Woes Of Damien Bishop

Smith was trapped. He sat absolutely still in the confinement of Damien's office watching the man pacing the room like a caged tiger. He looked menacing, flexing and unflexing his muscles as if he was about to enter a boxing arena. Brows furrowed, lips pressed thin Damien would have looked frightening if Smith didn't know the reason for his agitation. He stole a glance with Jacob who had a comical bewildered expression on his face. 'Men' sighed Smith. They were all muscles with no brain. He tried to school his face neutral yet again as he watched Damien and Jacob discussing the serious agenda of their 'very urgent meeting' as Damien called it. 

"Are you sure it would work?" Damien asked for the hundredth time.

Smith sighed again. These days he felt like a parent teaching his toddler about the basic norms of society. Only he was not a parent but a PA and Damien was not a toddler but a 6.2 ft all muscled terrifying man who was currently asking his advise on how to win a twink's heart.

"Yes sir I am absolutely sure, if you are not willing to let him go, at least speaking to his parents over the phone would make him a little happy. And when Liam realises you are willing to give him small privileges he will for sure appreciate it." Said Smith tiredly rubbing his temple. It was almost 2 Am and he was seriously tired, hungry and horny, not necessarily in the same order.

"But what if he wants to go back? What if he starts crying and..and getting emotional. He has kind of adjusted here, what if talking to his parents reverse that. I cannot let him go Smith, I will never let him leave." Said Damien. Though Damien spoke in his usual rough way but there was such a panic in his eyes that Smith was momentarily speechless. How do you answer to someone who was stating the inevitable. Liam was held against his will. True he had somewhat resigned to his fate but he would never voluntarily choose to remain with Damien. But he couldn't say that to Damien now, could he?

It was not that he was scared of ticking off Damien, but Smith couldn't bring himself to say that Damien's worry was unfounded. Instead he said, "you will never know sir unless you actually try. You have to make yourself clear to him that you are only allowing him to talk to his parents via phone, I am sure Liam would understand."

Even if he said so he felt an ache in his heart for the kid trapped here in the mansion. He felt that he was within his childhood fantasy story 'Beauty and the Beast'. Only in the story the Beast was not really a monster and Beauty eventually fell in love with his kindness. But he didn't think Liam could ever fall for Damien. He was not even sure what Damien felt for Liam. Was it pity? Lust? Or the mere  passion for a shiny new toy!

When Damien walked back to his bedroom it was well past 3 am. He tiptoed through the dark corridor expecting to find a sleeping Liam. Carefully he opened the bedroom door not making a single sound, and then he froze on the spot.

The room was semi dark with only the bedside light on and in that dim light he saw... he saw Liam bent under the bed apparently looking for something. He was wearing his sleep shorts and while almost his whole body was under the bed, his plump butt jutted out from under. His pyjama shorts was ...well.. too short and his ass cheeks wobbled in a seductive rhythm as Liam searched for something.

Damien gritted his teeth and closed his eyes in exasperation. 'Fuck! This little minx....and they call me the Devil!' He thought bitterly. Ignoring his aching cock which was full mast Damien schooled his features into indifference.

"What are you doing under the bed?"

"Ouch!" Winced Liam. Damien's sudden voice startled him and he hit his head under the bed with a bang. Damien tried not to laugh as Liam wriggled backwards and looked up at Damien with a red embarrassed face.

"I was drawing and the crayon slipped from my hand and rolled under the bed, I was ..umm looking for it, I am sure its under there somewhere just give me a minute I will check again" saying that he attempted to dive under the bed again.

"Absolutely not... you... you cannot" said Damien, startling Liam. If Damien had to go through that visual stimulation again he didn't think he would be able to control himself. Now was not the time. For the first time in his life he didn't just want to have sex with someone who shared his bed but to have a meaningful conversation.

Liam cocked his head carefully contemplating Damien's mood. He looked like an exotic bird, a very pretty bird whom Damien wanted to lick all over. 'Get a grip Damien' he thought clenching his jaw.

"Are you upset? Why are you upset?" Liam asked softly.

Damien looked at those hypnotising brown eyes. "Why do you care if I am upset or not?" He asked curious.

Those chocolate brown eyes looked at him unflinching with all the innocence in the world.

"I don't know, but I don't want you to be upset" said Liam still looking at Damien.

Damien almost blurted out something like... I am not upset, I am worried that you would leave at the first opportunity, I am worried that you will not want me the way I want you, I am worried that I am too much into you....and I don't know what I am feeling. He didn't say any of that. Averting his eyes Damien asked, "why are you awake? Its quite late, you almost felt asleep while coming back, aren't you tired?"

Curiously he watched Liam's cheek painted red. The more Damien looked at Liam the more his blush increased. Damien raised one brow expecting Liam to answer.

"I .... I..." Liam gulped.

"What now?" Damien asked amused.

"I couldn't sleep alone" whispered Liam lowering his eyes.

Damien could hear his own heart beats. A strange sense of satisfaction overwhelmed him. "Were you waiting for me?" He asked tenderly.

"Ye..yes" stammered Liam. He couldn't look at Damien. He got so used to sleeping either under or on top of Damien that he felt restless. Suddenly the bed felt huge and empty. He tried to count to 100 and backwards but his mind was haywire. He didn't realise what he wanted until on impulse he hugged Damien's pillow. The familiar scent calmed his nerves and slowly lulled him to sleep when suddenly the realisation struck him like lightening. That feeling of safety, that feeling of calmness was so shocking to him that he felt as if his world tilted and rearranged itself.

He felt unsure, bewildered and shaken. Damien should not be the person who could offer him peace and calm, he should never be the person who could offer him anything. Then why? Just why did he feel like that? Liam felt so alone as if betrayed by his own self. He wanted to confide in someone, someone who could explain to him that this was nothing, Liam was still the same. He never could give in to his captor. But then again he felt irrational jealousy today when Damien was talking to Smith in the movie hall. Why would he feel something like that? How does it matter to him if Damien was close to any other man? His mind at stray he decided to get up from the bed and draw something to distract himself of these troubling thoughts.

Now as he looked at Damien he could feel something was off. Usually Damien sauntered into the room without a care in the world and devoured Liam like a man being served with his first meal in days. But for the past few nights Damien became tender almost like he was making love not merely fucking him into oblivion. Their sex was still intense and Liam orgasmed multiple times under Damien writhing in pleasure. But Damien stopped taking pleasure in hurting him. His gentle but firm touches, the way he looked at Liam while thrusting into him, his post sex cuddles and kisses fluttered Liam's heart.  It was almost like two lovers enjoying their own cocoon made with love not lust.

Damien squatted in front of Liam and tenderly cupped his face. "I am sorry I am late, but you shouldn't stay awake so late", said Damien, his thumbs gently rubbing under Liam's eyes.  "You have dark circles, you need to sleep, come on, come to bed with me."

"Okay," whispered Liam unsure of why his heart beating so fast. Damien picked Liam up in his strong arms with ease and laid him on the bed. Stripping himself to his boxers his climbed on the bed and covered them both with the blanket. Liam switched off the light and scooted closer to Damien inhaling his familiar scent. In the dark he could hear his own heartbeats drumming in sync with Damien. Damien brought him closer in his embrace and planted a tender kiss on Liam's forehead.

"Goodnight Baby," said Damien, his warm breath caressing Liam's ears.

"Goodnight Damien," replied Liam as he drifted into sleep, his heart still beating fast but his mind strangely calm.