Target Acquired

Damien almost dragged Liam by his uninjured arms to his office fury reflecting in waves from him. No one escapes from his clasp. Liam did the grave mistake twice. It seemed the boy had taken his leniency for granted. He wanted Liam to submit on his own accord. So he tried to mellow down a little. But no he was wrong. The little bitch had to go and cut himself. How dare he harm something that belonged to him. If Liam had marks on his body it would be from him and no one else. Whether Liam lived or died, it would be his decision to make.

Tonight he would make sure Liam understood that. Liam didn't want his touch right? He wanted to show Damien how much he despised the kindness Damien showed him. He would make sure Liam would only want his touch. He would make sure the boy knew there was no escaping Damien. Liam's body was his, so was his soul.

Unfortunately he would have to wait since the meeting tonight was of utmost importance and he couldn't afford to miss that. Harshly pulling Liam he entered the office where already two men were waiting for his arrival.

Taking his place in his usual chair he pulled Liam in his lap his posture showed ownership as he gripped Liam in a bruising hold eliciting a whimper from the terrified boy. Damien ignored Liam's distress completely focusing on Luke gauging his reaction.

To his satisfaction Luke's face remained absolute impassive. His chin held up he met Damien's gaze with dead cold eyes showing no expressions what so ever. Damien looked into those pale blue eyes studying him again carefully.

Damien would entrust Luke with his boy and hence he didn't want to regret his decision. He didn't miss the lust that creeped through the guards in the house whenever they saw Liam. Damien was always amused by it before. He was aware that whenever he was done with a fresh meat the guards too had their fill before disposing the used flesh. This time it was different. Damien didn't know himself why he felt so possessive of Liam. But the thought of others touching him even looking at him made his blood boil.

The guards were extremely careful around Damien schooling their expressions but still he was not be fooled. So Damien wanted to decipher Luke and how reliable he would be. Luke didn't even glance at Liam, his posture straight and sure, almost arrogant as he looked at Damien right back.

Damien relaxed his grip on Liam, "meet your new body guard Liam, he would follow you everywhere from now on."

Turning his attention to Luke he said, "you are to stick to him like a wart, I don't care if he is eating or sleeping or taking a piss you are to stay with him at all times, make sure the little squirrel doesn't escape. Remember if there is single scratch on his body you will face the consequences." He said in a deadly tone reminding him again.

Luke just gave a short nod his attention finally shifting to the fidgeting boy in Damien's lap. "Don't worry sir, I know my job, I can assure you he would be safe."

"Good, your assignment starts now." Said Damien. He snaked his hands through Liam's waist and pulled him closer.

"I have a special something planned for us tonight, wait for me baby, won't you?" Said Damien seductively in Liam's ears as Liam gave a defeated dry sob. Pleased by his terrified reaction Damien continued, "till then you are free to play in the garden, explore the house and read. I want you to be ready for tonight. Do not pull any stunt or your punishment will be more severe, though I dare you to go for it, more fun for me." Smirked Damien.

"Now give me a good bye kiss babe," said Damien and without waiting for an answer he captured Liam's lips forcefully opening his mouth and plunging his tongue into Liam not bothering of the eyes of the men present.

Liam was sitting on a stone bench at the back garden of the mansion, his eyes fixed far away. He had never been to this part of the house. He had never actually been anywhere much since he came. He was immersed in his troubled thought, his mind holding him captivated within dark self created prison.

His once sparkling brown eyes which held naughtiness and mischief was dull and devoid of life. Liam knew he would be suffering tonight, but somehow he had given up. How could you fight someone like Damien? He had never felt so helpless in his life. He watched the sun's rapidly changing position as it steadily disappeared leaving beautiful red hue in the sky. The wind blew rustling the dry leaves and Liam shivered slightly as the autumn air turned chilly.

Turning his head he saw hulk of the man who was supposed to guard him. It had been two hours since he was sitting idly lost in his thought and the man stood straight silently behind him almost not moving. Liam didn't bother with any conversation neither did the man showed any interest to speak to him. They were two strangers just forced to stay within each other's periphery.

Slowly getting up Liam started walking back inside with Luke silently following him from behind.

"Looky look, what the cat dragged in!" Came a snickering voice halting Liam in his path. Hazel came strolling towards Liam her eyes glinting evil. At last she got Liam alone without Damien outside their bedroom. "Oye Matthew come here!" She shouted. "Your favourite dessert is here."

Liam unconsciously took a step back as he saw to his horror Matthew and another guard walked towards him their face alight with glee as they finally cornered their prey.

"Little baby is not willing to play with us," said Matthew in a mock pout.

"Always hiding behind Daddy. Why Liam? Is daddy's dick that tasty? Give us a chance too… I am sure we would satisfy your hole." Leered Simon as Hazel's eyes danced with delight.

"Pl..please m..move, ll..let me" said Liam his teeth clattering as his already frail nerves was on the verge of breaking. He felt familiar sensation of an impending panic attack.

"Come here you little bitch, don't worry daddy won't know, come here and we will be quick." Said Matthew attempting to grab the boy.

"Aaaaaahhhhh! Fuck!" Shouted Matthew as he felt his right arm almost ripped off from his socket.

Luke was standing under the shadow of a beautiful white marble statue as he heard the conversations of the men. He saw Liam trembling in panic and wanted to jump right in. But he was in charge of Liam's physical safety not his mental distress. He acted instantly when he saw Matthew attempted to touch Liam and grabbed the bastard's arm in his iron grip twisting it in an expert move to make maximum damage.

He saw in his peripheral vision, the other guard Simon rushing forward towards him. He quickly side stepped and delivered a well aimed kick to his gut as the large man fell clutching his stomach.

"Son of a bitch!" Grunted Simon, his face twisted in pain.

"Touch him again with your filthy hands and I will make sure you wouldn't be able to hold your cock to piss." Said Luke menacingly, his ice blue eyes full of storm, full of rage.

Hazel seeing the turn of the situation quietly disappeared from there slipping into the shadows.

Leaving both men in their agony as they showered curses on him Luke guided a dazed Liam towards his room by gently putting his hand at the small of his back.

When they reached the entrance Liam slowly turned towards Luke, "th..thank you, but you shouldn't have done that. They would try to harm you. They…they…"

"Don't worry about me, I did my job which I am paid for." Said Luke, in a calm voice. Jerking his head forward he indicated Liam to get inside.

Liam silently nodded. He knew Luke was paid to protect him, but he was still grateful. He didn't want this unknown man to get hurt because of him. But he obediently walked inside and watched Luke standing guard outside.

"Don't close the door, sit on that chair where I can see you" said Luke and Liam did exactly that. He sat quietly watching Luke with curiosity.

Luke was tall, like really tall, taller than Damien, he guessed. His arms were bulging with thick rippling muscles which stretched under the cotton shirt he was wearing. How did such a big man move so swiftly? He was just like those muscled men in movies playing the role of his favourite action hero. Liam almost laughed.

Being quite lean, he was a little partial towards muscled men. He had few crushes on his senior jocks. Nothing serious since he truly liked Ellie.

Countless times he imagined his naive self being saved by a handsome man from evil men who would be larger than him and would sweep him away and they would fall in love with each other. Look how God granted his wish he thought bitterly as the irony of the situation burned his eyes with unshed tears.

He didn't realise when his eyes closed on his own accord as his head drooped on his chest.

Sighing to himself Luke hesitantly entered the room. He looked down on the boy for a few seconds before making up his mind. Swiftly lifting the boy in his arms he placed him on the bed and covered him with a blanket. His eyes didn't miss the fading bruise and teeth marks on his body. When Liam was comfortably wrapped in a cocoon of blankets he silently left the room and positioned himself at the door.

After an hour he saw a middle aged plump woman coming towards the room with his dinner tray. Luke knew she was Merida. Before taking up his post he had gathered informations on every single occupants in the mansion. Merida was a non threat, probably the only one. He didn't bother to stop her but watched with hawk eyes as Merida gently shook Liam awake.

Luke felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. Taking it out he saw the familiar name.

"Yes!" He answered

"Status?" Ezra enquired.

"The Sparrow is within my vision." He said. "Need to figure out how to take him out of the Eagle's nest."