The Fight of the Flightless

"Remember your pinky promise", Damien's voice created a turbulence in Liam's already panicked mind. He didn't understand anything anymore. He desperately wanted to believe somehow he misunderstood Damien's intentions, but when the two men with stoic faces grabbed either of his arms and attempted to drag him he felt terror gripping him so tight making him almost unable to breathe.

"No no no no...God please no.... Let go....ll..let me gooooo",shouted Liam violently thrashing against the two men. "Mooom, help me pp..please somebody help me" shrieked Liam half sobbing,half shouting in desperation. But no matter how much strength he applied he was no match for the two men who held him tight. Eventually he was hauled inside the mansion and unceremoniously dumped into a small, dimly lit room with just a small bed. Liam lost his balance and fell on the floor harshly.

"Wait here and don't make a sound, someone will come for you" said one of the duo banging the door close with a loud sound flinching Liam. Immediately Liam started thrashing the door with his fists. He kept on shouting till his voice turned hoarse, he kept on banging the door till his fists started bleeding but he was only greeted with absolute silence. His eyes were bloodshot and eyelids puffy from continuously shedding tears. He didn't know how long he cried and wailed for someone to come. He was sure it was past 10 pm now.

As if on clue he remembered his cellphone and quickly patted his pockets in search of it. He would call his parents right away, he still felt a sliver of hope that somehow he misunderstood the situation. May be his parents would explain everything to him and tell him this was all a joke and later on they would all laugh together about how Liam conjured weird theory about his father's boss. Yes..yes this is one of Liam's vivid imagination. Surely his parents wouldn't leave him in a real danger like this, his desperate mind tried to console him.

As he unlocked his phone Liam immediately dialled Miranda's number and waited impatiently for her to pick up. He tried two more times but there was no response from Miranda.

His heart beating fast he dialled Philip this time and waited with bated breath as the phone kept on ringing increasing the hollow dread in his heart. He tried calling his parents again and again but none of them picked up his call. "Please please please please" Liam kept on whispering as he tried calling again.He was so deeply engrossed in his attempt to reach his parents he didn't hear the door unlocking.

Liam was startled when he felt a presence behind him. Alarmed he quickly turned to find a stern looking woman in her forties looking down at him.

"Get up" the woman commanded. "Up..up quickly, I don't have patience to handle your kiddish tantrums now". Her harsh voice aggravated the fear and trepidation already in Liam's heart. He sat rooted on the spot unable to move as if bound by an invisible string. The woman sighed and cursed out exasperated. She then clicked her fingers and the same two men barged in. "Grab him and bring him to the bathroom, he needs to be cleaned before the boss can have his fun". Saying that she sauntered away clicking her shiny black heels on the marble floor.

Liam was harshly grabbed by his collar and pulled up. One of the two men roughly pulled his hair to make him look up at him, "make a single sound and this will be painful, cooperate and we just might be gentle".

Liam knew he didn't stand a chance against two powerful men who were stronger and bigger than him. Not only was he outnumbered but continuous crying and struggling already weakened his frail body.

Liam had never been in any physical fights before. Being a gentle and timid soul no one ever thought of hurting him. Suddenly he felt as if he was transported into a different world, a world which didn't make sense to him at all. Whimpering from the harsh pain as he felt his hair was almost plucked from its roots Liam slowly nodded his head.

He was brought into a bigger room, a room which was elegant and beautiful. Had he been in the right state of mind Liam would have admired the light beige coloured walls, the intricately patterned matching curtains on big bay windows, the 75 inches flat screen television and the huge round mahogany wood bed with lighter shade of beige silk sheet covering it. But no sooner than he entered the room he was dragged into the adjoining washroom.

Two other women along with the one Liam previously met before was already waiting in the huge bathroom. One of them bent over a bathtub which seemed to fit at least 4 people to comfortably enjoy bath in it. As Liam entered, one of the men spoke "Madam Hazel, do you need anything else?" "Not yet" the woman called Hazel said squinting her eyes at Liam. "Not unless he misbehaves, what say boy? Will you be a trouble hmm?" Liam, looked at hazel and mutely nodded no. He was so confused and scared that he felt obeying to whatever these people said was the best solution for him.

"Good! Now be a good boy and strip... nope nope no need to be shy, you don't have anything we haven't seen before" said hazel snickering at her own sick joke and the others joined in.

Liam was beyond horrified. All his resolution to meekly obey faltered as he backed away in quick steps from Hazel's outstretched hands. "So you want the difficult way huh! Fine with me, gentlemen I think I might have spoken too soon after all. It seems I do require your help. Grab this bitch for me and strip him."

The two men immediately grabbed Liam and violently tore his clothes off his body. Liam hysterically struggled. He twisted and turned his body in an attempt to keep those men from tearing his clothes. He bit and clawed their arms and tried to escape from their clutches while crying and begging them to spare him. "Fuck"! One of them screamed, "this motherfucker bit me".

SLAAAP! SLAAAP!SLAAAP! The bathroom echoed as one of them brutally slapped him with such a force that Liam's head jerked backwards. He felt dazed as blood slowly trickled down his nose from the force of the slap. He felt dazed and disoriented. Taking this opportunity hazel pushed a syringe full of unknown drugs into Liam. "Something to calm you down" she said satisfied as the drug's effect was instantaneous.

Liam felt his body go sloth and unresponsive. The more he tried to move his body the more sluggish he felt. Oh Lord! What's happening to me? Please save me dad, mom,.....anyone.

He felt disgusting as he was bluntly dunked in the bathtub and scrubbed clean by the two women in maid's uniforms who were till now mute spectators of the scene as if bored by its regularity. He was shampooed, soaped and scrubbed for what felt like hours. He almost closed his eyes in exhaustion when he jerked his eyes open as he felt something intruding his anal hole. He turned his head and saw one of the maid wearing gloves pushing her soaped finger inside him while Hazel watched with sick pleasure.

"Feel good whore?" Said Hazel when she saw Liam's wide open eyes. "Gotta get you squeaky clean for the boss, though I would have preferred an enema but this would have to do for now."

Liam listened to her lewd rants in horror. The drugs made his brain hazy, his vision blurry. Though he started getting some sensations in his body back but his mind remained dizzy. He could only helplessly watch himself being towel dried and moisturised. His hair was blow dried and combed back. His body smelled of expensive moisturiser and shampoo. In any other scenario Liam would have felt pampered immensely but all he felt was repulsion as his helpless body was manhandled.

Liam's sloth body was wrapped in soft, fluffy white bathrobe as he sluggishly walked back into the bedroom leaning heavily on the two men where he was thrown into the bed. "Now be a good dog and wait for your master" said Hazel as she walked away from the room gesturing everyone to  follow her leaving Liam to simmer in his own mental agony.