Who Do You Belong To?

Trigger warning: read with caution

Damien was in a strange mood. He sat sipping whiskey in his office of the Blue Hades, his night club watching the patrons indulge themselves in booze and women and sometimes men. Money poured in steadily. Blue Hades only granted admission to those who could spend money and thus it attracted only the rich and powerful people of the society.

For Damien the night club was a money maker true but it also supplied him with endless weapon against those who thought themselves as invincible. After gulping down expensive boozes they become slack mouthed and there came the vital role of the beautiful hostesses and hosts for those who preferred men each personally handpicked by Damien.

Behind closed doors these men thought with their dick and spilled all types of informations. Informations which were carefully filed and used when Damien deemed necessary.

Tonight Damien was meeting the new police chief. Someone who had become a constant thorn in his business. Gavin had stopped all Damien's consignments and whenever there was a deal going on he had somehow scurried inside like a rat arresting his people left and right with or without warrants.

The media had been creating a huge ruckus over the recent raid done by Gavin in one of his warehouses unearthing tons of cocaine. His lawyers were having a field day trying to convince that Bishop International had no knowledge regarding the drug deal.

Things were getting heated and it was time Damien intervened. He watched the recent footage on his laptop with a smirk. He should give a raise to Peter for his performance couple of nights back. He had personally picked Peter few years back. After having his fun Peter was thrown to Blue Hades. Initially he thrashed, cried and starved himself. But like all the others he had to adjust himself. Slowly he became one of the prized possessions of the club famous for his sucking skill, both cock and informations.

He watched the footage again a slow evil smile spreading on his lips. In-front of him a huge screen displayed live footage of the club from various angles. The other discreet cameras were placed more strategically in the private rooms where the real actions took place. Damien watched as Gavin sauntered inside the club, his demeanour showing arrogance and superiority. 'It will be fun to watch you break,' thought Damien.

Soon as expected one of his bouncers came and announced Gavin. Damien nodded and watched as Gavin entered the room, with a smirk in his face. Damien opened one of his coat buttons and relaxed in his leather high back chair.

"So, the great Damien Bishop, we finally meet." Said Gavin extending his hands.

Damien looked at Gavin with a polite indulgent smile. Extending his hand he casually shook Gavin's.

"Have seat Mr.Pedro, what would you like to drink?" He asked being the perfect host he was.

"What's the most expensive shit you have here? Its not everyday you get to have the pleasure of drinking with a man such as yourself" said Gavin smirking.

"You flatter me Mr Pedro, I am a simple hardworking man, trying to earn an honest living, I do not think I am worthy of your attention." Said Damien, almost shyly.

Gavin's cock stirred. He had lusted on the man sitting in-front of him for a long time. He had seen Damien many times in the past six years of his service, Damien was around twenty two or twenty three then….. he always watched him from a distance as the young man followed his grandfather in and out of Bishop International. Gavin always found some excuse to station himself in-front of the skyscraper wishing for a single glance of the object of his passion.

He remembered after much flattery to his the then superior he included himself within the team of the police roster supposed to provide security to Damien as he appeared in some charity event. Damien when he arrived passed him without sparing a single glance as if he did not exists. It was then he vowed to himself that he would eventually get Damien at least for once. And after closely following him for six years he finally got what he wanted, well almost.

Gavin could sense Damien's nervousness as he politely smiled again trying to hide his anxiousness. Gavin in his fifty eight years of life never felt obsessed with anything. He hardly spared a glance to his middle aged sagged wife. But he did love his son, his only true attachment to life. But now he felt himself all powerful. Someone who was making the rumoured Devil sweat.

"Mr. Bishop don't think so low of yourself. You are worth a lot, at least to me." He added the last part huskily taking a sip of the bourbon poured to him by Damien himself.

"To you? I don't understand," said Damien, his plump lips jutted into a pout. Gavin imagined those lips wrapped around his cock. He almost had an orgasm.

"You seem to be out to get me, always digging out dirt on me. Why is that, Mr Pedro? Oh! May I call you Gavin?" Asked Damien in a hopeful voice.

Gavin's heart swayed. Damien knows his name, The Damien, Damien Bishop knows his name.

"Of course, and may I call you Damien?" He asked in return.

"Mmmm sure, why not?" Said Damien, his face breaking up into a dazzling smile. "But why are you after me Gavin? What did I do to you?"

"To me? Oh nothing, nothing at all. But you see I am a man of law. Your warehouses are conducting illegal trades and it is my duty to stop those." Said Gavin watching Damien squirm restlessly. 'Gotcha'! He thought.

"B..but.. .but you don't have a proof do you? For all I know it could have been planted by anyone. After all I have many such abandoned buildings still under construction. I have no idea what happens there." Gavin heard Damien's slightly panicked voice.

"I have every proof I need Damien, and yes, on camera. I can prove with date and time that you visited the warehouse the same day just few hours before the raid. You cannot possibly escape from this Damien." Said Gavin as he watched Damien's face paled.

"But I want to be your friend Damien, don't worry I will help you. You will walk free of this mess, but of course I want something in return."said Gavin. He could almost feel Damien's cock inside him as he rode the man with vigour.

Damien appeared truly broken, he bowed his head for few minutes. "What do you want?" He finally said in a defeated voice slouched against his chair.

"Nothing much! Just the pleasure of your company in your private rooms of the club." Said Gavin licking his lips. His eyes did not bother to hide his lust anymore.

Damien gave a rejected sigh. "And you will destroy whatever you have against me?"

"Of course after all we are friends right?"

"Can you show me what you have against me?" Asked Damien.

"Sure," standing up Gavin pulled out a pen drive from his pocket and handed it to Damien.

"This is just a copy so I don't care if you destroy it."

Gavin watched as Damien played the video. He took pleasure in Damien's reactions as he realised he couldn't escape Gavin.

"You have proved your point." said Damien.

"I know Damien, I came prepared today, and I mean in every way." Said Gavin lewdly smiling. "So lets not waste time and lets get this show going somewhere private."

"Not so soon Gavin." Said Damien sitting up straight, the Devilish glint in his eyes were back. Gavin's smile faltered. "What do mean?"

"Just that you showed me a footage and I wanted to show something to you as well. Now pay attention FRIEND." Said Damien as he pointed the remote towards the screen.

Gavin's confusion morphed into horrible fear when his eyes fell on the screen. In the screen a middle aged hairy man was mercilessly fucking a teen. The teen eagerly spread his legs as he too humped against the man with equal enthusiasm. His breath staggered as Gavin watched his teenage son orgasmed under a fat body.

"Wh..what is this?" Shouted Gavin. "Where is Robby? Answer me where his Robby?"

"Somewhere in the private room you so eagerly want to visit" said Damien in a calm voice.

"I will kill you, I will destroy you! You are a monster." Shouted Gavin.

Damien yawned. "I have heard that before Gavin, now sit down and pay attention. You will delete all the evidence you have against me. Not that your evidence will be admissible in court. I will have you for trespassing long before that."

The Devil spoke with calm voice and fire in his eyes.

"You will stop your silly investigation against me and my company starting from yesterday. Otherwise I might forget our new found friendship and accidentally release this clip in the porn sites. Do you understand?"

"Y..yes sir" stuttered Gavin. He now knew why Damien was called the Devil. "My son…" he whispered, "will be home before you reach." Said Damien with a gentle smile. "After all we are friends."

Liam waited silently in his room, his heart hammering in his rib cage. The clock moved too fast. It was 7.30 when he finished his dinner at the insistence of Merida. He couldn't refuse the woman who lovingly fed him. But as the clock galloped to 9.15 pm in the blink of an eye he felt nausea churning his guts. He knew Damien would be extremely cruel towards him, he knew Damien would rape him again, he knew he would be left bloody again but the prior knowledge to his impending torment left him trembling.

Liam sat at one of the corners in the room, his knees drawn to his chest wishing he was already dead. These past few days he hardly slept and the few hours he managed to drift into slumber he dreamed of horrible deformed hands touching his naked body. The more he tried to flee the more those hands gripped him tight. He didn't know when he started shivering. Unexpectedly he felt someone wrapping a blanket around him.

"Get back on the bed, the floor is cold," Liam saw Luke's back as he went and resumed his position at the door.

"I.. I … help m..me" Liam said, his teeth clattering in known terror. "Pl..please" he begged.

"Shut up, and keep your voice down," said Luke. Though there was no infliction in his voice Liam saw his unkind cold eyes devoid of any feelings. Liam didn't know why he asked for Luke's help but when Luke protected him against Matthew and Simon he unknowingly felt connected to him. He should have known Luke was only doing his job. He put his head down on his knees as silent tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Fuck" Luke muttered. 'Don't you look like that at me boy' Luke thought. 'I am paid to deliver you back to your parents don't expect emotional comfort from me.' He thought bitterly. Its not that he didn't feel bad for Liam but he couldn't do anything right then. He would never antagonise Damien. He had taken this job as Philip offered him a lot of money. But he would have to be very subtle. If he managed to flee Liam no one should be able to pin it on him. In order to do that he couldn't show any kindness to Liam.

He watched as Remi one of the other guards approached him.

"The boss wants the boy in his office, you are to bring him now," Remi said peeking a look at the boy. "Shit man what did we get ourselves into? When you said we had to guard Damien Bishop I didn't sign up for this." Said Remi, his voice full of rage.

"Keep your voice low you moron, don't start growing fucking conscience now." Retorted Luke, already moving inside the room towards Liam. Though he started slowly replacing the guards with his own men except Ezra none knew his true intentions, it was too risky.

He had to play his cards carefully in order to admit himself into the Devil's lair. It was easy to bribe two of Damien's guards Mitch and what was the other's name, giving some bullshit reason to turn off the cctv. Then he had to make sure Jacob started hearing about how capable he was. After 10 days of careful planning finally he was in-front of his target, and he wouldn't let anyone come in between him and his money.

"Get up" he ordered Liam.

"Wha..what, Wh..why?" Asked Liam with his shockingly pretty big brown eyes.

"The boss wants you, now get up." He said harsher than he meant.

Liam absolutely froze. His body refusing to cooperate he felt someone choking him as he sat rooted to the floor.

"Jizz Luka, you don't have to be so rude," said Remi. Bending down he squatted in-front of Liam. His eyes looked so lost, so devoid of hope. Remi felt he was about to coax a lamb to walk willingly to his own slaughter. Still he spoke to Liam as gently as he could.

"You have to get up little one, the boss would be more angry if you make him wait." He said helping Liam up.

Liam looked at the giant of the man before him. He was easily the tallest and bulkiest man he had ever seen. Remi was almost a 7 feet tall man of pure muscle. His face was covered with salt and pepper beard which gave him a wild look. But it was his eyes which showed immense kindness. The corner of his eyes crinkled when he smiled towards Liam as he slowly guided him towards Damien's office.

Damien was sitting on the couch just in-front of the electric fireplace. His stance lazy and relaxed. He didn't want to punish Liam but it seems the boy was hell bent on defying him. His attempted suicide was as fake as Adrian's fatherly concern for him. Liam was plainly revolting against him. He tried to prove that he chose death more than Damien. Oh death he would get for sure. But his soul would still remain Damien's.

Damien felt Liam's presence before he even set foot in the room. He watched as the boy entered with cautious steps as he looked at Damien through his thick curled lashes. The moment their eyes met Liam casted his eyes down at the floor as if burned by Damien's stare.

'Now, now baby that wont do. You will look at me and only me before the next dawn comes.' Thought Damien.

"You both are excused, stand outside, make sure no one enters this room." Said Damien as he got up and stood in-front of Liam towering over the smaller boy.

"Come Liam, I have something interesting to show you." He pulled Liam towards him and went back to the couch. While Damien resumed his earlier relaxed sitting, he made Liam stand in between his legs.

"You are shaking Liam, are you scared? Sacred of me?" Asked Damien snaking his hands around his waist, pulling him closer.

"Tell me baby, do I scare you?" He implored again lifting Liam's chin with his index finger.

Liam's frightened orbs met Damien's, he tried to answer but his throat was dry from terror and he gulped audibly.

"Let's get to know each other more baby, after all we would be together for a long time and its only fair that we learnt about our likes and dislikes." Said Damien in a friendly tone.

Damien almost laughed aloud seeing Liam's cute confused face as he stood in front of him. His forehead creased, Liam chewed his bottom lips trying to interpret Damien's true motive behind the question. 'Oh! My naive sweetheart you will never be able to know no matter how much you try.'

"Ok let me start, I am Damien Bishop, the eldest son of Adrian and Estella Bishop. I have a brother three years younger than me, Drake. My parents are currently divorced and after my grandfather I own the controlling share of Bishop International." Said Damien watching glimpse of interest on those innocent eyes.

Liam unconsciously relaxed as Damien kept talking about his business, about his recent deals, about his business trips. He was engrossed in Damien's story and didn't realise when Damien pulled him in his lap. These past few days he was being cradled in Damien's lap whether its in the dining room or in his office and quite obviously in the bedroom. Damien was Liam's idol once. He always imagined what it would be to meet the Damien Bishop. So when Damien shared anecdotes of his life Liam was unknowingly drawn forgetting his situation.

"So that's about me. Now tell me about you Liam," Damien asked Liam his chin resting on Liam's head.

"M..me"? Asked Liam in a raspy voice. "What about me? I don't have anything interesting to share." Said Liam.

"Of course not Liam, you were so eager to escape me, you must have something interesting going on in your life, or is it someone?" Damien asked in a low husky voice sending shiver down Liam's spine. Damien had successfully lulled him into a false sense of security and now that Liam recognised Damien's sultry voice his heart started hammering in trepidation.

"N..no no I don't have anyone," said Liam, his chest felt constricted. 'What was Damien planning?' He thought.

"Awww Liam, don't be shy baby! Tell me, tell me, tell me! Don't you have any friends? A girlfriend, a boyfriend"?Damien said in a childish voice but his eyes had that same evil glint with which Liam was both familiar and terrified of. This was the signal of Damien plotting something cruel. The same devilish glint was there in Damien's eyes the night he proposed to play Hide and Seek with him and Liam would never forget that night. For whatever reason Liam thought it was better to hide his life outside Damien's mansion.

"I …. I… no… I… no…." Stuttered Liam. He was never good at lying and the thought of hiding about his friends who were truly important to him almost brought him to tears. And what about Ellie? His heart ached as he thought of their last conversation when he confessed to her.

"No? Liaaaaam! You are a naughty boy! Lying is bad do you know that?" Sighed Damien dramatically.

Shifting Liam on his lap he dug out his pocket and pulled out a cell phone, Liam's cell phone.

"Ta daaaa,"said Damien and Liam gasped as fear, a terrible fear settled in him.

"Now lets see what we can find here, shall we? You know Liam when I checked your phone before you came in you had 1299 unread messages and more than 200 missed calls, you sure are popular babe, aren't you baby?" Said Damien flashing a smile at him. "Oh look another 73 messages".

"Shall we read them? Of course we shall," saying that Damien switched on his wall to wall television and set it to mirror Liam's phone.

Liam watched with fear and aching pain as the television screen displayed multiple messages from all his friends, teachers and Ellie. His eyes searched for his parents name and the pain in his heart intensified when he saw the many notifications from his mother but sadly none from his father. Most of the messages were from Vic, Victor who was his best friend and Aron who was his immediate senior and Liam suspected Aron harboured a crush on him. He almost smiled when he saw Ellie's messages too.

Liam didn't realise when his tears started rolling down his cheeks. He was overwhelmed by the concern and love of his friends. He feared his friends would forget him but he was wrong, so very wrong. Three more messages popped from Victor and Ellie while he watched the television screen transfixed.

"You said you don't have friends Liam, were you lying to me? Are they not your friends? Tell me now Liam, you very well know I hate to share you with anyone. If they do not mean anything to you then I don't have anything to worry about but if not, then we have a problem." Said Damien slowly sliding his hand under Liam's t-shirt.

"Th..they are no one important, they do not m..mean anything to me," said Liam panicked.

"Goooooood," said Damien in an appreciating voice his index finger circling one of Liam's nipples in a tediously slow motion.

"Now watch" said Damien jutting in chin towards the giant TV. Liam watched as the screen split. Left half of the screen still showed the messages from Liam's phone but the right hand showed an empty dark road which was strangely familiar, but Liam couldn't pinpoint why. Confused Liam turned his head towards Damien as he tried to subdue his physical reaction from Damien's touch.

"Be patient baby and keep your eyes on the screen," coaxed Damien.

Slowly a lone figure appeared on the screen. A teen boy was walking alone, his head bobbed up and down as he listened to some music in his EarPod, his hair wet as he run his fingers through his hair multiple times making it adorably messy.

Horrified Liam realised that this teen was none other than Vic, his best friend since he joined school twelve years back. It must have been the weekend, and Vic must have gone for a late night swim. Too many times they had slipped from their homes to take a dip in the lake no matter how chilly it was.

"I miss you buddy, your mom said you are grounded that's why you had to miss school.

Hey bud am worried, at least ask her to give you back your phone.

Hey Liam, school is not the same without you. And Damn you are missing out all dramas that's happening buddy, can't wait to have you back."

Damien kept on reading Victor's messages from the left side of the screen.

"How annoying!" He said. "It seems this boy doesn't understand that he means nothing to you, right Liam?" Asked Damien intensely looking at him as he whipped out his own phone and dialled a number.

Liam gulped, strange emotions engulfing him. slowly he nodded, "he means nothing to me" said Liam in a choked voice.

"That's what I thought", said Damien. He put his phone on speaker and said to whoever was on the other end "do it!"

"Bang"! Liam jumped as sound of gun fire reverberated from the screen as well as from the speaker of the cell phone.

"No, no no no no," shouted Liam as he saw his best friend dropping on the muddy road a visible bullet hole between his eyebrows, blood slowly trickling down from it.

"Don't cry Liam, he meant nothing to you." Said Damien tightly holding Liam as fought vehemently to run towards the TV screen.

"Why? Just why? Why are you doing this to me?" Sobbed Liam. His heart couldn't bear the shock and pain anymore.

"But babe you know why! Don't you?" Asked Damien

"No Damien, I don't know"! Shouted Liam. "Why would you kill my best friend?" He hit Damien's chest with his small fists trying to hurt him, trying to make him feel a minuscule of his pain.

"You know why Liam, think!" Said Damien, catching his fists and planting a kiss on them.

"I don't know what else you want from me?" Howled Liam in agony.

"Don't worry Liam I will help you remember, now lets proceed shall we?" Said Damien as with a flick of his hand another footage appeared on the screen.

For a moment Liam forgot his anguish as he saw a pretty girl sleeping peacefully on a floral bed hugging a teddy bear to her chest. Her plaited dark red hair loosened and few strands of hair fell into her freckled face as she took calm steady breaths.

"Ellie"! Whispered Liam.

Turning towards Damien, Liam clasped his collar with his both hands, "pl..please Damien, I am begging you, I would do anything, don't hurt her, hurt me as much as you want, spare her. Please Damien…." He begged the monster.

"Anything you say? Are you sure Liam?" Asked Damien in a sultry voice.

"Anything, please anything." Sobbed Liam.

"Very well Liam, make me cum, ride me. Do it willingly and if I see your right enthusiasm I might spare the girl. After all I am not heartless." Smirked Damien.

"What say babe?" He challenged Liam.

Liam looked at Damien's cruel face and slowly nodded, he realised what Damien wanted. He wanted to prove who Liam truly belonged to.

"I.. I will do whatever you want" said Liam as he closed his eyes trying to master his courage. He got up from Damien's lap and started pulling his pants down with his trembling hands, his heart breaking into many pieces.