The Two Bishops

When Damien reached the dining room, Adrian was already seated at the head of the table sipping a cup of coffee, a news paper loosely held in his hands as he skimmed over the headlines. Seeing Damien entering Adrian looked up at him as he took his seat at the other end.

Both of them looked at each other intensely not breaking eye contact. It seemed like a battle of nerves was going on, neither refusing to back out first.

Adrian sighed and decided to yield first. His son was too stubborn anyway. "What is it I am hearing about the security breach?" He asked arching one eyebrow. "I thought you are capable of handling everything in my absence. Do I need to rethink my decision now?" Adrian asked in a condescending tone.

"Security breach? Aren't you exaggerating? It was just two idiots acting cocky by switching off cameras. You can hardly call it breach of anything. Aren't you getting too jumpy? Or is it that your age is finally catching up?" Countered Damien with a smirk.

Switching off surveillance was not a trivial matter. Damien was himself worried and he was investigating internally. But he wouldn't ever admit that to Adrian.

Adrian smiled at Damien. "If you do not think this matter as important then I must say you are getting complacent too easily. I have build this empire with my sweat and blood and I will not tolerate your unbothered attitude."

"We, we have build this empire Adrian. You are forgetting I have given up my life, my youth, my everything to reach where we are today. So you don't get to lecture me," said Damien his temper rising.

How dare Adrian suggest that Bishop International had succeeded without him. He had never had the chance to have a normal childhood as he had to bear the burden of being a Bishop for as long as he remembered. He never had a friend, never went to sleep overs, never got to watch movies or hangout with anyone of his age. Instead of going to dates or planning camping trips with his friends he had to learn how to do astute business deals, how to load guns and how to kill someone without an ounce of regret.

His father constantly critiqued him for his every faults, finding mistakes and taking harsh measures to 'rectify' him. Sometimes his disciplines left him bloody and on the verge of passing out. But Adrian maintained it was all for his character building.

He turned out to be the best. His grandfather started to personally train him when he reached his twenties and before he passed away, he gave the key to the kingdom to him, not Adrian. Damien owned the controlling share of Bishop International so his father couldn't do shit even if he tried.

"Don't forget your place Adrian. If you try to cross me I will ruin you for good." Fumed Damien.

"I am your father Damien, you would address me so. You would better learn to respect me." Adrian stated his voice rising high.

"Respect must be earned 'father'," mocked Damien. "If you don't have anything else to say then I am leaving, I have too many things to do than to sit here listening to your rants." Screeching his chair back Damien got up and with his usual grace he left the room without glancing back at his so called father.

When Merida entered the room carrying a breakfast tray she saw Liam was already awake. He was still lying at his back looking at the ceiling with dull listless eyes.

Cautiously Merida approached the boy careful not to scare him by making any sudden movements. She placed the tray on the side table and sat on the edge of the bed maintaining enough distance from the boy.

Liam turned his eyes and looked at Merida with bloodshot eyes.

"How are you feeling dear?" Merida cringed at her question. It was obvious how the boy felt.

"Fine" whispered Liam in a raspy voice.

"Good, now can you try to get up? You need to eat something dear before you have your medicine."

Liam simply nodded and tried to get up with the support of his elbows. He winced audibly when he felt searing pain tearing his body. He looked at Merida with tired eyes mutely seeking for her help.

Merida gently helped Liam by supporting his body as he reclined the boy into half sitting position. Adjusting a few pillows at his back, she brought the tray back and placed it on his laps.

On the tray there were cut fresh fruits, porridge and a soft boiled egg along with freshly brewed coffee and orange juice. Liam started eating slowly. He should have been hungry as he last ate more than 24 hours back. But severe pain coupled with mental trauma made him loose his appetite. But he still attempted to eat a little as he knew he needed to take those pills.

Merida watched sadly as Liam ate his food in small bites. Something changed within the boy. He was not crying anymore and looked like he had resigned to his fate. His expression was dull, almost empty. After taking a few more bites Liam pushed the tray.

Merida helped Liam to do his morning business. She held him while Liam brushed his teeth and cleaned himself under the shower. Liam was strangely unbothered by his nakedness in-front of Merida. Every time the water touched his wounds Liam's face twisted into pain but he somehow managed without giving up. The drain under the shower turned murky red as Merida helped Liam wash the dried up blood from his sore abused body.

After cleaning up and dressing Liam into soft comfortable clothes she guided Liam to where Damien was waiting for him.