Adrian was at home. It was their semester break. They only had final semester to go and then both Adrian and Andrew would go about their ways. Adrian was so looking forward to that. The past two years had solidified his resolve more. The deep rooted hatred for his family intensified with each passing day, and the sickly sweet affair between the Bishop heiress and his twin was like a gasoline to his already burning heart. Everyday he was forced to watch their gag worthy PDA while keeping his expressions neutral. Everyday he had to deal with his family to whom Estella Bishop was a catch.
Adrian's father already mentioned multiple times that he was proud of Andrew. His mother had already asked Estella to address her as mom and Estella was now a regular face during their dinner. While Estella kissed the ground where Andrew walked she showed strange indifference to Adrian. No matter how much Adrian tried to converse with Estella or draw her attention towards him she behaved as if Adrian didn't exist.
'Why?' Adrian thought bitterly. They almost looked alike. While he agreed that he was not as brilliant as Andrew, Adrian was decent in everything. He could vouch that his love for Estella was no less than Andrew. On the contrary Andrew could never match the passion with which Adrian craved for Estella. While Andrews love was like gentle wind calming and comforting, Adrian's love for Estella was like a storm with lightning and thunder. Adrian knew deep in his heart he deserved Estella more than Andrew.
While Adrian was lamenting in his bedroom he heard the calling bell. Soon he could hear Estella's giggling followed by his mother's loud laughter. But there was another unfamiliar male voice as well. Curious Adrian left his bedroom towards the sitting area.
Adrian had seen the man many times. Almost everyday the man appeared in television. He was a common face of the front page newspaper. He was none other than Everard Bishop, billionaire, philanthropist, rumoured to be associated with the mafia and also Estella's father.
'What the fuck is he doing here?' Thought Adrian. But when he looked at his family's face he instantly knew the answer. It seemed like everyone knew Mr. Bishop was visiting that day, everyone except for him. True that he distanced himself from his family. Adrian hardly visited the Salvatore house, choosing to spend his break in his dorm or with the few friends he had. Even when he visited, like then, he chose to remain cooped up in his room.
But did that mean his own family would not bother to involve him in such an important decision of his twin's life? Was he so indispensable that his own brother didn't think of letting him know? With bitterness in his heart he willed his feet to move forward where his dear family and Mr. Bishop was seated.
As soon as Andrew saw Adrian, his face lit up. These past few months Adrian was behaving weirdly. They didn't have that brotherly bond between them true, but Adrian was unusually cold towards him. It was like he had withdrawn himself within a shell. Whenever they spoke, however little it might be it was initiated by Andrew. He missed his brother. They did share close bonds while growing up. He didn't know, when and why they drifted apart so much.
But Andrew was glad at least now Adrian left the self imposed prison of his bedroom and decided to join them.
"Adrian," called Andrew. "Glad you are here, come, let me introduce you to Stella's dad…..Mr. Bishop, this is my twin Adrian!" He said beaming.
With shining silver hair, tied in a small ponytail, and an imposing height Mr. Bishop stood up straight oozing confidence. He extended his hands towards Adrian, piercing him with his sharp calculative gaze. Adrian felt as if the old man was dissecting his heart and extracting all his personal dark thoughts with one look. He felt naked, stripped off and weirdly conscious.
After the initial introduction they all took their seats and polite conversations resumed. Adrian slowly started to relax. His shrewd brain started observing Mr. Bishop with rapt attention. While his father was obnoxiously loud with booming laughter, Everard was calm and composed. He spoke few words choosing to observe the Salvatore family especially Andrew with astute concentration. Andrew was as usual oblivious to Everard's scrutiny. He laughed openly and politely answered Mr. Bishop's questions with humility and honestly.
"So Andrew, Estella told me you both are serious about each other. It seems my daughter is quite enamoured with you, she is determined to even marry you, can you tell me why I should accept this relation between you two?" Asked Everard taking a sip of his tea.
The room became unusually quiet. The merry atmosphere turned slightly tensed. Adrian saw their parents exchanging worried glances.
"Papa, you promised you wouldn't ma.." Estella tried to protest. But was immediately stopped by a mere glance from Mr. Bishop.
Only Andrew was unconcerned. "I love your daughter Mr. Bishop, and I believe I am capable enough of taking care of her. I can definitely keep your daughter happy." He answered simply.
"Do you realise if you marry Estella, Bishop International would be your responsibility. My daughter is my only heir and the one who marries would have to be capable enough to run my empire."
Adrian drew a sharp breath. Not only was his twin taking away the princess but he was also being handed over the kingdom. Looked like he would have to speed up his plan. Andrew needed to go, needed to disappear, puff! He would make him vanish, vanish like he had never existed.
His parents' reactions were the same as him, though their inner thoughts differed. It was expected that whoever married Estella would also have the billion dollar company within his grasp. Adrian always considered himself superior to Andrew no matter what the world thought. But it looked like the seemingly perfect Andrew concocted a perfect scheme. He had completely beaten Adrian.
"I do not plan to take over Bishop International from you, Mr.Bishop." Said Andrew "I believe I am capable enough to feed my wife. If you are worried about your company I can assure you Stella is more than capable to carry on your legacy. I will be always there to support her. But the rightful successor is her, not me!" Said Andrew shocking everyone including Everard.
Andrew could see how Estella looked at Andrew with proud tear filled eyes, how their mother sniffled at her son's declaration, how his father looked at Andrew with pride and admiration. Could no one see what that bastard was doing?
"Pffft" muttered Adrian. He couldn't help himself. If only Mr. Bishop knew how cunning Andrew was he would know just like Adrian does that Andrew is not the saint everyone thought he was. Lost in his thought he didn't realise the calculative cunning eyes evaluating him, judging him, weighing him.
Liam was too excited, as excited as a captive animal tasting temporary freedom could be. There was a new frolic to his steps as he entered the theatre clutching Damien's bicep.
Liam was not foolish. He would never be able to like Damien for what he did to him. But he still accepted the small kind gestures Damien showed him recently. No matter what cruelty Damien bestowed on him he couldn't bring himself to hate him. He didn't even hate Hazel no matter how much taunts and insults she threw at him, he didn't hate Matthew even if he tried to assault him.
Liam knew he was an orphan. His life could have been so different if Philip and Miranda didn't choose him. He had received love and the best parents in the world. God had always looked after him, kept him safe. He was sure no matter how cruel or inhuman a person is there must be some good in them. Damien was showing him a little kindness and who was he to deny that?
Liam knew there was no escaping Damien. If he wanted to stay sane he would have to accept his new life. Since the day he surrendered himself to Damien, he had been unusually soft towards Liam. Liam could read as many books as he wanted, he was also allowed to take a stroll in the garden under supervision of course, he was allowed to dip in the pool for as long as he liked and also he could eat whatever he wanted.
The pastry chef Penny was a kind woman who was delighted whenever Liam asked for chocolate eclairs or macaroons that was freshly made and the head chef, her husband Pablo was an equally sweet man supplying Liam with endless junks and all the snacks he was never allowed to eat at home.
Liam consciously tried not to think of his parents or friends, or the life before Damien. He had built up a mental block that allowed him to ignore the pang in his heart. He was alright, he kept on reminding himself. He was alive, and therefore there was a chance of him meeting those whom he left back in the other life. For now he would enjoy the movie and live in the moment, because that is all he could do.
Damien watched the unguarded happy expression of his boy and his chest swelled with pride. Yes, this was the countenance he thrived to achieve in tonight's date. All his life he was taught to be perfect, any form of emotion other than wrath was considered weakness. His mother tried to shield him as much as possible from Adrian's rage. But she too left him when he was barely six.
With Estella not there to protect him, Adrian had a free reign. Any sort of mistake was severely and most brutally punished.
Damien was forced to take the first life when he was merely ten. His hand was shaking so much he couldn't take one clear shot. For each shot he missed his father killed one of his pets. His eyes were blinded by tears. The man he was supposed to shoot was screaming in terrifying agony.
Damien watched helplessly as the six months Labrador puppy was shot dead, his beloved cat was strangled and his turtles were burnt alive. Finally when he managed to hit his target, he was so exhausted in mental agony that he fainted. When he woke up he killed his faithful Doberman by mixing poison in his food. It was better he thought at least he passed away in his sleep. By the age of fifteen he became an emotionless killing machine. His target was never missed, his hand never wavered.
While growing up Damien attended the best school, received the best education. He was best at everything. He didn't have friends as the other students maintained respectful distance from him. He never went to parties rather attended business meetings. While his friends were having crushes, falling in love, Damien was expertly handling deals, doing negotiations with various businesses delegates.
Damien felt strange pang in his heart when he saw his friend's smiling faces whenever they showed their report cards to their parents or shared their achievements with their proud parents. No one was there to share his joy or his agony.
Later, much later he forgot all those human emotions. Therefore Damien didn't recognise the strange fluttering of his heart whenever he was near Liam. The urge to possess Liam, consume him, make him his was as overwhelming to him as it was confusing.
The sheer need to please Liam, to see him smile, to see his soft cheeks painted rosy as he blushed was so intense that sometimes it scared Damien. What was this feeling? How did the desire to fuck Liam had converted into his need to make love to him? Damien himself didn't know when he had the change in his heart. When his lust transformed into something else. Something which was beyond his understanding, something which was entirely foreign to him.
Liam almost dragged Damien towards the near empty snacks counter. With eager big brown sparkling eyes he turned towards Damien.
"Can we get popcorn?"
"Sure, get whatever you want baby." Said Damien handing Liam his black card.
Liam grabbed the card and ran to join the small queue in-front of the popcorn counter. Strangely as Liam was about to stand in the line of barely five people, it seemed like the whole crowd suddenly wanted to have popcorn at the same time. They jostled and pushed Liam and soon at least fifty people were standing ahead of him in the blink of an eye.
'Oh! I will miss the beginning of the movie,' Liam thought.
He proceeded to leave the queue and started to walk towards the sandwich counter. It seemed like the crowd thought similar because as soon as he turned his direction towards the other counter the whole crowd did the same. The same happened when Liam tried to buy corn cob, or ice cream or cola. Frustrated he looked towards Damien who for some unknown reasons looked smugly happy.
"Ummm…lets just go watch the movie, may be we can get something during the half-time." Said Liam dejectedly.
"You are not happy…" stated Damien with a frown. "But there are crowds and a big line, just as you like."
"What!" Asked Liam confused.
"Well there is a lot of people, big crowd, chaos and shit" said Damien as if stating the obvious.
Liam looked at Damien as if he had grown two heads. Baffled he looked at Jacob and Luke who were purposely avoiding eye contact as if desperately trying not to laugh. Smith on the other hand looked scandalised and was throwing frustrated look at Damien.
"Well I wanted popcorn and soda, but there are too many people," said Liam pouting.
"He..never mind, why don't you both take your seats I will get you whatever you want." Said Smith hurriedly trying to salvage the damage.
"Oh! You will? Thank you so much," said Liam shyly.
"Yeah yeah I will, now go to your seats before the boss chews and spits my head." Said Smith watching Damien glare at him.
As soon as Damien and Liam left Smith hastily called the talent hunt agency owner.
"How can your send such dumb men?" He shouted. "They are making everything obvious, do you want Mr. Bishop's business or not? Or do you want to be on his bad side?"
"Well sir…I am truly sorry, but you didn't give me time at all, I could only arrange those who were available at a moment's notice." Said the agency manager desperately.
Angrily Smith disconnected the call. The way these morons were behaving Liam would soon notice something. He might be naive and soft but not dumb.
Smith was absolutely right it seemed. What happened next was not only hilarious but also painfully humiliating for Damien. But that's a story for the next chapter.