The Dos and the Don’ts

Damien didn't want to leave Liam at all. But unfortunately he couldn't also ignore the amount of work needed to be done that required his presence. The previous night he didn't get to sleep much as he was tending to Liam. He did have an array of servants who would follow his orders impeccably. But he did not like the idea of anyone else touching Liam intimately. But in doing so he barely slept. And lack of sleep coupled with worry for his boy made him irritated and on the verge of exploring on anyone and anything that came in his way. It didn't help that his dear father chose that day to spew nonsense.

Damien's secretary Smith was trembling internally as he informed Damien of his meeting itineraries. The rest of his employees gave him a wide berth sensing Damien was a ticking time bomb today. Only Jacob was brave enough to face Damien but he too he tried to avoid him as best as he could. Everyone knew Damien's temper would only subside with a bloodshed and no one wanted to be his victim, thank you very much.

Damien looked at Smith, his cold eyes laced with fury as he listened to the stuttering rumbles. His office was in another part of the mansion since Damien deliberately chose to operate from his home. He liked to stay in control and it was natural of him to spend his day more where maximum of his work forces resided so that he could keep a close watch on them. Damien did have offices in other places as well which he frequently visited and his presence made all the employees alert and on toes and today, especially today was no exception.

Unfortunately things were not going good. Philip had taken a leave citing health issues indefinitely and the other man that took care of his account was by no means as efficient as Philip. The portly man squirmed in his seat under Damien's piercing gaze as he desperately tried to justify the disparity in balance reflected on the projector screen.

"Are you sure this is the correct figure Mr. Prescott?" Damien asked, his voice strangely calm only his eyes reflected fire that was about to burn everyone in the room.

"I.. I… th..that is… I can explain Mr. Bishop. Its just that Philip did the spreadsheet and he was supposed to be present b..but you know he.. he.." stammered Mr. Prescott wiping sweat of his brows.

"Mr. Philip Rogers isn't the only one I am paying a fortune now is it?" Said Damien still calm. The room was eerily silent as none of the fifteen people occupying the conference room drew a single breath.

"I.. I c...can explain Mr. Bishop, please please…" desperately said Prescott as he watch Damien calmly getting up from his seat.

"Relax Mr. Prescott, I am sure there is an explanation right?" Stated Damien approaching the trembling, sweating man like a predator, his lips spread into a satanic smile that was too familiar to his employees.

Damien smelled fear, the monster in him smiled in glee. He wanted blood, he wanted someone to die today and he refused to be complacent without tasting blood.

Buzz buzz intercom beeped. Smith, Damien's secretory answered it cursing. Who dared to interrupt the devil in the conference room?

"What is it?" He asked.

"Mr Rogers is here, along with Miss Merida. Merida said Mr. Bishop asked for Mr.Rogers asap."

Smith was about to retort back, when he heard Damien saying, "this meeting is over for today, gentlemen, kindly excuse me as I have an urgent matter to deal with. Smith ask them to come in immediately. And clear my schedule for an hour."

The room of people watched shocked as they watched Damien straightening his coat and brushing his hair back with his fingers, his eyes alive and full of anticipation. Mr. Prescott couldn't believe his luck and was the first one to rush out, his large belly bouncing as he fled in hurried steps.

The room was filled with sounds of screeching chairs and rustling of pages as its occupants prepared to leave thanking Merida and whoever this new 'Mr. Rogers' was since it couldn't be Philip as he had already taken leave. The door to the conference room opened and there walked in Merida accompanied by a teen boy with angelic face that would put to shame even the Hollywood beauties. The boy walked in timid steps, slightly limping his eyes casted low followed by Merida who was known by all due to her almost twenty five years of service.

Liam stood in front of Damien who was seated in his high back leather chair, his hands resting on his elbows on the hand rest of the chair, stance relaxed and nonchalant as he watched Liam with unflinching steady gaze. Liam didn't look up, he stood like a statue in front of Damien.

"Come closer" said Damien as he watched Liam drawing a sharp breath. In slow tentative steps Liam moved two more steps closer to Damien.

"Closer" commanded Damien. Liam's eyelashes fluttered as he peeked a look at Damien, his eyes immediately drooped low. He took few more steps towards Damien and stood right in front of him. Damien stretched his hand and took hold of Liam's thin wrist and pulled him closer resulting in Liam loosing balance as he fell on Damien gasping.

The men in the room forgot to leave as they watched Damien lifting the boy off the ground and placing him on his lap. The boy faced Damien perched on his lap, his legs folded from his knees resting on both side of Damien's legs. Damien's hands snaked through the boy's waist hugging the boy close to his chest.

"Ah! So the meeting continues is it? I didn't know that my men are so serious about their work that they are not ready to leave even if the boss says so. I am impressed" said Damien shamelessly roaming his hands on Liam's back.

The occupants in the room stumbled against themselves as they hastily left the room without glancing back. Now that the room was empty Damien got up from his seat carrying Liam with him in ease. The younger's legs wrapped around his waist, both of his hands resting on Damien's chest, while Damien's hands cupped his ass cheeks and he could feel those soft globes on his palms vividly since Liam was not wearing boxers for obvious reasons.

Damien calmly walked towards the door. "Thank you Merida, you are not needed here, but please wait outside", said Damien taking the box of Medicine from her. Merida bowed and silently left the room as she heard the click of the lock.

Damien walked towards the couch and sat himself still holding a slightly trembling Liam.

"Are you cold?" He asked

"No" whispered Liam.

Damien sighed as he gently deposited Liam on the couch. Getting up he went to the adjoining bathroom. He carefully washed and disinfected in hands. He came back to the room and saw Liam sitting timidly in the same position he had left him.

Standing before him he commanded, "lift your arms".

He watched as Liam looked at him fearfully. His brown eyes widened in obvious distress.

"I am waiting Liam, I do not like to repeat myself."

Liam's trembling increased as he lifted his arms.

"Higher" said Damien as he took hold of the hem of his T-shirt attempting to lift it over is head. Liam sat silently as Damien slowly undressed him, his upper body bare now. Sitting beside him on the couch, Damien opened the medicine box and took out the prescribed ointment. He squeezed a sizeable amount on his index finger and starting applying on the various wounds on Liam's body.

Liam's milky white skin was marred with various bruises and some quite deep. Damien clenched his jaw as he saw his own handiwork. Inflicting pain on others always gave him pleasure being the true sadist he is. But somehow this time he wished he could reverse time so that he could get back the feel of Liam's smooth unmarked skin. He felt all the bumps and cuts under his fingers as he gently applied the cream.

Liam flinched in pain as silent tears fell from his eyes. He still didn't look at Damien and sat quietly, his lips trembling as he tried not to sob from pain.

"I know you are hurt. I know you are in pain. But you shouldn't have defied me Liam. I don't want to hurt you if you obey me, do you understand?"

"Ye..yes Damien" hiccuped Liam.

"Good boy" said Damien as he pushed Liam gently into laying position on the couch.

"Now lets go over some rules, shall we?" Said Damien while he lifted Liam's bum and slid his trousers down.

"Yes Da..Dami.. please …please" sobbed Liam visibly panicking as he attempted to grasp his trousers in his small hands to keep Damien from sliding them down.

"Relax, I said I won't hurt you if you behave" said Damien unclasping Liam's hands from his trousers as he discarded them completely leaving him naked.

"Now the rules, lets go over them together," said Damien spreading Liam's legs as he squeezed a different ointment on his fingers.

"The most important rule is for you to know that you belong to me, I own you Liam." Stated Damien ignoring Liam's pained sobs as he inserted his finger into Liam's hole.

"Relax your muscle, you will hurt yourself more," said Damien as Liam started positively crying in agony, his small fists clenched tightly trying to fight the pain.

Damien applied generous amount of medicine thoroughly into Liam. His anal hole was swollen and raw pink. Though there was no bleeding anymore but still it was sore and puckered as Liam clenched Damien's fingers tightly into his warmth.

When he finished applying the ointment Damien gathered a crying Liam in his arms. "There.. there its done now, stop crying." He said petting him gently as Liam clutched Damien's shirt in his hands and hiccuped, his head resting on Damien's shoulder.

"Bad boys get punished and good boys get rewarded right Liam?"

"Ye..yes Damien" answered Liam through his sobs.

"Now back to the rules.. no 2, you need to surrender yourself to me, obey my every command unconditionally.

Rule no 3, you will not try to escape again. I will break your legs this time if I have to Liam.

Rule no 4, you will not go anywhere unaccompanied. Someone will always escort you, do you understand?" Said Damien slightly shaking Liam.

"O..okay" said Liam, his voice choked from crying.

"These are all for now, we will add more later." Said Damien as he lifted Liam's chin to look at him.

"Damien," Liam whispered his name sending unknown shiver to Damien's core.

"Hmm,"answered Damien ignoring the strange feeling in his heart.

"Don..don't hurt me anymore. I will listen to Pl..please don't h..hurt me." Said Liam, his eyes swollen, his pink lips jutted into an adorable pout that Damien wanted to suck immediately. But he controlled his urges. The boy was finally submitting to him and he strangely wanted Liam to comply and not fight him anymore.

"Sure," said Damien, his voice casual. "If you don't give me any reason to hurt you I won't"

Liam nodded timidly. Damien picked up his clothes from the floor where he dropped them and dressed Liam back. He went back to the bathroom and washed his hands again getting rid of the residue medicines from his fingers. After he finished he lifted the boy again in his lap and got up carrying Liam. Unlocking the door he walked outside with Liam in his arms.

He gestured Merida to follow him as he walked back to his bedroom ignoring the shocked stares of his employees who definitely tried not to make eye contact. But their attempts to hide their curiosity was hilarious.

Hazel saw Damien carrying Liam as he took the boy back in his room. Her jaw clenched in anger. "Whore"! She muttered angrily. She would be in a mess if this bitch kept on clinging to Damien like this. It was time to come up with a plan. She smirked evilly as she started plotting her next steps.