Qingyang old man who is about to be mad

"Well, that's what I really think. Otherwise, you can try to see if the guards here are decorations. I always thought they were decorations. Really, I didn't lie to you." Xia Xia said seriously.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, the entire auction venue became quiet, and even the host, Mr. Wu, didn't know what to say.

He had never seen someone with such a high degree of ridicule in his life.

"You are forcing me." The old man Qing Yang looked at Xia Xia angrily and said.

"Stop talking. When the next item comes out, it will attract everyone's attention, and then you will run away." Lu Wan's senior brother gave Xia Xia his last idea.

But at this moment he found that Xia Xian stood up, and Xia Xian actually stood up. Could it be that he is going to go out directly? But Qing Yang has been watching him all the time. If he goes out now, Qing Yang will definitely Those who follow him will surely die in the summer.

Xia Xia didn't speak. When everyone was focusing on the auction items, he had already cut the meteorite open with a golden knife, and then he took out the tombstone inside.

It's just that his internal strength surged in an instant, but he wasn't in a hurry to put this Heavenly Remnant with the other three, because that would attract the attention of others too much.

When Tongtian Remnant Scrolls fuse, it will cause a lot of movement.

In the summer when his inner strength has greatly increased, his self-confidence has already burst. He walked directly to the stairs, and everyone's eyes were focused on him. When he reached the entrance of the stairs, he did not go outside, but Go to the first row.

The seats in the first two rows are very regular. If you are not very familiar with people, they are all sitting in a separate seat. That is to say, when you sit like this, there are two vacancies next to everyone.

Xia Xia slowly walked towards the first row. When he reached the first row, he walked directly in front of the old man Qing Yang, and then sat directly next to the old man Qing Yang.

Except for acquaintances, there was no one sitting together in the first and second rows, but Xia Tian actually sat next to the old man Qing Yang.

Seeing Summer's actions, the scene was boiling.

"This idiot, he's courting death himself." Lu Wan's senior brother felt that he couldn't say anything at all.

"A weirdo, what a weirdo." Lu Wan kept shaking his head.

"This person is crazy. He doesn't want to run, but he actually dares to sit next to the old man Qing Yang. This time, even if he wants to run, he has no chance."

"Well, he's really crazy, and he's a complete idiot. This idiot surpasses everything."

"It's possible that he thought he was going to die, and wanted to pretend to be b before he died."

The people at the scene kept saying that it was the first time in their life that they saw a person who was not afraid of death, and his degree of not afraid of death was close to an idiot.

"This is more like the style of summer." Fan Zhuifeng said.

"He's trying to find fault on purpose," Zhao Shanhe said.

"This person is already a prey targeted by Xia Xia, and he is teasing this prey now." Bai Yu said lightly.

"This old man Qing Yang is a half-step master." Fan Zhuifeng said inexplicably.

"Xia Xia has never known fear, and you shouldn't underestimate him. As far as I know, he rarely uses all his power, but once he uses it, it will be very terrifying." Bai Yu said.

At this time, the Qing Yang old man in the first row stood there, silently looking at Xia Xia.

"Sit down, you're welcome." Xia Xia said to the Qing Yang old man very casually.

He was too casual, and it made Old Man Qing Yang a little unaccustomed to it. Old Man Qing Yang even began to think that he was a guest, but he immediately realized that everyone here should be just a guest.

"Hmph." Old man Qing Yang snorted coldly and sat down directly.

At this time, everyone realized that the fourth item on the stage had been carried up, but everyone was so absorbed in watching the fun just now that they didn't notice it, and Mr. Wu didn't interrupt them.

"Hey, why don't you watch the fun? Let's start the auction." Xia Tian replied.

He shouted to Mr. Wu on the stage.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, everyone kept scolding him in their hearts. He even dared to offend the auctioneers.

However, Mr. Wu was obviously very arrogant. He didn't pay any attention to the summer. Instead, he directly lifted the black cloth. When he lifted the black cloth, everyone saw a sheepskin roll. This sheepskin roll was very special.

Martial arts secrets.

When they saw this parchment scroll, everyone confirmed that it must be a martial arts secret.

"What is recorded on this sheepskin scroll is the Flying Fox Swordsmanship, which is also the Flying Fox Swordsmanship of the Snow Mountain Flying Fox Seniors back then, and there is also a complete internal skill, but I would like to remind everyone that this swordsmanship must rely on internal skill to exert its full potential. Power, but internal skills are not easy to practice, only geniuses can practice them." Wu Lao's words did not dispel the interest of everyone present, but ignited the flame in everyone's mind.

Genius can be trained

These people present were more willing to believe that they were the genius, the one-in-a-million martial arts genius.

"Hey, old guy, take pictures, you are so good, if you don't take pictures, you will be embarrassed." Xia Xia looked at the old man Qing Yang and said.

"Humph." Elder Qing Yang snorted coldly.

"The base price is one million yuan~www.mtlnovel.com~ Each time the price increase shall not be less than 100,000 yuan." Mr. Wu said loudly.

"One hundred and one million." Xia Xia shouted directly, and then he looked at the old man Qing Yang provocatively, "You can't be out of money, right, it was one hundred million just now, really rich, local tyrant old gentleman , let's be friends."

Now everyone finally understands why Xia Xia sits in the first row, and he has to sit next to Qing Yang, because it is more convenient for him to mock Qing Yang.

"Ten million." Old Man Qing Yang said directly.

"I'm rich, I'm really rich, I spent 10 million to buy a martial art that I can't cultivate." Xia Xia looked at the old man Qing Yang with admiration.

It was only then that everyone realized that Wu was playing word games just now. He just said that this exercise is not easy to practice, and then he immediately blocked this sentence with words that everyone liked to hear.

So everyone thought they could practice, but now they heard what Xia Xia said, and they realized that this exercise was just tasteless.

"What a shrewd guy." Elder Wu said lightly.

"Hey, you're really stupid. Think about it, if you can practice the Flying Fox Saber Technique and Secret Manual, would they be willing to sell it? But don't worry, the ancient santa still has a guarantee of credibility, which is absolutely true. Yes, maybe one day you are lucky enough to practice blindly." Xia Tian said, the old man calmly and peacefully pondered.

The old man Qing Yang's face was ashen with a palm.