The real intention of summer


The old man Qing Yang slapped the table with his palm, and the table in front of him was shattered. His eyes were glaring at Xia Xia, as if he were about to shoot out flames.


Xia Xia directly applauded, "It's amazing, it's amazing, I patted the table with my hand, I don't know who hurts, maybe the table hurts."

Seeing Xia Xia gloating on misfortune, the old man Qing Yang became even more angry.

"Hey, the old man above, he must pay for what he broke. You all need 200 yuan for a bottle of water. Why should this table cost 18 million yuan? You can make a bold bid. That's fine, he has money anyway." Xia Xia said it very casually, as if he wanted to pay.

But what he said was very clear, it was Old Man Qingyang who paid for it.

"Uh, old man." Wu Lao was stunned for a moment, but Xia Xia actually called him old "little guy who doesn't know good manners, that table is really going to lose money, one hundred thousand yuan, and you can pay it together when you swipe your card for a while. ."

"You don't need to give me face for what it is so cheap. Just ask for the 18 million." Xia Xia continued.

"Shut up, sooner or later I will tear up your broken mouth." The old man Qing Yang was about to die of anger at Xia Xia. Although he didn't talk about the 100,000 yuan, he was still angry.

He originally wanted to use this table to vent his anger, and then express his current level of anger, but Xia Xia was still adding fuel to it.

"Old man, he threatened me. He wouldn't let me talk, how would I shoot if he didn't let me talk? He's trying to reduce the business for your auction. You must send someone to kill him." Xia Xian looked at Mr. Wu and shouted loudly.

"You can call me Mr. Wu, not the old man." Mr. Wu was also speechless. "It's impossible to intimidate us. As long as he doesn't hit people, we won't care."

"Okay, I'll understand if you say that." Xia Tian looked at Old Man Qing Yang with a smile on his face and said, "Have you given birth to a son?"

"You" the old man Qing Yang looked at Xia Xia angrily.

"Your son belongs to your brother, and your father's name is Uncle Wang." Xia Xia looked at the old man Qing Yang and said.

Bian collapsed. This time even Bai Yu, Fan Zhuifeng and the others collapsed. Xia Xia's shameless spirit had already defeated them all.

"Cough," Mr. Wu on the stage coughed twice, "Please pay attention to civilization."

"It's okay, I'm just uncivilized, you don't care anyway." Xia Xia simply admitted that he was uncivilized and wanted to scold people.

The old man Qing Yang can't wait to eat Xia Xia alive. For so many years, no one has ever dared to treat him like this, and he actually scolded him directly.

"Your grandson is the son of your younger brother." Xia Xia is not afraid of swearing, and he will never use swear words when swearing.

"I'm going to kill you." Old man Qing Yang shouted loudly.

"Your daughter-in-law is a daughter-in-law." Xia Xia said calmly.

The experts from all over China who were present were blinded, even the people in the first row and the second row were blinded. They were all very scared, fortunately, they did not offend the best like Xia Xia.

They absolutely dare not do anything here, which means that no matter how ugly Xia Xia's scolding is, they can only endure it.

Of course, they can also scold them back, but they believe that they will never be able to scold Xia Xia, and if they scold someone, they will lose their share.

As for the current Qingyang old man, it is not a matter of losing his share, his integrity has been lost, and now he feels that he has lost all face in his life.

"Let's start the auction of the fifth item." Veteran Wu attracted everyone's attention.

In the more than a dozen things that followed, Xia Tian was all provocative, but this time, the old man Qing Yang was no longer fooled, and he figured it out.

I have to say that the auctions of the ancient santa are indeed good things.

The following things are also good.

"The nineteenth item will be auctioned next. This is also the penultimate item. Those who haven't made a move can let it go." Mr. Wu directly lifted the black square cloth covering the item.


all eyes

They all stared wide. This is a dagger. This dagger looks like a blue assembly line. The assembly line is very beautiful, and the assembly line is constantly flowing.

"Semi-pseudo-spiritual weapon."

When they saw this thing, the people in the first two rows shouted in surprise.

Semi-pseudo-spirit means that it is one level away from being a pseudo-spirit. The reason why it is called a semi-pseudo-spirit is because there was a deviation in the forging process and it was not made into a pseudo-spirit.

So it became such a semi-pseudo-spirit.

Although it is a semi-pseudo-spirit, it has the effect of a pseudo-spirit, but it is not as hard as a real pseudo-spirit, and its power is slightly lower.

But even so, this is definitely a treasure for Xuan-level people and half-step earth-level experts.

Because pseudo-spirits are only available to Earth-level masters.

Mr. Wu was very satisfied with everyone's expressions.

"This dagger is a blue water dagger, it is a semi-pseudo-spirit weapon, the wounds of those hit by it will be eroded by the power of blue water and gradually rot. "Old Wu said directly and loudly.

"One hundred and ten million." In an instant, someone called for the price.

"Hey, old guy, you should buy it. I'm so anxious." Xia Xia looked at the old man Qing Yang and said, in his opinion, as long as the old man Qing Yang bought something, it almost belonged to him~www. Because he and Qing Yang will have a battle, and if he loses, all the treasures on his body are destined to belong to the other side.

"Hmph." Old man Qing Yang snorted coldly.

"He said he paid 200 million yuan." Xia Xia pointed to the old man Qing Yang and said.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, Mr. Wu finally said, "Please don't break the rules of the auction."

"Okay." Xia Tian nodded, "Hurry up and buy it, you idiot, this is really a good thing. If you don't want to use it, you can give it to me, I'm willing to use it."

Xia Xia's shameless spirit has reached the level of perfection. He actually asked Old Man Qing Yang to buy it and give it to him. He and Old Man Qing Yang are not acquaintances, and they are enemies.

The old man Qing Yang could not wait to swallow him alive.

Others also think that Xia Xia is too shameless. His shameless skills are simply unprecedented.

"Two hundred million." At this moment, the old man Qing Yang actually spoke up, and he really took out two hundred million.

This made everyone very puzzled, why did the old man Qing Yang listen to the words of a kid, and he was still someone who dared to rebel against him.

Afterwards, everyone understood that the old man Qing Yang must have liked this dagger, so he directly shot 200 million.

"Well, it really is very obedient." Xia Xia nodded with satisfaction.