A Storm is Coming

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Rhaenys felt lonely after seeing her brother in her dream; she had been so happy to see him, but when he disappeared, she had felt as if someone had stabbed her heart; she had felt Alone.

His scent disappeared, the smile he wore now turned ash, she felt him gone, he was no more, and he would never be with her; Rhaenys dreamed of him returning back, dreamed of him holding her close, his strong hand touching her body everywhere, every time she tried to understand where he was, he would not answer, Why?

Did he not trust her? Did he hate them for abandoning him?? Rhaenys didn't know the reason; she just wanted him to return, for their family to be whole again finally, it had never been, but Rhaenys knew he would return one day.

She had dreamed of them flying together, flying away from everything, and be together; she had dreamed of him holding her close as they flew higher into the sky, his gentle hands around her waist, his heart beating in her ears.

Every night, she would dream; every time she would wake up, knowing he was no more, she would start crying; thankfully, Arianne was always there to confront her.

"Shhh, Rhae, I'm right here. You can tell me everything," Ari whispered in her ear as she softly patted her shoulder. The princess of Dorne didn't know what Rhae was going through, but she wanted to be there to confront her; she needed her in times of need.

Rhaenys felt relieved to have Arianne with her; after she woke up the first night crying, her friend had suggested for her to be checked by the Maester, but Rhaenys had turned down her idea immediately.

After a short discussion, Ari reluctantly agreed with Rhaenys, saying she would need to tell someone soon. Thankfully that wasn't needed due to the nightmares disappearing after two weeks.

Rhaenys had dreamed of her brother yet again, but this time he didn't disappear; he stood with her and sang a song for her, his voice reminding her of their father.

His face in shadows, she desperately tried to take a look at him, but she couldn't see the smile she longed to see; she almost could see his grey eyes looking at her, a smile on his pretty face.

Rhaeny's dreams of her brother got less often as time went on, but she knew he was alive out there; all she needed to do was wait for him to come back to her.

Eventually, five more years went by, and Rhaenys now was fifteen name days; according to Arianne, she now was a woman, and because of that, Rhaenys had visited Dorne with Aegon and Arianne.

Her mother, this time, didn't come due to some business with House Tyrell; when it came to all the houses of the Seven Kingdoms, Rhaenys hated House Lannister the most except Jaime, and House Tyrell wasn't far behind; to her, they were like House Lannister but with flowers. And it seemed Margaery Tyrell had set her eyes on her little brother. Thankfully Grandma Rhaella was there to deal with their greed.

Ari wanted to return back to her kingdom and have 'Fun' according to her, Rhaenys knew what kind of fun she was talking about; despite calling each other sisters, they didn't shy away from how their bodies grew with time.

A year ago, Rhaenys had started seeing Arianne in a new way. Before, she would see Arianne as a good friend, but now she was someone else.

Rhaenys had not been able to stop her eyes from taking small peeks at her curves, mainly her cleavage, her beautiful, delicious-looking lips.

And Arianne seemed to have noticed it as well, especially with how often she would whisper in her ear, her hot breath sending shivers of pleasure to her core, her soft hands feeling good on her body.

But despite that, Rhaenys never looked at any man that way, there was only one man she wanted, and she would wait for him.

A year ago, Rhaenys had woken up in the middle of the night, hearing nothing but the sound of the rain outside and Ari's breath; she soon noticed how Arianne was cuddling with her, her breasts against her own, her hand had sneakily traveled to her pump ass, Rhaenys had not attempted to move her hands away.

Soon returning the gesture, her hands touching her skin, moving to softly squeeze her breasts, earning a soft moan from the snake princess, Rhaeny's eyes eventually went to her parted lips, and she felt tempted to taste them before she knew it, her lips had kissed hers, she had made the first move, kissing Arianne rosy lips, the snake princess had moaned before returning the kiss.

Rhaenys had been concerned that she had perhaps crossed a line, but instead, the princess had moved herself on top of Rhaenys, making out with her cousin shamelessly.

Rhaenys had returned the kiss, their hands exploring each other's bodies. Their friendship hadn't changed much if it all, and thankfully no one seemed to have noticed it, or at least she thought no one noticed it.

Soon Rhaenys had started to notice the changes on her body; before sharing a kiss with Ari, she had been tempted, but now in a way, her core clenched with need whenever Arianne would kiss her or her soft hand would travel to private places, in a way that kiss had woken up something on her that had been sleeping.

Soon the Targaryens arrived in Dorne, greeted by Prince Doran and Prince Oberyn.

That night, her uncle had thrown a feast for them; much to Rhaeny's annoyance, she had been tired but wanted to stay the whole feast; eventually, she retired back to her chambers, falling asleep.

Every morning Rhaenys rises with the early sun. She allows the luxurious rays to warm her, yawning and stretching as the morning glow pricks her skin up. With a relaxed moan, she slowly moves, rolling onto her side and draping an arm around the beautiful body beside her.

It took a long time for her to get used to sharing a bed with another person, particularly Arianne, who was like a Sister to her.

She smiles at the memory of that night, snuggling closer to Arianne's warm body and placing a soft kiss on her cheek. Rhaenys is awestruck by the beauty of her, every time she looks upon her beautiful face her breath is stolen from her lungs.

She remembers waking up next to Arianne for the first time, when she lay petrified, terrified of waking the other woman early. Her sister had no such concerns, the moment she'd awoken Arianne had pulled her into a strong embrace, holding her close before asking if she had any bad dreams.

While she studies the still sleeping beauty a tired eye cracks open, "'Rhae?" she whispers, curling into her body as she brushes a stray strand of hair from her face,

"Sorry, Ari, I didn't mean to wake you, go back to sleep."

Arianne sighs, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Rather than listen to her, Arianne reaches a tentative hand out, brushing it down her chest. The touch is slightly ticklish but not at all unpleasant.

Arianne smiles, slightly flustered by her sister's admission, wrapping her arm around her sister's waist and pulling her closer, "Lie with me, I want to hold you."

Rhaenys knows exactly what Arianne's end goal is but it doesn't dissuade her, in fact it's actually an incentive. She knows she has important business but that can wait.

With a happy sigh she rests her head in the crook of Arianne's neck, familiar hands perfectly holding her as talented fingers write loving messages into her back.

Arianne smirks, drawing a sharp gasp from Rhaenys as a hand comes to rest on her rear, softly massaging the pristine skin beneath her fingers.

Rhaenys knows what she needs to do, opening her legs and pressing her core to her sister's thigh, "Oh," Arianne gasps at the contact, astounded by how wet her sister is.

Rhaenys simply smirks down at her, knowing deviant Arianne can be in bed and how wild the simple act drives her, slowly grinding up and down, unable to contain the erotic moan that slips free.

There's no need for words after that, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss. Rhaenys loses herself against Arianne's lips, their tongues dancing around mouths and against each other in a loving display of intimacy.

She's completely absorbed by Arianne, the older woman's mouth taking the lead, taking firm control of the kiss and demonstrating her unrivaled passion and devotion towards her. Hands work with her mouth to ensure Rhaenys knew just how much she meant to her, her right right hand continuing to knead Rhaenys's arse while her left takes the hips, easing her into a steady rhythm grinding down on her thigh.

After only a few strokes Rhaenys can feel the slick she's painted Arianne's thigh with. It felt good, ridiculously good thanks to Arianne's leg, providing the perfect surface to grind against.

Arianne controls her pace, finding her a rhythm that's pleasant but not too demanding, she keeps her steady, ensuring she doesn't move too fast or fall away. Rhaenys loves her for it, not just the controlling aspect but the fact Arianne wants to make this moment last is what really gets to her, after all there really is no need to rush such a perfect and peaceful morning.

Arianne's right hand urges her to sit up slightly and hot, succulent kisses begin to pepper her throat. She whimpers at the loss of contact on her lips but Arianne's devotion to her sensitive neck is too good to argue with.

Her sister's hands also encourage her to move faster, the trail of sweet, sticky arousal now reaching down to Arianne's knee. She lets out a particularly loud moan as teeth nip at a particularly sensitive spot, hard enough to hurt but not leave a mark, though a large part of her wished it was.

"I love your body," Arianne gasps against her neck, judging by the tone of her voice she's as turned on as her. Her sister's left hand joins her right on her arse, losing some slight control for the sake of a more intense rhythm, "Love how it feels, love how it looks, love how it tastes, love everything about it, about you."

The frankly erotic words make her head spin with want and desire, her brain so lost in pleasure she can't even begin to conjure an answer and when she does it's nothing more than a long and desperate moan.

"Ari, Ari, Ari, More, Don't Stop,"

She feels the smirk of her sister burn into her skin as Arianne begins to move her own leg, increasing the pleasure that was threatening to tear her apart.

"Love your mouth," she barely gets out, "It's always so... so good..." her words trail off into another moan as the mouth she loves so much moves down to her chest and takes a nipple between it's lips. She doesn't realise how sensitive she is until Arianne circles the delightfully hard bud with her hot tongue, lavishing the pebbly texture with unmatched love and affection.

She loses all track of time as Arianne worships her chest, moving between her nipples at just the right time to not overwhelm her. It could've been seconds, minutes or even hours before both peaks start to ache, straining painfully against the comparatively cool air whenever Arianne's mouth abandons one of them.

Every movement of Arianne's tongue sends pangs of arousal straight to her cunt and it doesn't take long until every inch of Arianne's thigh is coated in a thick layer of her messy arousal. Her clit strains, poking out from beneath its hood as it perfectly catches her sister's thigh with every roll of her hips.

She bites down on her lip to stifle a building cry of desire, her inner walls are quaking with the need for more and she can feel the desperate, drumming beat of her heart through her clit. She's astounded by what Arianne does to her body, the heights of pleasure she brings her to.

"Ari," she pants, staring down into the adoring dark eyes which fill her heart and soul with lust, "Please..."

Arianne knows what she needs, guiding Rhaenys up her body until the mess between her sister's legs was directly above her face. She inhales deeply, the scent of Rhaenys overloading her brain with endorphins, she lowers her sister's succulent cunt to her lips and savours the first taste of Rhae this morning.

The moan Rhaenys releases is exquisite, she sobs from the relief of finally feeling Arianne's tongue swiping through her molten folds. Of all the things they do together in the bedroom, cunnilingus is the act Arianne has truly mastered, swiping her tongue from bottom of Rhaenys's vagina to the very top, covering every inch of her with broad strokes of her tongue.

Rhaenys cracks and chips the headboard under her grasp, the plentiful, perfect movements of Arianne's tongue have quakes rolling through her entire being. She's glad she doesn't have to do any of the work, not because she doesn't want to but rather because Arianne has a firm grip on her hips, keeping her steady while she feasts.

"Arianne," she moans again, louder. She's so close to the edge it's painful and if Arianne keeps her wonderful, loving attention up she won't be able to control herself and drown her sister in her delicious orgasm.

Arianne wants that, burrowing her tongue as deep inside her sister as she can as she peppers Rhaenys's clit with needy, messy kisses.

It's too much, the intense pressure of Arianne's tongue has undone her completely, a large chunk of the headboard comes free as she flexes her muscles. The bucking of her hips is out of rhythm with what Arianne has set for her.

Her muscles lock up in anticipation, a vulgar scream is torn from her throat as everything goes still, the only thing moving inside of her is Arianne's tongue. She can't move a muscle and then everything melts.

Wave after wave of bliss crashes over her. Her insides clench and clamp down on Arianne's magical tongue and her clit throbs in the airtight seal of Arianne's lips. She can do nothing but surrender to the powerful pleasure Arianne has bestowed upon her.

Arianne loves every single moment of her sister's release, her own movements languid and unhurried as she savors every twitch, every droplet of wetness, every orgasmic noise. There's nothing else in her world that can even come close to the feeling of her sister's arousal spilling over her mouth and chin.

"I like you," she pants, breathing heavily as she looks down at Arianne's face.

Finally, after long and thorough waves of utter ecstasy Rhaenys's pleasure devolves into oversensitivity. She hisses, trying to slip away from Arianne's mouth who lets her go with a goodbye kiss.

Arianne grins in delight, her face slick and shiny with arousal, "I like you too," she giggles as if she owed her sister a debt.

Rhaenys has an equally massive grin on her face as she collapses beside her, rolling onto her back and staring up at the ceiling. Her vision is blurred and all her limbs feel like they're about to drop from her body but she feels nothing but full satisfaction, "Give me a moment, Arianne," she pants, breathing still ragged and uneven,

"Take all the time you need Rhae, I'm not moving,"

"Good, I still want my turn," Rhaenys turns to look at her sister, idly gazing at Arianne from between strands of misplaced hair,

"Wasn't that your turn?" Arianne smirks, licking her lips clean,

"That was your turn, Ari," she speaks with such conviction that Arianne doesn't even try to argue, "My turn involves you laying there, as I kiss every inch of your skin until you're shaking and shuddering and can't take anymore... and then, when you're on the verge of tears and utterly desperate I'll finally put my fingers inside you and watch as the most incredible orgasm of your life takes you apart."

"Oh," Arianne gasps, slightly taken aback, her face flushes red and her fists begin to ball in sheets, "ohhh," she groans again, her blush growing darker when she realises how serious her sister is about this.

She looks at her sister and realises Rhaenys probably still can't move, shuffling closer she scoops her Rhae up into her arms, holding her into her chest. Rhaenys weakly moves to kiss her, enjoying her own flavour on Arianne's lips.

She'd be true to her word later, for now basking in her sister's glorious company was all she wanted to do.

Jon Snow

Five years had passed since he had first met Bloodraven. Thanks to him, he had been taught Warging, it had been hard at first, only able to warg small animals, but as time went on, he got better at it with each passing year; eventually, in his fifth year, he could easily control multiple big animals.

A month ago, he went into the forest, followed closely by Ghost and Kessa flying high in the air; he could hear nothing but the wind around him. Soon he closed his eyes, flying high in the air as Kessa, one by one, warg one animal after another that he wasn't familiar with.

Opening his eyes, back at his human body, he was surrounded by over ten big animals, from boars, wolves, bears, and foxes.

But that didn't mean he had left everything else behind; he had made sure to get better at everything else that matters, studying and getting better with Swordfighting.

All that to achieve one goal, soon he would know the truth that had been denied to him for a long time now, soon he would know who his mother was. All left was to reach Bloodraven beyond the wall; he would tell Jon about his mother and give him something that belonged to him.

Over the last five years, Jon had started to notice various things that he had either not seen or overlooked before, such as the way his father reacted whenever Aunt Lyanna was mentioned. While his father's face was always grim whenever someone talked about her, Jon noticed something new...

Every time she was mentioned or any kind of discussion started that involved her, Jon would notice the brief glance he would give him, every time, a look of sadness and grief.

But that wasn't the only thing that puzzled Jon, one of them was Maege Mormont when she departed from Winterfell. Surprisingly she had kissed his cheek when leaving before whispering...

"You're just like Lyanna, small pup, don't let anyone ever tell you that you are not worth it."

Jon had not known what to make of it and hadn't missed the look Dacey Mormont gave him, a look of interest and suspicion in a strange way.

Jon didn't understand why Lady Mormont needed to tell him that they had just had a Horse Race, nothing else; it was not like she knew him well.

Jon thought of asking his father but knowing how he reacted whenever Aunt Lyanna was mentioned, he dropped it before putting it at the back of his mind for later.

And that wasn't the end of it; people had started comparing him with Aunt Lyanna every time he rode a horse; Jon didn't know why apparently so many people saw her in him.

"Young prince, your time has come to know the truth; go beyond the wall; I will guide you to the right way," Bloodraven spoke, his voice hoarse and old.

Jon's eyes looked at him, he had promised answers, but the bastard boy knew the danger of going beyond the wall, but he had Ghost and Kessa to protect him, and why did he need to reach the place he lived.

"Why can't you tell me? Just say her name; why do I need to go beyond the wall, one of the most dangerous places in the world?" Jon asked with a hint of suspicion in his voice; he trusted the old man enough, but why did he need him to go beyond the wall.

Bloodraven spoke nothing, his body old and broken, roots around his body. His mouth opens but leaves out whispers with no words.

"Touch the root, my prince, and you shall see them," Bloodraven spoke, his eye lingering on Jon. The boy felt uneasy; his only eye always was able to make him feel uncomfortable, his other eye gone, roots sticking out of his eye socket.

Jon walked over before his hand touched the root; he felt his mind drifting away, flowing inside the tree; he became One with the Weirwood Tree.

When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.

Ice cracking, that's all Jon could hear, the sound of ice cracking; looking around, he could see nothing but snow, all around him, as far as the eye could see, nothing but fields of snow.

Crack Crack Crack

He heard the noise of ice cracking, his ears perking up, trying to make out where the sound was coming from.

I feel no Cold, Jon thought, his face naked to the cold, harsh winter winds, and yet he felt No Cold.

Crack Crack Crack

His grey eyes lingered where the sound was coming from, the sound of ice cracking, something or someone coming out of the storm, a figure of snow, lifeless blue eyes, looking back at Jon.

He felt cold, his face burning like the deepest of seven hells, eight giant frozen legs, multiple blue eyes, her skin frozen like ice, leaving out a sound of ice cracking, a person or a creature riding on top of the giant ice creature.

Jon had seen spiders, but this one was bigger than Kessa, her legs sharp enough to cut through flesh, teeth more enormous than a human head, sharp like Valyrian Steel.

The boy wanted to look away; he tried to run, yet his legs couldn't; he was frozen in fear, just as the white walker made eye contact with Jon...

Jon fell to his knees, his breath burning in his throat like a blazing flame; he felt cold, his eyes not seeing the snow around but Bloodraven.

"You saw it, my boy, the White Walkers are Coming, they will bring down the Wall, but you still have time. We have years to prepare, my boy. I hope you're ready. To achieve Victory, one should be ready to sacrifice everything."

Jon soon returned to his room, his mind still not believing his vision. Was that what awaited everyone? The white walkers were no longer tales to scare the children.

Bloodraven said, we have years to prepare; if he says that I should go beyond the Wall, then so be it, he thought, but the bastard didn't fully trust the man; he knew there was something he was hiding, the bastard didn't know what it was, and he would find one way or another.

After breaking his fast with Arya, the bastard trained with Robb and Theon, well, mostly beating them up. At least Robb was trying to win through his brute strength and, in a way, had a decent plan to try and win the spar.

Theon, on the other hand, was like a headless chicken with a sword.

Falling roughly against the ground, Theon felt his blood boiling, seeing the bastard looking down on him, his eyes looking at the Future Lord of Iron Islands with contempt.

"Stand down; this is boring," Jon spoke, already making his way to put back the sword where the other blades were resting.

Theon managed to stand up somehow, his eyes glaring at Jon's back, something the bastard simply ignored.

"Walk away, Bastard; at least I'm not a bastard," Theon shouted, smirking, searching for any kind of way to heal his injured pride. Robb frowned at him for calling Jon that.

The bastard simply turned to look at Theon with an indifferent look. "At least I don't boast around for nonexisting achievements to servants," Jon mocked, making Theon turn red; Robb laughed out loud; it was well known that Theon bragged to everyone about animals he had never killed.

"At least my mother is not a Whore" Theon shouted, his body shaking in anger, his hand tightening the grip around the sword's hilt enough to turn his knuckles white.

"How the mighty have fallen, to think that the future lord of House Greyjoy would result in saying something like this to make himself feel better to a bastard. All you have is words to hurt me since you can't hurt me with anything else; even your words are pathetic," Jon spoke, his eyes looking at Theon as if he was mere nothingness, something he could step on.

Jon turned around, knowing what would happen; just as he predicted, Theon The Coward rushed at him from behind, his sword raised high, wanting to hit Jon on the head as hard as he could...

Jon whirled around, grabbing his sword with his left hand, stopping it immediately, before using the blade on his right hand to strike the hand he was holding the sword with...

"AAAAHHHHH" Theon screamed in agony, his fingers were bleeding, but Jon didn't stop; raising his sword, he gave three more strikes in the same hand.

"You're just a small fish in the ocean who thought that could fly," Jon spoke coldly before walking away, leaving behind a crying coward.

One Week Later

Now, Jon was making his way over to his father, he would leave tomorrow, but he wanted to give his father one final chance.

Walking inside, Jon had gone straight to the point, and his father, as always, disappointed him yet again.

That night Jon left a letter on his table; leaving the room, he made his way over to Arya's bed-chamber, opening it slowly.

He also left her a letter before kissing her on her forehead tenderly.

"Thank you for loving me, my sister."