Dear Death

This story is basically not an easy read. Liam's path ahead will be heartbreaking. But I promise it will be a worthy read as Liam will recover, gain ally and fight back. Till then bear with me. Also the characters' thoughts are their own and I as an author do not support their opinions. So if you want to lash out feel free to abuse Damien.

TW: Non con, Rape

Pain, white hot blinding pain stunned Liam into momentary immobility. Then came the loudest shriek. He felt his whole body on fire the more intense burn concentrating on his anus. He kept on screaming and thrashing against Damien. Eyes widened, mouth slacked, face flushed he tried everything to get himself out of Damien's grasp. Damien didn't give Liam the time to adjust as kept on pounding his fat cock into Liam, Liam's loud cry of pain acted as an aphrodisiac to Damien as he held the writhing body in his strong grip.

In out, in out, in out Damien kept on thrusting in a steady brutal rhythm. His right hand grabbed Liam's languid penis and starting stroking it coaxing it awake.

"Oh God Liam you are tight baby! Your hole is almost breaking my cock"! Panted Damien.

"Yeah babe, take it like a good whore"! Said Damien almost slurring in pleasure.

"Ah! Fuck, look how your ass is sucking my cock, your hole loves my cock Liam"! He grunted forcing his organ deeper into Liam.

Damien continued to spill garbage as he pounded into now silently sobbing Liam. Blood trickled down from the cruel tear that burned Liam's virgin orifice. "Huh babe look we don't need lube at all, your blood is making your ass slippery", murmured Damien biting Liam's earlobe.

Liam heard everything and nothing Damien spilled from this mouth. He tried to tune himself out of what was being done to him. He stopped fighting as his slack body was wrecked by his captor. At that very moment he realised that no one was coming for his rescue. At that very moment he started doubting the existence of God. At that very moment he invited dear death.

Damien was absolutely captivated by Liam's expressions and the guttural sound of pain he produced. If he changed his angel Liam winced, if he thrust in a particular pace Liam contorted his face in pain, if he applied more pressure to Liam's organ in his grasp Liam blanched. It was as if he was a conductor and Liam's body was his personal orchestra.

He was mesmerised by Liam as his pink swollen lips parted to draw ragged shuddering breath, as his small delicate body blended creating a perfect arch, as his eyelids fluttered blinking away his tears of humiliation, as his chest heaved through pain and his hands clenched into fists jerking involuntary in his futile attempts to free himself from the leather cuffs. He increased his pace as he rammed into Liam almost close to climax.

Liam didn't know how much time elapsed. His whole body ached. He felt the stickiness in between his legs as blood continued to ooze out. Please let it be over, he thought desperately. I can't take it anymore. He felt Damien shudder on top of him as he reached his orgasm.

With guttural sound Damien came, the force of his orgasm shocked him. Lately sex was as much as of a chore to him to release his stress and boredom. But every part of his body came alive and he was caught in a frenzy as he ejaculated inside Liam. He discarded the condom in the nearby trash and looked towards Liam. Liam curled himself into foetal position. He wasn't crying anymore. But his body shuddered occasionally.

Damien got up and went to the mini fridge and returned with a bottle of water. After having a few gulps he straightened Liam in his arms, unlocking the cuffs and brought the bottle to his lips.

"Drink, you must be parched." He said holding the boy's head upwards.

With trembling lips Liam latched on to the brim and took small sips of water. Damien watched with greedy eyes as a small stream of water trickled down from his lips to his throat, to his chest. Liam drank the cool water in small gulps as his throat burned from all the shrieking and shouting he made. Once done he closed his tired eyes as his body felt drained. He didn't care anymore if he was still in the arms of his tormentor. He just wanted to close his eyes and drift away from the brutal reality.

His body stiffened once more as he felt Damien's warm lips on his throat sucking the water he spilled. He looked into those pitch black orbs as Damien smirked, "tired babe? But I am not done with you".

For the rest of the night Liam lost track of how many times Damien plunged into him. The floor was littered with discarded condoms. He room reeked of cum, sweat and blood. Pain, immense toe curling pain was the only constant that Liam felt that night. Too many times he lost his consciousness only to regain it to find Damien still thrusting into him.

The light of the digital clock reflected 3.30 am when Damien lifted himself off Liam. Liam, in his semiconscious state felt himself being lifted in Damien's strong arms. He couldn't keep his eyes open and surrendered his body completely to the older man as his whole torso reacted to slightest of movements.

Damien took Liam to the bathroom and dipped him in the lukewarm water of the tub. He himself sat behind Liam in the tub and drew Liam's body close to him as he placed the boy between his legs. He washed and cleaned Liam gently almost fervently worshipping Liam's body as he soaped scrubbed and bathed the angel in his arms. Damien massaged Liam's body skilfully applying pressure to his sore muscles, he washed Liam's hair tenderly as if tending to his lover.

Aftercare was never Damien's forte. He himself couldn't fathom why he didn't leave the boy in the bed tangled in sheets covered in his own sweat and blood. He generally never bothered with the nameless bodies he mangled during his nightly pleasures and yet he is attending to Liam with ardent care.

After cleaning himself and Liam he gently wiped semiconscious boy in his arms and took him to the adjoining bedroom. After a little consideration he decided to leave the boy naked as any kind of frictions with clothes might hurt the boy. He was stunned by his own thoughts. When had he ever been such solicitous. Hmmm, he needed to culture this thoughts more. Covering Liam in a light soft blanket he slipped beside Liam and hugged the boy to his chest drifting slowly into deep dreamless slumber.