires not only medicinal materials, but also enough internal strength in the body.

And once the age of 150 has passed, there will be a hurdle every five to ten years, so everyone is very surprised when they hear that Mr. Wu has lived to be 180 years old.

Most of the people sitting in the first row are experts, and this medicinal pill has a great effect on them.

Although Grandmaster Ma Yuanyi can't use this medicine pill, he has long wanted to study this medicine pill. For him, this medicine pill has a fatal temptation. He is an alchemist, and he can make medicine pills. There are so many medicines.

His biggest dream is to learn several new alchemy methods and refine more advanced elixirs.

"This elixir is a treasure. No wonder my master wants me to see the big scene. This time it's really eye-opening." Lu Wanxing

Fen said, she did not expect the first item to be so precious.

"Well, Master has long said that this place is not easy, let's be careful, so let's try to keep a low profile and don't buy anything." Luwan's senior brother said.

"How did you sell it?" Someone suddenly shouted loudly, and Lu Wan and her senior brother looked at Xia Xia in surprise.

"Idiot, are you an idiot? Keep a low profile. Be careful." Lu Wan's senior brother said helplessly.

"Oh, I forgot." Xia Xian stopped talking after finishing speaking.

"Haha, it seems that some of the little brothers are already in a hurry, so let me tell you." Boss Wu continued with a smile, "The starting price of this medicinal pill is 10 million, and the price must not be less than 500,000 each time. "

"Fuck, 10 million." Xia Xia scolded directly.

"Low-key, low-key." Lu Wan's senior brother was about to collapse. He really couldn't afford to hurt him. He always wanted to be low-key, but what Xia Xia said was too high-key.

"Hehe, excited, a little excited, but it's too expensive, I can't afford it at all." Xia Xia smiled awkwardly~www.mtlnovel.com~ He couldn't afford the first item.

"Ten million is not expensive. If this medicinal pill is auctioned in the secular world, the bosses of those listed companies will come and **** it. Don't say it is 10 million, even if it is 100 million, it will be madly robbed. Yes." Lu Wan explained.

"Looks like I'm still a poor man." Xia Xia said dejectedly. For the first time, he felt that he was so poor.

"Now I announce that the auction will begin." Mr. Wu shouted loudly.

"11 million." In just a split second, someone auctioned off the price of 11 million. Normally, the price increase is only 500,000, but this person actually increased the price by 1 million.

"11.5 million." Someone has increased the price again, and he is a master in the second row.

"12 million." Someone raised the price again, also in the second row.

"It seems that these people are starting to scramble, and they don't give other people face at all. The people who greeted each other just now are starting to tear their faces." Xia Tian secretly said in his heart when he saw their situation.

"Fifteen million." A master in the first row suddenly shouted.

"17 million." This time, an acquaintance called the price, Qing Yang old man. He added 2 million with one mouth, which directly made the price 17 million.

"Fifty million." At this moment, someone suddenly shouted. When they heard this voice, everyone looked at the person sitting in the second row, who was still an acquaintance of Xia Xia.