Yours Truly

Luke stood outside Damien's office lost in his thoughts. The rumours which circulated amongst the maids and the guards seemed to be true. Damien was indeed obsessed with the kid. He didn't miss the desire, lust and something else in Damien's eyes when Liam entered the room. It would be difficult to extract the boy from the Devil's grasp.

But the money Philip was offering was beyond his imagination. He would be able to do a lot of things with that money. The children in his neighbourhood needed new warm clothes since winter was approaching, the local school needed stationeries, the gym needed new equipments.

Luke was not considered as the leader due to his muscles but he earned respect from all because he gave back whatever he earned for the betterment of the slum. Luke knew what going to sleep in an empty stomach felt like, he knew what the uncertainty of a bed for the night felt. He vowed not let anyone suffer like him.

Since Luke took his reign, the local youths were changing for the better. Instead of drowning themselves in drugs or alcohol they dreamt of going to college, building their health, creating a future. There was still a long way to go, but it was definitely a start.

His thought was interrupted when his phone vibrated in his pocket. He knew who was calling this late, but he didn't know how to placate the worried father. He needed a solid plan and he needed time to put that plan to work. He couldn't afford to have a man as powerful as Damien Bishop as his enemy. Dejected, he answered the phone.

"When will you bring my son home?" Philip asked as soon as Luke answered the phone. "Its been days Desmond, days. I thought you were competent, I thought you would bring him back to us." Philip said in a choked voice.

"I can drag Liam out of here if that's what you want. But how do you plan on stopping Damien from getting him back? He would search Hell and earth for the boy Philip. How about you arrange for the next step first and when you are ready call me." Said Luke intending to buy some time.

"I have already arranged for something," said Philip, his voice shook as he spoke. "I don't know how long do we have Desmond. I know Liam, I know my son. We have always brought him up sheltered from the atrocities. He would be broken if not he already is. I don't even know if we would ever really get our son back even if we save Liam. I am begging you Luke get him back."

The dark midnight sky was was spotless. There were no twinkling of starts nor there was the trace of shy moon bathing the sky with her serene beams. Instead there were un welcomed dark clouds spreading across the sky, their heavy bosom leaking drops of water already. Occasionally there were lighting followed by the roar of thunder. It was as if the autumn sky was weeping as a teenage boy at last surrendered himself completely to his captor.

Liam stood naked in-front of Damien, not a shred of cloth in his body. With shaking hands he attempted to unbutton Damien's shirt. But his hand trembled so much that he couldn't even successfully unbutton a single one despite trying for more than a minute. He didn't know what he was doing, he was in a trance, his only motto was to save Ellie from the same fate as Vic.

Vic! Liam's heart ached as he thought of his best friend. Guilt burned inside him like a fire, slowly eating away his insides. He was responsible for his friend's death. Had he not been in Victor's life he would have been alive. Had he not been in Ellie's life, Ellie would have been safe and not in danger in her own home. Liam couldn't save Vic, but he wouldn't let anything to happen to Ellie.

Damien looked at Liam through his haze of lust. Liam's pale naked body gleamed in sweat. His small perky nipples begged him to suck them. His plump biteable ass invited him to sink his teeth and mark Liam again and again. But he controlled his urges. Liam didn't want Damien to touch him. He was adamant to the point of attempting to kill himself, however fake his attempt was.

Damien inclined himself on the couch, his stance relaxed and playful as he watched Liam fumbling with his shirt buttons. The boy was too nervous as he fidgeted in Damien's lap, his plump globes pressed against Damien's thigh, too close to his crotch. Amused Damien leaned in and brought his mouth close to Liam's ears.

"Do plan to make me cum today? Come on Liam I am bored already, my men are waiting just outside the pretty girls window. Stupid girl, sleeping so peacefully. Do you think she is a virgin just like you were? My men might want to taste that pussy before they send her to your other friend."

Damien watched satisfied as Liam looked more frantic, knitting his eyebrows in concentration he finally managed to open the buttons of Damien's shirt. Liam looked so lost and innocent as he sat squirming on the lap of a bare chested Damien. Damien couldn't help teasing him further.

"Now that you have gotten rid of my shirt what do you plan to do Liam? Come on boy do you think I have all day?" He jested Liam.

Liam's lips wobbled as he tried to suppress the choking feeling in his throat. He knew what Damien wanted of him. Its just that he didn't know how to fulfil that want. What could he do to make Damien cum? What could he do to save Ellie? He looked helplessly at Damien silently asking for his guidance.

Damien looked at those pure innocent brown eyes. Liam didn't need to know that Damien was already painfully hard. Just the close proximity of Liam's sweet supple body was enough to arouse him without any stimulation from the boy. But the boy indeed didn't need to know that.

He wanted to break Liam further. He was still angry with Liam and he wanted to make sure Liam knew that his body belonged to him and no one, not even Liam could put a single scratch on it. For that he needed Liam's full submission. A feat he would achieve even if by bending the boy against his will.

"I am still waiting Liam for your next move," said Damien to the frozen boy perched on his lap. He bent forward and circled his arms through Liam's waist bringing him closer so that their bare chest pressed against each other. Damien watched as Liam's breathing increased as he placed his palm on Damien's chest in order to distance himself from him.

"You have the nerve to still fight me!" Said Damien, his jaw clenched in anger. "You are the one who will be responsible if anything happens to that girl, you will be the only one to blame for her misery"

"No…no… no.. please" whimpered Liam. And the next thing he did both shocked and delighted Damien. Liam pressed his soft lips against Damien's. His eyes closed Liam peppered innocent kisses on Damien's lips. Damien sat still, his heart strangely beating fast. The effect this boy had on him, Gosh! He wanted to maul Liam's juicy lips, he wanted to devour the boy and consume him completely. But still he held back wanting to know what Liam would do next.

Oh! the boy would certainly be the death of him, thought Damien as Liam circled his arms around Damien's neck still pressing his lips onto Damien's. Slowly he opened his eyes. Damien was mesmerised. This close Damien could see Liam's brown orbs circled with golden rings, he could see his long wet eyelashes as drops of water sparkled on it. He could see dust of light brown freckles adorned on top of Liam's cute button nose. He was stunning beautiful.

"D..Damien," whispered Liam against his lips, his breath falling on Damien like a warm caress. "I…I don't know what to do, teach me pl..please. Teach me how to pleasure you, use me however you want. I..I am all yours Damien."

Damien felt overwhelming emotions churning his heart. He felt as if someone tore his organs out and rearranged them according to their whims. All his anger dissipated like someone doused the fire within him in ice cold water. It was as if Liam sucked the poison in his heart through his kisses. He didn't realise when he deepened the kiss as he gently sucked Liam's lips with his own. Soon the kiss turned frenzied as their tongues collided and danced with each other in an erotic rhythm.

Without breaking the kiss Damien Lifted Liam placing his hands on his butt. He carried Liam to an adjoining room which was interconnected with his office. The room was sparsely decorated containing a huge bed and a wardrobe. A door to the left connected to a small washroom.

Liam didn't want to feel anything anymore, he had detached his mind from his body and submitted to Damien as the later plundered his mouth. He felt his back touching a soft mattress and he slowly opened his eyes. Liam watched lying on the bed as Damien looked down at him, his face didn't show his usual lust but total admiration as he looked at Liam with soft eyes.

"Did you mean what you said?"asked Damien as he rested his weight on top of him.

"Yes," replied Liam in a small voice.

"Did you mean you are mine Liam?" Asked Damien again his eyes intensely holding the younger one captive.

"Tell me Liam, tell me again, are you truly mine?"

"I am yours Damien, truly yours," said Liam unable to remove his gaze from Damien.

It was as if Damien was waiting with baited breath for Liam's reply. He knew in his heart that Liam submitted to him only out of fear, but it was a start. He would make Liam addicted to him, for his touch, for his attention. He would make Liam as addicted as he was to him.

Bending down Damien sealed his lips again with the soft tender ones. After what felt like eternity he detached his lips as they both heaved for much needed oxygen. Without breaking eye contact Damien removed his jeans and hastily threw it aside.

"I will show you what being mine means Liam, I will show you what your body is created for. You will learn heights of pleasure, I will ruin you for anyone else Liam." Damien whispered against Liam's neck. He gently sucked just below the juncture between Liam's neck and shoulder knowing how sensitive Liam was there.

Liam's breathing intensified as his treacherous body reacted to Damien's ministrations. Damien peppered feather light kisses on his neck, occasionally sucking hickey on his throat. He was gentle, not at all the ferocious beast Liam had encountered earlier every time they had sex. Liam was left breathless as he felt his body responding to Damien's gentleness.

"Ohhhh! Mmmmhh!" A moan escaped Liam's lips as he felt Damien's tongue swirling on his nipples. Gently biting the tender bud Damien sucked Liam's nipples like a starved man while his left hand provided equal attention to the other one. Moans after moans of pleasure escaped Liam's mouth as he surrendered himself completely to Damien. And Damien didn't leave any part of Liam untouched as the boy writhed in pleasure under him.

Each sound Liam made, each sigh that escaped from Liam's lips stroked Damien's heart in an unknown feelings. All that he knew was how to take but although that was his intentions for tonight he felt greater euphoria as he watched Liam drowning in bliss. He kept on biting, sucking and exploring Liam's secret sensitive parts, learning and discovering his body with sinful pleasure.

Liam was detached from his soul, he couldn't recognise himself anymore. The body moaning in sheer pleasure was not him, but someone who was Damien's property, someone who had died as Liam and reborn as Damien's ... what? A slut? A whore? He didn't know anymore and he didn't care anymore. He was done fighting, he was done resisting. If Damien was appeased by his acquiesce then he would submit, if his compliance saved his friends he was ready to be Damien's whore forever.

Liam gasped as he felt Damien's tongue licking his inner thigh. He was unbearably hard, his cock weeping in pleasure. Damien kept on sucking bruises, never hurting him only intensifying the sensation as he avoided the one place Liam desperately wanted him to touch.

"Damien… pl..please," whispered Liam his face red with sheer embarrassment when Damien lifted his head from between his legs.

"I know what you want baby, but I want you to cum with me inside you," said Damien his tongue swirling on Liam's balls.

"Be patient Love, I will give you what you desire."

Damien lifted himself from Liam and grabbed the bottle of Lube from the bedside drawer. Squirting an ample amount in his finger he delicately inserted the finger into Liam's slightly swollen hole. As soon as he entered his finger Liam flinched as a pained moan escaped him. He was already sore from that morning and previous night and even a single finger was arduous for him.

"Relax sweetheart, you will soon feel good, feel my fingers inside you, relax your body." Damien commanded.

Slowly Liam's breathing turned normal and soon he could take two more fingers inside him. Damien took his time preparing the boy, he had found his new addiction and that was watching Liam come apart from his touch. He was the owner of this sinfully alluring body and no one would ever get the pleasure of seeing Liam like this. He vowed to himself that if there came a time he couldn't have Liam he would destroy the boy, but no one else could have him. This feeling of possession, feeling of ownership engulfed him as he dived into the beauty that was in his grasp.

Damien lubed his hard erect cock and aligned himself with Liam's orifice. The boy pulled him closer and wrapped his legs around his waist, circling his arms around his neck as he hid his face. Damien pushed inside Liam, painfully slow taking his time. He was not used to such tenderness, such care and as he slowly rocked his hips into Liam's warmth a new feeling surfaced inside him, stunning him. It was affection, affection for this naive exquisite creature under him.

His heart beating fast he watched with hooded eyes as Liam rocked his own hips with him trying to match his rhythm.

"Aaaaahhh! Nghhh!" Moaned Liam, "more, give me more, please, oh please!"

And Damien obliged by picking up his pace as he hit Liam's secret bundle of nerves with every thrusts. He felt Liam shudder in pleasure as he ejected his essence without even touching his cock, and seeing Liam coming undone Damien couldn't even hold himself anymore as he filled Liam with his hot thick cum.

As they both panted in their post orgasm high, Damien gathered Liam in arms and kissed his forehead. With his cock still inside Liam they both fell asleep, Liam from exhaustion and Damien from sheer bliss and contentment.