The Rules Of a Successful Date

Liam didn't know what to do with his time through out the day. Generally Damien woke up much before him and when Liam reluctantly opened his eyes Damien was already dressed impeccably in his formal attire ready to start the day. Sometimes if Damien was not in too much of a hurry they would have breakfast together with Liam sitting either on Damien's lap or very close to him.

There too Damien was usually busy talking to his employees regarding various work related issues which didn't interest Liam at all. After Breakfast Damien left for his office, always kissing Liam with a fiery passion which made his knees weak.

Liam didn't bother to contemplate on his physical reactions to Damien anymore. He had learned through the hard way that defiance would bring him immense pain. Not bending to Damien's whims would be dangerous not only to him but to all who he held dear. Liam felt strange detachment to his self. As if watching himself through a hazy glass. As if it was someone else who was trapped in Liam's body, as if he was somewhere else altogether watching his doppelgänger through a scratched lens.

What's the use of fighting anymore? He had already accepted defeat. Liam just prayed to God, if at all he existed to keep his parents and friends safe. To give strength to his parents so that they could bear the pain of loosing him. To give him enough sanity to remember however distantly that he was still Liam.

But with nothing to do for the whole day made the teenage boy restless. He always had been active, always occupying himself with studies, paintings, books or friends. Now all he did was wait for Damien like an obedient whore to come and fuck him.

Through out the day his only comfort was Merida. Liam loved the motherly woman's company. She brought a little peace and solace to his heart. But unfortunately Merida had little time to spare as she was always busy with her work. But still she found herself with enough time to bring Liam's meal, or to come and clean his room and between her chores she gossiped with Liam, telling her about her life, her daughter in law whom she loved dearly and her small grandson who was the apple of her eyes. Liam genuinely loved spending time with her. The same couldn't be said for Luke.

In the past month Luke had barely said few words to him. He followed Liam silently like a shadow. His lips always pressed in a thin line as if the whole world did him injustice. Remi, another of his guard was stark opposite to Luke. The giant of the man was always smiling through his main of beards. Remi strangely reminded Liam of Hagrid.

Liam's another form of entertainment was to poke the angry bear who goes by the name of Luke. Together with his new friend, Remi, he kept coming up with new ways to irritate Luke. Liam would tell Luke to wait out side the pool changing room pretending to change into his swimming trunks and then disappear through the back window. After standing for an hour Luke would aggressively start knocking the door and break it open only to find it empty. Cursing Luke would then frantically look for Liam, discovering him already innocently swimming in the pool with Remi roaring in laughter at his disgruntled look.

Or sometimes Liam would dare hide Luke's water mug, his pen or his shades if Luke was careless enough. However no matter how much he instigated Luke, the man barely acknowledged him. But unfortunately for Luke Liam was a teenage boy who was trapped inside a mansion having nothing to do with all the pent up energy of the world.

No matter how much Luke tried to act indifferent he secretly looked forward to Liam's antics. Sometimes he deliberately pretended not to notice Liam hiding his things or he intentionally left his belongings for Liam to find them with glee. The naughtiness in Liam's otherwise dull eyes made Luke's heart strangely flutter. But he tried to appear impassive to the boy's jests.

Sometimes when he watched Liam when the boy was not noticing he felt an immediate desire to just grab the boy and flee from this hellhole. But he quashed that dangerous thought almost immediately. Luke needed a perfect planning in order to out smart Damien. Perhaps when Liam was free from the Devil's clutch he would further nurture his growing feelings towards the too pretty boy but now was not the time.

When Liam entered his shared room with Damien it was almost 4 in the afternoon. As soon as he reached his room he saw an outfit was neatly placed on the bed along with a note. The note was a simple one liner asking him to get ready in half an hour.

'Get ready for what?' Thought Liam as he dressed himself in a simple light beige pullover and a dark blue jeans. Just when he finished brushing his hair there was a knock on the door. Furrowing his brows Liam went to answer the door. Generally other than Merida and Luke no one comes to the room. But when he opened the door he saw Damien's secretary Smith standing at the entrance smiling at him carrying a humongous bouquet of orchids.

Smith was another person Liam grew comfortable with. Though they didn't converse much but Liam felt at ease with Smith's bubbly persona and gentle smile.

"Ummm….what's going on?" Liam asked.

"The boss is taking you out," said Smith handing Liam the bouquet. "Here, take this, it's from Damien."

"I…I don't understand" said Liam, the tips of his ears turning pink.

"I know, I don't understand it either, the devil seemed scared to go on a date, can you imagine? The great Damien Bishop who annihilated the world and emerged victorious only to succumb to a twink, no offence, whom he failed to ask on a date by himself." Said Smith merrily, watching Liam turning bright red. Now that Damien was not within the vicinity Smith was his perfect chirpy self and couldn't help teasing the boy.

"So you coming? Poor me is tasked to bring you to the boss".

Liam didn't say anything but timidly followed Smith. He couldn't figure out Damien no matter how much he tried. Liam grew accustomed to Damien's immeasurable cruelty, his body was conditioned to respond to Damien, his mind was a mere slave to the devil. But still the man himself was an enigma.

Every night with Damien was wild, sensual, both of them consumed by their carnal desire greedily exploring each other chasing the hunger of their flesh. But things were different than how it started befuddling Liam. Damien stopped calling Liam with derogatory names. Bitch! Slut! Whore, were replaced with sweetheart, love and baby. These endearing names confused Liam.

Not only that, Damien stopped being rough in bed. He was still commanding in bed knowing perfectly well what he wanted from Liam but those punishing touches were replaced by soft tender ones, his bruises were replaced by love marks and gentle soul sucking kisses. Instead of trepidation Liam waited for Damien every night with butterflies in his stomach.

The stranger thing was that Damien kept on asking questions about him through out the night in between their fornications. His questions were simple, asking about his favourite food, favourite movies, places he visited, places he wished to go, about his friends, about school and similar. Nestled in Damien's arms, naked, sticky with sweat and cum Liam talked and talked till they either fell asleep exhausted or began another round of coitus.

Sometimes Damien talked too. Telling him about silly things about his childhood, his mother; he spoke about his mother a lot. He told Liam about his grandfather and how he looked up to him. Damien never gave out too much details. Half of the time Liam felt he was talking to himself, his eyes almost having a distant faraway look.

He also spoke about his business deals, some anecdotes about a deal gone wrong, his worries about a particularly difficult contract. He never revealed much but at those times the Devil almost looked and felt like a human. Liam felt Damien was different than what he showed to the outside world. He was a man with many layers and Liam doubted if anyone ever managed to successfully look beyond the first layer.

Liam didn't know what to expect. They hardly interacted outside the bedroom and now Damien was asking him out on a date? Well, technically he was asking Smith to ask Liam out on a date. Why would he even want to go on a date with Liam? Damien already got what he wanted. A compliant submissive Liam who jumped when Damien said jump, rolled over if Damien said so.

Why was Damien even bothering with this farce? He already had Liam's body and Liam would never be able to give him anything else. Not that Liam ever dreamt that Damien wanted anything beyond his flesh. The very thought that Damien was interested in him otherwise was absurdly hilarious. But still here he was dressed in the outfit chosen by Damien waiting with drumming heart at the foyer for Damien to arrive.

Liam was chewing his finger nails in nervous anticipation when he heard approaching footsteps towards him. Looking up his breath hitched. There stood the Satan himself, but Damien was not in his usual business suit. He was dressed in beige high neck and dark blue jeans matching Liam, a black leather jacket hung loosely on his shoulder. But unlike Liam he looked ravishingly handsome, the tight fitting T hugging his body accentuating his muscles with perfection. Liam's eyes gawked at Damien as he stood like a ding-bat, his mind conjuring various erotic images further colouring his cheeks.

It seemed like Damien could read his thoughts as the elder smirked at him, his eyes playful.

"Shall we go?" Asked Damien offering him his arm like a gentleman.

"Ummm… where are we going?" Asked Liam looping his own arms with Damien's.

"I thought we could go and watch a movie?" said Damien slightly uncertain as they stepped into a chauffeur driven Limo.

"Movie?" Asked Liam, his eyes lighting up.

"Yeah" said Damien clearing his throats. Liam was like an open book. His face was like a mirror to his soul, crystal clear, pure. Whenever Liam smiled or got a little excited his eyes lit up making his already beautiful face shine. And if Damien was the reason for his delight he felt a strange sense of pride, not that he would ever acknowledge this befuddling emotion, not even to himself.

Trying to keep a neutral unbothered facade Damien took his place beside Liam. Luke and Jacob both were on duty tonight as they sat themselves at the front with Jacob behind the wheels. Another car with armed guards and Smith followed them closely as they journeyed towards the movie theatre.

After being cooped up for so long Liam felt unusually elated. His life had already changed drastically. He knew he would never be able to go back to how he was a month back. But at least he was walking on his two feet, at least he was not being punished, at least he was not bleeding, sore and bruised. These were the only small things he wished for now. Liam knew Damien was probably rewarding his pet for being good. Not once he truly believed in the endearments that Damien uttered during their fucking. In his lust filled haze he registered Damien's change in attitude towards him but people said a lot of things during sex, Liam would be a fool if he took it seriously.

"So, I take it that you love watching movies?" Said Damien, trying to break the silence between them. He didn't understand why he felt so awkward talking to Liam. Didn't they hump at each other like horny beasts in the morning? So why couldn't he talk to Liam without breaking a sweat? True Damien didn't date, like ever, but how hard could the rules of dating a naive teenager be? He was Damien Bishop, the man who made rich powerful men piss in their pants.

"Pffft… how hard could it be?" Muttered Damien.

"Wh..what?" Asked Liam confused.

'Did I say that loud? Shit!' Thought Damien unusually flustered, especially seeing Luke and Jacob exchanging furtive glances.

"Nothing" he said raising the divider between their seats to block his bodyguards.

"So you like watching movies?" He asked again.

"Yes, I love watching movies…..especially I love the whole experience of a movie theatre" said Liam happily.

"Experience?" Asked Damien curious. He had a huge private theatre in his mansion and hence didn't need to go to any movie halls. Not that he had anyone to go with.

"Oh! I mean the whole experience, as in buying popcorn in a crowded theatre waiting in a long line….." began Liam.

"Hold that thought babe! You like a crowded theatre?" Said Damien whipping out his phone.

"Yes," said Liam watching Damien type furiously. "I mean watching with crowds of different people giving out reactions together, sharing laughter, fright, anger its a wholesome experience."

'Did you book the whole theatre?' Smith received a message.

'Yes sir, just as you said,'

'Abort! Abort!, get as many people as you can, it should be crowded.'

'Sir we are twenty minutes away from the theatre, how am I suppose to arrange so many people?'

'Don't you love your life Smithy?'

'Of course sir! A crowd of people it is!'

'Make sure they know how to give appropriate reactions to every bloody scenes in the movie, understood?'

'Perfectly sir', replied Smith, cursing at his demon boss in the other car. He frantically started calling different acting agencies explaining the dire situation. To his relief as soon as Damien's name was uttered everyone was ready to lick his arse.

Liam was watching Damien curiously. Damien was behaving in a very odd way. If he didn't know Damien already he would have thought that Damien was almost nervous. 'What a silly thought' internally laughed Liam watching Damien still messaging someone with urgency.

Soon they arrived at their destination. Jacob and Luke stepped out first and surveyed the near empty theatre looking for possible threats. Soon the other car halted behind them and as soon as it stopped a frantic Smith rushed out of the car muttering furiously over the phone. As Jacob was opening the car door for Damien, Smith jumped ahead and closed it leaving Jacob confused and Damien glaring through the now rolled down window shade.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Said Jacob watching Smith's pale face grow paler. Wiping his sweat Smith replied in a strangely loud voice, "what's the point of getting out of the car so soon, the movie wont start for another twenty minutes".

"What?" Said Jacob gritting his teeth. "Have you lost your mind?"

"Nooooo I insist, please give my fifteen more minutes, no? Ten then?" Blabbered Smith desperately.

Jacob brought his face close to Smith, "last warning, move or I will spank your butt here and let all see how you moan every time I do that to you!"

Smith gasped audibly but held his ground firmly holding the door with both of his hands. Frustrated Jacob looked at Damien and saw the amused expression on his face. Liam was laughing hysterically inside the car, surely having heard everything. It seemed Liam's giggling had both amused and calmed the monster.

Suddenly two white buses screeched into stop in-front of the movie hall and at least fifty people from each buses rushed into the movie theatre with urgency. While so many people at once and all together alerted Luke, Jacob and the guards Smith released a huge sigh of relief.

"Come on whatchu waiting for?" Chirped Smith excessively excited. "Move you big oaf, let the boss come out, the movie would be starting soon and we need to buy popcorn in a CROWDED waiting line." He said jostling Jacob aside with his hips, proud of himself for some unknown reasons.

Damien slowly got out of the car and before Luke could open the door for Liam he himself went to the other side and opened the car door offering Liam his hand. With bright shining eyes full of excitement Liam grasped Damien's hand as they went inside the theatre for their date.