Living with the Devil

A week after

When Damien entered his bedroom that night after back to back meetings he saw Liam standing by the large window resting his head on the glass, his eyes glazed looking outside. He was apparently lost in his thought not realising Damien's presence. Damien walked slowly behind Liam and hugged him from his back earning a startled gasp from Liam.

"Why are you standing in the dark?" Asked Damien turning Liam to face him.

Liam bit his plump lower lips, "I..I was just lo..looking outside." He said, his voice almost a whisper.

"Hmmmm… so what did you do while I was away?" Said Damien as he watched with burning lust Liam sucking his bottom lips nervously. He didn't touch Liam these few days other than attending to his wounds. He didn't himself know how he controlled his urges whenever he saw Liam's naked vulnerable body lying helplessly on his bed. His almost healed skin was healthier and smooth again other than few stray marks which would take longer time to fade. He didn't need medicine in his rectum anymore too. Though Liam still felt some discomfort but he was mostly without pain any longer.

The greatest achievement was that Liam didn't flinch violently from Damien's slightest touch anymore. Though his face adorably blushed every time Damien stripped him and he refused to look at Damien when he tended to him. Damien refrained from teasing Liam or touching him sexually those past few days.

But he wanted to have Liam to him again, he thought as he saw the mouthwatering boy in front of him.

"What did you do today Liam?" He asked again slowly removing his tie.

"Noth..nothing, you didn't say if I could leave the room, and there isn't much do here." Said said Liam pouting.

Damien furrowed his brows. He didn't think of this before. Now that Liam was better, he sure wouldn't like to stay cooped up in the room with nothing to do. But he had no idea what teenagers liked to do in their spare time. His teen age years had been far from normal so he couldn't decide what could keep Liam engaged.

"What do you do normally? How do you spend your days?" He asked removing his coat and hanging it.

"Ummm… I.. usually go to school in the morning" said Liam his voice laced with sadness. "Then homework, watch television, read books, go out with friends."

Sending Liam off to school was out of the question, at least for now. And Damien clenched his jaw as he imagined Liam laughing and enjoying with his friends. No can do. He thought.

"You love to read? What kind of books do you read? Asked Damien as he watched Liam's cheeks turned rosy by his simple question. Hmmmm, interesting, thought Damien. What are you hiding baby? He asked himself.

"Th..the usual"stammered Liam.

Slowly unbuttoning his shirt Damien stood in front of him as he lifted Liam's chin with his fingers.

"Tell me" he urged. "What's your favourite read?"

"I…I to all b..books" said the flustered boy before him.

"Hmmmm" Damien didn't push further. Instead he backed away and went to the bathroom to change and get ready for dinner.

Liam exhaled a relieved sigh. No way he would tell Damien about the books he hopelessly fantasised. Damien's behaviour towards him have changed true. But under no circumstances Liam felt safe. He had seen and felt the cruelty of Damien Bishop. His body and soul was the witness to Damien's evilness. But he didn't want to anger him further. He didn't want to feel that kind of pain anymore. He chose to act submissive for now. May be Damien would be bored soon and let him go. He still had hope in his heart that he would be able to reunite with his parents.

The trauma which he had gone through would take a long time to heal. But he would be okay. He just had to wait for Damien to set him free. He watched as Damien came out of the bathroom, with just a towel hanging low on his hips. His freshly showered body smelled amazing filling the room with spicy aroma. Drops of water dripped from his hair to his chest which glided through his strong muscled abdomen disappearing into his happy trail. Liam averted his eyes, his face red when he saw Damien smirking at him.

Damien discarded the towel right in front of Liam and turned his back walking towards the wardrobe naked. His back muscles rippled as he moved with the grace of a panther and Liam couldn't help but look at him again.

Fully dressed in a black T and faded blue jeans Damien came and stood in front of Liam amused by his still red face. Keeping his expression schooled Damien asked, "ready for dinner"?

"Yes" said Liam as Damien took hold of his hand and walked towards the dining room.

Hazel was screwed. Now that there was no sign of Damien loosing interest on the boy at least not for now, hazel was avoiding the guards. Them, who always spoke to Hazel with respect had started showing signs of displeasures. Matthew and Simon openly questioned Hazel when she was returning their money. Hazel was held high amongst the other maids because of her competence true, but she also knew how to tame the hungry hyenas by throwing fresh meat for them to savour.

It seemed this slut Liam was hell bent on dragging her down. What was different with Liam she didn't understand. True Liam was extraordinarily beautiful and his innocent looks coupled with big brown doe like eyes turned even the straightest of the men to gay. But Damien was not one of those men who could be swayed easily. "Fuck" she muttered. She had spent all the money on few whores herself. She never anticipated that she might have to return the money, on the contrary she was expecting to up the price sensing the demand for this boy. She needed to come up with something, something that would make Damien loose interest in the boy.

These past few days Hazel tried to stay as close to Liam as possible. To her utter disappointment she was no more allowed inside Damien's room. Only Merida was permitted to enter as she was tasked with taking care of the boy. There was no chance to sneak inside as new security was assigned since the cctv fiasco who sat in-front of Damien's room guarding the room like a dog. Hazel tried to flirt with one of them but they looked at her like she personally killed their mommy. Hazel could sense new changes were coming. She still didn't meet the new security in charge, Luke or whatever was his name. Sighing internally she watched as Damien entered the dining room Liam almost stitched to his body.

Today she deliberately tasked herself in the dining room. She needed to stay closer to the duo and study more. She wanted to know how serious was Damien for this boy. She was sure it was a temporary phase and Damien was just taking a bit longer to discard this cunt.

Hazel watched as Damien took his designated seat. Liam took his seat beside him, his head bowed low. As soon as he saw Hazel he flinched. Thank God Damien's attention was occupied elsewhere as Adrian chose that very moment to enter the dining room.

Damien's jaw clenched in anger on seeing Adrian. Adrian knew very well his presence was unwelcomed. But after their morning verbal bout he couldn't let the chance go to poke Damien further. Also he heard the staffs whispering about Damien's latest possession and how Damien hadn't gotten rid of the boy yet. So he wanted to personally see what got his promiscuous son hooked.

Adrian smirked in glee when he saw Damien's face laced in fury. He ignored it and sat at the other head of the table and that was when his eyes fell on the small boy seating beside Damien.

Oh my, my thought Adrian. Damien got himself a diamond. There was no doubt this boy was one of the most beautiful creature he had seen. He licked his lips as he imagined him pounding on the boy's ass.

"Who is this little treasure Damien? I didn't know you were entertaining guests." Said Adrian smiling at Liam.

Liam didn't miss the lust in the man's eyes. He looked like Damien but was shorter and more slender. Without thinking he unknowingly grasped Damien's hand under the table as his body scooted closer to Damien. A known devil was much better than the unknown evil.

"Shut your trap Adrian, don't forget you are in my house." Said Damien menacingly as he held Liam's hand, his thumbs circling on Liam's palm in an assuring way.

"Awww Damien, defensive much? I am sure you will let me have a go at the boy once you are done with him." Leered Adrian watching Damien's eyes turn black.

"Now now don't get jumpy son, we had shared whores before didn't we?"

Liam could help himself as a terrified whimper left him as he clutched Damien's hand tighter.

That was the last straw for Damien. The staffs watched alarmed as Damien swiftly took out his gun and pointed at his father. His face showed no trace of humanity. Even Adrian's smile faltered as he saw Damien pointing gun at him.

"Wh..what are you doing Damien? Put the gun down now. Are you insane? You will kill your father for a whore?"

"His name is Liam and he is MINE", shouted Damien. Adrian watched in horror as Damien unlocked the safety switch of the gun, his eyes flashing in murderous gleam.

Adrian closed his eyes realising his end was near. He just wanted to irate Damien. But this time the monster he created was pushed too far it seemed and it thirsted for his blood.

"Da..Damien" came a scared shaky voice from the back. "Pl..please stop, I am scared!"

The universe witnessed a miracle that day as all the staffs, Adrian and Hazel watched the transformation on Damien's face.

Damien looked at the trembling boy who was clutching his sleeves and trying to lower his hands. His lips wobbled and legs trembled as he tried to stop Damien from murdering his own father.

Damien closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He tried to calm himself down. He didn't like the scared expression on Liam's face. He made Liam scared he repeated in his mind. Opening his eyes he looked at Adrian lowering his gun.

"Get out" he said to Adrian his voice furious, "don't come back again".

He held Liam to his chest turning back. Cupping the trembling boy's face he bent down and planted a gentle kiss on his lips. "I am sorry for scaring you like that baby, let's go to our room, we will have dinner there." Damien whispered against Liam's lips.

Hazel was amazed as she witnessed the scene. Was the monster finally tamed? She wondered. She watched as Adrian stumbled from his seat and hurriedly left the room. She had finally found the way to separate Liam from Damien. She smiled as she dialled Matthew's number.
