Never Ending Night

TW: Rape, Non-con, you have been warned

Damien watched without pity as Philip and Miranda sobbed helplessly staring at the constant ringing of the cellphone flashing their son's name. He reveled in their agony. "Tch Tch! now stop making it a big deal both of you." Snickered Damien. "Your son will be handed to you unharmed and in one piece, well almost." Said Damien casually twirling the Glock he held in his hand. "Go home, keep your mouth shut and you will see baby Liam again in say bout a week?" He tilted his head and immediately two of his men stood behind Philip and Miranda with guns pointed at their head nudging the Rogers to move forward signalling the end of the conversation.

"You are a monster! If there is a God he will deliver your punishment, you will burn Damien and I will spit on your ash" shrieked Miranda, tears free flowing from her eyes.

"Yes I am a monster mommy dearest, I don't deny that... but even you are not sure of God's existence... if He is there somewhere, am sure he is having his own orgy, so why bother him?" leered Damien.

Philip held Miranda's sobbing body tightly in his arms. He looked better in control of himself. "I only ask you of one thing Damien, don't break him in such a way that we would not be able to put him back together, please I beg of you".

"Do you want a pinky promise as well?" Damien mocked the devastated parent. "Go home forget about him till I am done with him. For your years of service I will only promise you this that he will live". Miranda started sobbing loudly again and this time Philip himself couldn't control the tears flowing from his eyes. Knowing nothing can be done the Rogers were escorted outside to their car by the guards guns still pointed at them.

When Damien entered his room he found the small petite boy curled up in his bed. His even breathing indicated he was fast asleep unaware of the approaching predator.

Damien's pitch black eyes hungrily gazed at the younger boy as he slowly undid the knot of the bathrobe turning the tired body on his back cautious to not wake him up, not yet anyway. Damien licked his lips in anticipation. Liam was beautiful indeed. Damien trailed his eyes on his milky white chest shimmering with thin layer of sweat, his light brown small nipples, his narrow thin waist and fleshy thighs. He slowly trailed his index finger on Liam's body mapping every part of it, from the throbbing of the pulse on his neck, to the depth of his naval cave, he traced it all leaving the treasure below for unwrapping later.

As if on cue Liam gasped and opened his eyes, brown met black, innocence met lust. Startled Liam quickly tried to cover his nakedness. His whole demeanour screamed fear and fear of torment. Damien smirked, "look who's awake! Had a good rest Liam?" Said Damien as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt. "Hope you are good on your promise Liam, cause you don't wanna make me upset do you?" With his shirt gone Damien worked on removing his trousers all the while maintaining piercing eye contact with the trembling boy.

"Pp..please pl.. please I don't know what you want! I am sorry if I have done anything to offend you. I..I am begging you, Lll..let me go...."

"Ah Liam already begging? I would keep it for later though, we have just began with the fun sweetheart, now be a good slut and rid yourself of the robe. I want to see what you hold underneath that." Said Damien as he stood in his naked glory in front of Liam.

Dread filled Liam as he watched Damien's over 6 feet muscled body hungrily advancing on him. He scooted as far as possible on the bed, his body still didn't regain enough motor function and he felt uncoordinated as he tried to draw up his best escape route. Unbothered by his reaction Damien held Liam's both feet in an iron grip and dragged him closer. "Now now Liam... while I love a good chase but right now my priority is elsewhere." Damien maliciously whispered in Liam's ears as he loomed over his body.

" no..." Shouted Liam, thrashing against Damien's hold as vigorously as his small tired body would permit. Damien let Liam fight by just holding him in place in his tight embrace. Slowly Liam tired out as his body shuddered from wrecking sobs into the older man's hold.

"Ummm you're delicious" commented Damien licking Liam's tears as he dragged his fleshy organ laving Liam's cheeks and trailing it towards his lips. Liam started struggling again as he attempted to disentangle himself from the devil's grip all way mumbling incoherent pleading words. Damien drank in Liam's distress, mesmerised by the teary brown orbs, blotched red cheeks and juicy pink lips. He was used to fucking beautiful men and women, some willing and some unwilling. But none had taken Damien's conscious in storm in such a way. He didn't understand what was so special about Liam. He was beautiful no doubt but he had fucked an array of gorgeous bodies. Was it Liam's sinless pure aura? Was it his bright smile that enlightens even the darkest of souls? Or was it Damien's own carnal desire to demolish all that is pure?

Damien was consumed by pleasure as he roamed his hands on every part of Liam's body relishing in the fact that no other had the fortuity to do this before him. He brought his own lips to the quivering pink ones and started devouring them in vigorous pleasure.

"Ah"! Liam cried out as Damien cruelly bit his lips drawing blood. He sucked on those plump lips as saliva mixed with blood, tongues twirling, exploring Liam's hot cavern, tasting, biting, sucking.

Liam tried struggling again and this time kicking Damien with force. "Oomph"! grunted Damien as Liam's thrashing knees contacted his abdomen.  He held himself up on his elbow as his furious gaze locked with his terrified victim.

Liam froze out of fear. Damien looked like a true monster. His eyes pitch black rimmed with red around the iris, blue veins popped around his forehead and neck. He looked terrifyingly haunting. "You will pay for it"said Damien huskily as he started choking Liam. "Nghh... nooohhh!" Liam gurgled pitifully trying to escape Damien's chokehold. He felt his consciousness slowly ebbing away as his struggle became less and less futile. But before he could drift away Damien released his hold.

Liam gasped for breath, as he tried to draw oxygen back to his starving lungs. Saliva dripped from his slack mouth as he was caught in bouts of cough. "There.. there" Damien patted his back as his fingers drew soothing circle on Liam's naked back. "It's useless to fight Liam, so give up. I have the whole night to make you submit but its too soon to break you, I wanna have a lil' more fun with my toy. Are you going to obey?"

Liam was beyond exhausted and scared. He looked at Damien tiredly and nodded. "Good!" Damien smirked, "that wasn't difficult, right babe?" With that brazen statement Damien started his ministrations on Liam's body again.

He gripped Liam's now pliant body and captured his lips again in a bruising kiss. He bit, sucked and laved every part part of his neck, chest and throat twirling his tongue as he sucked on Liam's nipples watching as Liam's breath fastened.

He took the erected small bud of his right nipple between his teeth and bit them while tweaking the other one between his thumb and forefinger. Liam heaved in pain and rush of adrenaline as he helplessly endured the abuse on his nipples. Liam knew nothing about sex. His knowledge was restricted to beautiful romance novels where everything was filled with love and lovers' assurance and consideration for their partners' desire. But still he knew Damien's actions were not meant to draw pleasure but maximum pain.

Damien was in his own bliss as he suckled on Liam's teats, marking him, biting him, mauling him. He slowly mapped the younger's body with his tongue as he dipped it in his navel basking in the pleasure of the tortured sound he drew from Liam.

"You are exquisite Liam" said Damien looking down at the silently crying compliant boy under him. His nails dragged through Liam's pale flushed body drawing deep red marks as if truly tagged by the devil himself. Liam whimpered as he felt burning pain from Damien's touch. His small body shuddered as he felt Damien's hand diving further south.

"You are not hard, why aren't you hard? Now that wont do Liam" stated Damien as he gripped Liam's flaccid manhood. Damien began stroking Liam's pennis  in a steady rhythm as his other hand fondled his balls. "Pll..please st..oop, st..oop, umphh nnoo nnooo" trembled Liam as he attempted to close his knees. His small hand tried to pull the bigger hands away from his cock which was slowly responding to Damien's touch. The more he struggled the more brutal Damien became. "It seems you don't learn easily, now that wont do,"reprimanded Damien as if scolding a small child.

He opened a drawer at the bedside table and took out a leather handcuffs. Liam's eyes widened as he gauged the situation.

"Oooh no no no no.... I am sssooory, so Sorry!" Begged Liam as his thin wrist were gripped by much larger hands. "Naughty boy!" Leered Damien "no use in fighting now, be a good boy and shut up"! Saying this Damien clicked the cuffs into Liam's wrist securing the other end against the headboard. "Perrrrfect," said Damien admiring the naked beauty lying helplessly. "Now where were we? Yes... now let's continue, shall we?" Said Damien continuing his earlier fondling of Liam's organ.

Liam closed his eyes shut. He couldn't believe what was happening to him. Please God let it be a nightmare, please let me wake up. He kept on mumbling no, no, no, no ,no repeatedly. Mom dad where are you? Please take me away from here.

He remembered when he was young he was scared of monsters under his bed. He used to run to Philip crying. Philip lovingly used to pick up the crying boy in his safe embrace and assured him that no monster would touch him when Philip was there. Liam believed for a long time of his father's bravery. He grew out of being scared by monsters but his belief in his father never faltered. Please dad I am scared, I need you dad, help me Liam desperately prayed.

At this point Liam knew what was being done to him, he almost resigned to his impending doom but when he felt a foreign intrusion in his rectum he couldn't stop his violent shudders. "My god you are tight baby, look how your hole is gripping my fingers" Damien said with a devilish smile flashing his white teeth. He spat in his fingers again as this time he attempted to push two fingers inside Liam. "Aaaah! Ahhhh!" Shrieked Liam as he felt immense pain wrecking his anus.

Damien gripped his twisting body in an iron hold and spread his knees again forcefully. His eyes full of lust as he gazed at his fingers disappearing rhythmically inside Liam's pink puckered hole. He withdrew his fingers ignoring Liam's cry of pain and started tracing the outer ring with his tongue lapping on Liam's musky flavour. "Ummmm! You taste great baby!" Liam closed his eyes shut and tried to tune himself out of this humiliation.

Damien continued to eat Liam for what felt like eternity lapping on his hole inserting his tongue and fingers inside the boy's hot cavern. He manipulated Liam's body drawing out sounds and gasps from Liam as he was forcefully pleasured. "You seem to be enjoying it too much no no don't you deny, your cock seems to be onboard with the idea pretty much. Do you like being eaten out Liam? Hmmm?"

Liam felt shattered inside. He couldn't help his body's natural reaction to what was being done to him. He bit his lips from moaning as he felt Damien's thick finger entering him again loosening him for his upcoming torment. His felt defeated as his body refused to obey his mind. Rape is always devastating on the victim's psyche, and Liam felt his sanity slipping away from him as he endured Damien's pleasurable torture and his filthy words while his wet oral muscle kept on stimulating him.

Damien tasted, smelled and touched Liam to his heart's content. He looked down upon the boy again. Nothing was more beautiful than the figure lying under him, broken already into submission. He tore the condom wrapper with his teeth and hurriedly readied himself for penetration. Seeing Liam's flushed body adorned with his bite marks and saliva he felt his cock swelling more. Lifting Liam's hips he pushed a pillow underneath for better angle. Anticipating what would be done to him Liam broke into sobs again. His small body quivered in fear. Damien sighed in satisfaction as he drank in Liam's fear and without wasting time he pummelled into Liam's tender hole without mercy.