A Night of Passion

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The Following 16 Chapters are available for Patrons. 

Chapter 63 (Silverwing and Morning), Chapter 64 (The Jousting), Chapter 65 (A Dragon of House Targaryen), Chapter 66 (A Threat or Salvation), Chapter 67 (Cannibal, The Wild Dragon), Chapter 68 (Daenerys, The Dragon Princess), Chapter 69 (A Golden Flower), Chapter 70 (Tears of Direwolves), Chapter 71 (A Stark Without A Direwolf), Chapter 72 (A Princess's Night), Chapter 73 (A Direwolf's Blood), Chapter 74 (Morning and Rhaenys), Chapter 75 (A Song of Dragons), Chapter 76 (Leaving Harrenhal), Chapter 77 (The Horn of Winter), and Chapter 78 (An Innocent Boy) are already available for Patrons.

Rhaenys Targaryen

For the last couple of nights, Rhaenys had been sharing a bed with Val and Aemon. It had been a new and exciting experience for her, but she couldn't shake off the feeling that her parents were keeping a close eye on her. Despite their attempts to conceal their activities, Rhaenys suspected that her aunt Dany had caught on to what was going on. She could tell by the way Dany would look at her mischievously as if she knew something that Rhaenys wasn't aware of. Despite this, Rhaenys had no doubts about the authenticity of her feelings towards Aemon, and she was confident that they would be able to keep their nighttime activities a secret for a while longer.

But now she was meeting with Arianne; it had been a few days since the last time they met, and Rhaenys wanted to talk with her dear friend.

Hearing the door open, Arianne walked inside Rhaenys's bedchamber; the latter stood up to greet her dear friend.

Rhaenys had seen Arianne countless times before, but every time she laid her eyes on her, she was still taken aback by her beauty. It was as if Arianne's attractiveness had the power to stun Rhaenys every time she saw her. Arianne's beauty was not just any ordinary beauty but the kind of beauty that could make men and women alike stop and stare in awe. Her features were perfectly symmetrical, her eyes sparkled like diamonds, and her skin was as smooth as silk.

Arianne is buxom and beautiful, with olive skin, large dark eyes, and long, thick black hair that falls in ringlets to the middle of her back. She has full lips, a husky voice, and large breasts with dark-pink nipples. Favoring her mother, Mellario, Arianne is short, standing at five foot two.

As Rhaeny stood there, she felt a familiar warmth spread through her body as she gazed upon the approaching figure of her dear friend, whose alluring presence beckoned her closer. Completely unaware of her own actions, she found herself unconsciously running her tongue over her lips in anticipation. A sultry smile graced her friend's lips

Upon seeing Rhaenys, Arianne greeted her with a warm smile and exclaimed, "It's good to see you!" As soon as they were face to face, the two princesses felt an electric connection and wasted no time in expressing their desire for each other. Their lips locked in a passionate embrace, and their hands eagerly roamed over each other's curves and soft skin.

Rhaenys' hands trailed from her waist, up her back, and finally rested on Arianne's ample breasts. She let out a soft moan as Rhaenys squeezed them gently through the thin fabric of her dress, sending shivers down her spine. Their kiss deepened, and Arianne's hands roamed freely over Rhaenys' body, feeling the curves and contours beneath her fingertips. The heat between them intensified, and just as she thought the moment couldn't get any better, Rhaenys abruptly pulled away, leaving Arianne breathless and wanting more.

"While I enjoy this, Arianne," she began, "there's something I wish to tell you. Something that you can't tell anyone yet. Not even your family." Arianne raised her eyebrow, intrigued by Rhaenys' sudden change in demeanor. Was it a secret about Rhaenys herself? Or something bigger, something that could shake the very foundations of their kingdom? Arianne couldn't wait to hear what Rhaenys had to say, and she leaned in closer, eager to find out what the mysterious secret was. Usually, this never happened, but Arianne had kept her mouth shut every time Rhaenys had told her to.

"The last thing I want is to talk with my father about something," As Arianne spoke with a small hint of irritation in her voice at the end, Rhaenys couldn't help but notice the tension in her friend's tone. Arianne's relationship with her father had always been a bit strained, and Rhaenys knew that the last thing her friend wanted was to engage in a conversation with him. It was understandable, given the history between them. Arianne's father was a stern man who never seemed to approve of anything his daughter did, no matter how hard she tried. The thought of having to talk with him about anything, let alone something important, was enough to make Arianne's blood boil. Rhaenys decided not to dwell on it

Motioning for her to sit down, Rhaenys told Arianne of Aemon, who he was, and where he had been this whole time, and by the end, Arianne's jaw dropped open in disbelief. The revelation was so unexpected and mind-boggling that she was left speechless, unable to process the enormity of what she had just heard.

"How has House Stark treated him?" with an air of concern, Rhaenys couldn't help but wonder why her friend was so invested in Aemon's well-being. Rhaenys simply shrugged and responded truthfully, explaining that while she knew a fair amount about Aemon's life, there were still many details that remained shrouded in mystery. Aemon had always been quite secretive about his experiences up North and had only shared bits and pieces of his time with House Stark.

"Is that why I haven't seen him since the Melee?" Arianne asked with a furrowed brow, tilting her head to the side; after winning the Melee, she had tried to find him, congratulate him on his victory, and have a conversation with him, perhaps even a song if she was lucky. Still, she hadn't been able to find him anywhere, and now knowing he was secretly a prince, she realized he was now sleeping in the Royal Chambers.

Arianne realized that Jon she had taken a liking to was actually A Prince in disguise, a very handsome one. But she wondered what the King would do now.

What Lord Stark had done was treason, plain and simple. His entire family deserved to be punished, in her mind, if it was up to her. Arianne would have had Lord Stark executed, Lady Stark sent to the silent sister, Lord Stark's daughters would be married to lords loyal to the crown, Robb Stark would be left as Heir of Winterfell, but the younger children should be put as Squires to Knights loyal to the Crown, that way The North would never think of rebelling against House Targaryen. But Arianne knew that decision belonged to Prince Aemon and the King, not to her.

Princess Arianne's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she leaned forward in her seat, her hands clasped together delicately as she gazed at her companion. "Ohh, so Prince J-Aemon is your little brother," she repeated, her voice filled with wonder.

"He is quite charming, don't you think?" Her lips curved into a small smile, her mind already racing with possibilities. But her thoughts were quickly interrupted as she remembered the reason for their meeting.

"Has Lord Stark been imprisoned?" she asked her tone now more serious. As she waited for the answer, her mind drifted back to Prince Aemon. He was certainly a catch, with his chiseled features and easy smile. Despite her status as a princess, Arianne had yet to find a suitable husband. But Aemon was different - he was easily the best option.

Prince Viserys was a cunt and worthless. She hadn't taken any men in bed since sleeping with Aemon and Val, Ser Gerold had tried, of course, but every time she looked at him, she compared him to Aemon.

And Aemon, by far, was a much better man in everything, especially in bed. But Arianne quickly remembered that her family might not be fond of Aemon for simply existing, especially her father, who was very devious. He might even think of poisoning Aemon the moment he thinks that he is too dangerous to be kept alive. Arianne wondered if she could do something to help him.

Rhaenys' answer was delayed, and her frown was evident as she contemplated her response. With a deep breath, she finally responded, her voice laced with a hint of anger, "Not yet." If Rhaenys had her way, the entire House Stark would be locked away in cells, stripped of their titles, and left to rot in their own filth. Lord Stark and Lady Stark's heads would be paraded through the streets as a warning to anyone who dared cross House Targaryen. And as for their children, well, they would be left with nothing - no power, no land, no legacy. It was a harsh punishment, but Rhaenys had no qualms about it. Still, she understood Aemon himself wouldn't want Lord Stark's children to be harmed, so she restrained her worse impulses.

"My father will let everyone know after the Jousting," Rhaenys added before looking Arianne in the eyes.

After an hour of discussion between the two of them, Rhaenys decided to ask her dear friend if she wanted to participate in something.

"Now. I heard from Aemon that you and he slept," she said, her voice soft and sultry, with a tilt of her head and a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. Arianne felt a flush rise to her cheeks as she met Rhaenys' gaze, unsure how to respond to the unexpected question.

"Yes," she answered honestly; she would never lie to Rhaenys. She could lie to many people but never to Rhaenys.


Aemon Targaryen - Night

After spending the day training with Aegon and spending more time with Ser Arthur, Aemon returned to his bedchamber, thinking of the pink-black dragon that his grandmother had informed him about. Aemon hoped this one wouldn't be as 'friendly' as Cannibal.

As he turned the brass doorknob and pushed the creaky wooden door open, he stepped inside the dimly lit room and was immediately taken aback by the unusual ambiance. The only light source in the otherwise dark room was the flickering flame of a single candle perched on the wooden nightstand next to his bed. As he walked towards the bed, he squinted his eyes to adjust to the dim light and noticed the silhouette of a human figure lying on the bed. He realized with a jolt that it was the outline of Val's naked body, and he couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement and anticipation at the thought of spending the night with her, but she wasn't alone; she was with Rhaenys on their bed. He closed the door behind him and was about to approach the bed when he heard faint footsteps from behind.

"Prince Aemon." A voice behind him, he recognized that voice; Princess Arianne. Before he could even turn around, he felt a pair of arms wrap around him from behind.

He could feel the warmth of her ample bosom pressing against his back. Aemon's mind raced as he tried to comprehend this sudden embrace; she held on to him tightly, her breath hot against his ear as she whispered something he couldn't quite catch. Aemon felt a shiver run down his spine as her words registered in his mind; he felt his cock stirring up; he understood his sister had told her of his real name, but for now, he decided to ignore that.

"Princess Arianne is a pleasure to see you again," Aemon spoke with his deep northern voice that sent shivers down Arianne's core.

Without warning, he quickly whirled around and wrapped his arms around her waist. Arianne gasped in surprise as he claimed her sweet lips in a passionate kiss. The feeling of his lips on hers sent shivers down her spine, and she couldn't resist moaning in pure bliss. As the kiss deepened, she felt his hands sliding down her body, gripping her large and beautiful breasts. Her body responded with desire, and she quickly returned the kiss, her tongue entering his mouth with a hunger that matched his own. The moment was electric as they lost themselves in each other, their bodies pressed together in a fiery embrace.

As Aemon felt the gentle hands of Val and Rhaenys slowly removing his pants, his heart raced in excitement as he pulled away from the alluring Arianne with a satisfied smile on his lips, still tingling from the intense kiss they had just shared. The sultry atmosphere in the room was palpable, and Aemon could feel the heat of desire radiating from every inch of his body as he surrendered himself to the tantalizing sensations that Val and Rhaenys were eliciting from him.




As Rhaenys's delicate fingers trailed down his muscular abdomen, she could feel the anticipation building within her as she neared the pulsing, proud, and fully erect member that stood proudly before all three women. The scent of desire hung thick in the air as each woman contemplated the delicious possibilities that lay ahead. Aemon's body trembled, and his breathing became shallow as he surrendered to the overwhelming pleasure that coursed through him.

Arianne's hand reached out to join Rhaenys's. Together, they wrapped their fingers around Aemon's length, eliciting a deep groan from him as they began to work him slowly, their movements synchronized and deliberate. The warm glow of the candles flickered across their bodies, casting shadows on the walls as they continued to explore each other's desires, lost in the moment and consumed by the passion that burned within them.

"Did you enjoy it?" she asked softly, her voice barely audible over his heart pounding. Arianne moved from the bed, her lithe figure gliding gracefully to stand briefly on her tiptoes on the soft rug next to Aemon. Aemon's mind raced with conflicting emotions.

"Fucking your Sister?" Arianne knelt beside him, her eyes searching his face for a response. Aemon managed a strangled "Yes," his voice barely above a whisper.

In the dimly lit chamber, the soft rustle of bed sheets was the only sound that could be heard as Rhaenys gracefully shifted her position on the bed. With a fluid motion, she brought herself up to her knees and leaned towards Aemon, her alluring curves accentuated by the flickering candlelight. As she presented her arse in the air, Aemon's heart skipped a beat, knowing full well what was to come next. With bated breath, he watched as she slowly crawled towards him, her eyes sparkling with a mischievous glint.

Rhaenys's tongue flicked teasingly against the sensitive head of his throbbing cock, sending shivers of pleasure coursing through his body. As she continued to lavish attention on him, tracing a slow, sensuous path up the length of his shaft with her soft, wet mouth, he couldn't help but shift his position to give her better access.

Val leaned closer and closer until her lips were only inches away from his. She could feel his breath quickening, his body tensing in anticipation. She closed her eyes and took him in a deep, passionate kiss, her tongue exploring every inch of his mouth. As she kissed him, she could hear the sound of the princesses in the background, their moans and sighs filling the room as they worshipped his cock. Val's heart raced with excitement as she continued to kiss him, lost in the moment and the pleasure of their shared intimacy.

They took turns teasing it with their tongues. Aemon's moans filled the air as he watched the two women eagerly worship him, his cock growing increasingly red and slick with their saliva and the sweet taste of precum. Their tongues danced around the head of his cock, each eager to taste him like a forbidden fruit.

He tried not to spill too soon, wanting to feel them swallow down his length. He watched, transfixed, as she took him into her mouth, her tongue swirling and dancing against the underside of his cock. He could feel the heat and wetness of her mouth as she followed the thick vein that ran up his length, sending shivers of pleasure coursing through his body. He wanted to savor the moment, to feel every sensation, but he knew that he couldn't hold out forever.

Aemon, with a fervent expression on his face, gasped out a powerful exclamation of pure bliss as he felt an intense wave of pleasure coursing through his entire being, causing his body to shudder and convulse uncontrollably. With his eyes tightly shut, he groaned loudly as he felt his pulsating cock erupting, spilling his hot seed into her waiting mouth. He could feel her soft and warm throat closing around him, her lips milking him with a gentle suction as she expertly swallowed every last drop of his essence, leaving him breathless and utterly spent.

With a sly smile, Val turned Aemon's head around to her full bosom, exposing her naked breasts to him. Without hesitation, Aemon's mouth quickly found its way to her soft skin, kissing and licking every inch of her voluptuous curves. As he moved closer to her pink nipple, Val moaned in pleasure, her hand running through his hair as he licked, bit, and sucked her full breasts. The sensation was overwhelming, and Val couldn't help but lose herself in the moment, completely surrendering to Aemon's touch.

With a mischievous grin, she lowered her head and began to tease him with her tongue, tracing a path down his body until she reached his balls. Arianne savored the moment, relishing the feel of his skin against her lips as she gently sucked on one, then the other, taking them into her pretty mouth and giving him a sensation he would never forget.

Rhaenys, with a playful glint in her eye, leaned forward and took hold of his throbbing shaft with a firm grip, running her tongue along the length of it before enveloping the tip with her lips in a sensuous open-mouthed kiss, eliciting a groan of pleasure from him. As she pulled away, a glistening strand of saliva connected the tip of his length to her tongue, and Arianne, with a wicked grin, leaned in to lick it away, savoring the salty taste of Rhaenys' essence on her tongue. Their bodies pressed close together, their lips meeting in a passionate, filthy kiss as Arianne closed her mouth over the head of his shaft, taking him deep and exploring every inch of him with her tongue.

She gazed into his eyes as she took his length into her mouth, feeling the weight of his desire on her tongue. Aemon's breath caught in his throat as she tightened her grip on the base of his shaft, using her hand to guide him deeper into her mouth. With each gentle twist of her fist, Arianne could feel the pleasure coursing through her lover's body, and she reveled in the feeling of power that came with bringing him to the brink of ecstasy. As she continued to suck and stroke his cock with increasing fervor, Arianne lost herself in the moment, surrendering to the primal urges that drove her to please her lover with every fiber of her being.

As Arianne knelt before him, Aemon's fingers entwined themselves in her soft locks, pulling her head closer to him as she eagerly took him into her mouth. The sensation of her warm, wet mouth, combined with the feeling of her hair slipping through his fingers, made Aemon's grip tighten instinctively, eliciting a throaty moan from Arianne as she continued to pleasure him with fervor.

As Rhaenys's fingers entwined themselves with Aemon's, she pulled his hand away from the delicate strands of her hair, guiding it down the curve of her neck and over the swell of her ample bosom. Aemon's thumb brushed gently over the tautness of her peaked nipple, eliciting a soft, breathy sigh from her lips as she arched her back in pleasure. 

Still, her delicate fingers gripped his wrist and guided his hand down between her legs.

Aemon groaned as his fingers brushed against Rhaenys's folds, wet with arousal. Both her own and Arianne's juices slicked his path. It was so easy to slide one finger into her dripping cunt. To circle it against her soft inner walls and draw forth a moan.

His eyes fixated on the apex of her thighs; he couldn't help but feel entranced by the way his finger disappeared over and over, as if exploring the depths of her being, all the while hoping beyond hope that she was enjoying herself just as much as he was. The softness of her skin against his fingertips, the gentle rhythm of her breathing, and the subtle movements of her body all served to heighten his senses, pushing him ever closer to the edge of ecstasy as he savored every moment of their intimate connection.

Rhaenys's head was thrown back in ecstasy, little sighs escaping her kiss-pink lips, her grip on his wrist tight to the point of hurt. Aemon added a second digit, felt her stretch around the new thickness, and wished it was his cock instead. Val quickly silenced Rhaenys with a kiss; the princess kissed Val back, her tongue exploring Val's mouth, both moaning in pleasure.

He glanced down to find Arianne already staring up at him, mouth working the tip of his cock. He had to close his eyes at the burning intensity of her dark stare. As Arianne's skilled tongue flicked against his sensitive slit and her fingers pressed expertly against that spot just behind his balls, causing an intense sensation to surge through his body, the rhythm of his fingers inside Rhaenys faltered and then came to a stop. His breathing grew ragged as he struggled to maintain his composure, but the pleasure that Arianne was giving him was simply too overwhelming. He closed his eyes and let out a low moan as the intensity of his pleasure continued to build.

He clutched at Arianne's hair, moments from spilling down her throat. She knew it too, humming around his length as she took him fully into her mouth once more, hollowing her cheeks and sucking.

"That's it, Aemon," Val and Rhaenys's voice in his ear, his sister's cunt clenching around his fingers. "Let go."

"Rhaenys– Arianne– Val – I– fuck!"

Aemon came with a cry, hips thrusting his cock down Arianne's throat though he tried to restrain himself. But the temptation was too great, and he gave in, plunging deeper and deeper into her warm and welcoming mouth. Arianne, sensing his need, opened her mouth wider, allowing him to fuck her throat with abandon, taking him deeper than ever before. Aemon's pleasure was intense, and he finally reached the pinnacle of his desire, releasing himself into her waiting mouth.

Arianne's hands moved with practiced ease as she pulled off his cock, feeling a sense of satisfaction wash over her as she saw the glint of pleasure in his eyes. With a smile playing at the corners of her lips, she opened her mouth, revealing a glistening white tongue, and eagerly swallowed down his seed, savoring the taste of him on her tongue. As she moaned in ecstasy, the intensity of her desire for him grew stronger, and she knew that she could never get enough of him, craving his touch and his taste with a fierce and unquenchable hunger. He's Delicious, She thought, wanting even more from him.

Some of it dripped from the corner of her mouth, and Arianne's clever little tongue flicked out to catch it. Aemon's cock twitched at the sight.

He helped her from her kneeling position on the floor, pulling her naked body flush against his own. He bent his head to kiss her fiercely.

Val pulled Aemon's fingers from Rhaenys's cunt and sucked them into her mouth; Aemon knew his night of pleasure was far from over.

Aemon groaned at the feel of Val's slick tongue licking her very essence from his fingers. He broke his kiss with Arianne to meet his dear sister's gaze. Rhaenys gave a satisfied little hum before pulling his fingers from Val's mouth.

Arianne leaned up to kiss Rhaenys, who was forced to lean down to meet her mouth. Aemon watched as they kissed passionately, feeling slightly left out when the women wrapped their arms around each other.

Rhaenys's hands roamed across Arianne's body, moving to cup her arse and pull her even closer.

"Lie back, my lover," Arianne murmured to Rhaenys. The words were soft and seductive, laced with a hint of desire that sent shivers down Rhaenys' spine. Without a word, she did as she was bid, stretching herself back over the furs, head resting upon a mountain of pillows. Her body was open and wanting, yearning for the touch of another, and she couldn't help but wonder what Arianne had in store for her. The room was filled with the scent of lavender and sandalwood, and the flickering of candles cast a warm glow over everything.

Arianne let out a contented hum as she positioned herself gracefully on the soft, plush bed cover beside Rhaenys. Aemon watched in stunned silence as Arianne's expert hands roamed over Rhaenys's flushed skin. With a seductive smile, Arianne turned her gaze towards Aemon, holding it fiercely as she ran a hand over Rhaenys's ample bosom, cupping the heaving mounds before leaning in to suckle at a rosy nipple. The room was filled with the heady scent of arousal as Arianne's skilled ministrations elicited moans of pleasure from Rhaenys, who writhed in ecstasy beneath her touch.

As Arianne's hands roamed with a gentle purpose, she guided Rhaenys to spread her legs wide, revealing her glistening, pink folds in full view. Arianne's touch was delicate yet firm as she stroked and caressed Rhaenys' inner thighs, eliciting soft moans of pleasure from her lips. Meanwhile, Aemon had turned his attention to Val, their lips locked in a fiery embrace, but they couldn't help but steal glances at the erotic scene unfolding before them. The room was filled with the sounds of heavy breathing and soft moans as each person succumbed to the intoxicating pleasure that hung in the air like a heady perfume.

Arianne delicately and sensually indulged in Rhaenys's intimate folds; the subtle flicker of her tongue and the gentle caress of her lips sent waves of pure ecstasy coursing through her friend's body, causing her to arch her back and moan uncontrollably in pure bliss. The soft, velvety texture of Rhaenys's skin and the intoxicating taste of her essence only fueled Arianne's desire to please her as she continued to explore every inch of her with a tantalizing mix of skill and passion, relishing in the wonderful sounds of pleasure that escaped her lips with each passing moment.

Aemon groaned, positioning himself so that he could kiss Rhaenys's hip, the inside of her thigh. How he wanted to taste her.

As though sensing his cravings, Arianne lifted her head from the apex of Rhaenys's thighs.

"Come taste her sweet cunt, Aemon," murmured Arianne sweetly.

Aemon's fingers grazed over Rhaenys's smooth skin; he couldn't help but notice the delicate shade of pink that flushed her womanhood, glistening with the unmistakable signs of her mounting arousal. The warmth of her skin and the sweet scent of desire filled the air, igniting a fire within Aemon that he couldn't resist.

With a slow and deliberate movement, he lowered his head and traced his tongue from the wet folds of her dripping hole, savoring the sweet taste of her desire. He savored the sensations that rippled through her body, her fingers tangling in his hair as he continued to explore her most intimate parts. With each flick of his tongue over her sensitive clit, he could feel her body tense and writhe with pleasure, lost in the moment of pure ecstasy.

Arianne took this opportunity to suck at Rhaenys's clit. To tongue the little bud with hard flicks and soothing swipes. Val kissed Rhaenys's sweet mouth, the latter returning the kiss with eagerness.

Aemon found himself grinding his hardening cock against the mattress for some sort of relief. Every wet noise of their mouths on Rhaenys's sex and her cries of delight made him ache.

Rhaenys, her eyes half-lidded with desire, found herself lost in the moment as her hands instinctively latched themselves into her lover's hair, pulling them closer to the apex of her thighs where she craved their touch the most. She could feel the heat emanating from their bodies as they pressed against hers, their breaths hot and heavy against her skin. Aemon, his eyes dark with lust, lowered his head to her center, hardening his tongue as he teased her with shallow thrusts that left her gasping for more.


And gods, how she loved it, if the moans she made above them were anything to go by.

As Rhaenys lay on the bed, her body trembling with desire, Arianne and Aemon eagerly explored her most intimate parts. With each lick and touch, Rhaenys moaned in ecstasy, her hips bucking uncontrollably as she surrendered to the pleasure. Aemon's tongue danced expertly over her swollen clit, sending shockwaves of pleasure through her body, while Arianne expertly slipped a finger inside her, reaching deep into her core and expertly curling it against a spot that only she knew how to find. As Rhaenys's moans grew louder and more urgent, the two lovers continued to work their magic, building her up to a climax.

"That's it, my love," crooned Arianne. "Come for us."

Aemon slid a finger into Rhaenys's cunt alongside Arianne' just in time to feel her walls spasming and clenching down around them. How Aemon longed to feel this sensation around his cock.

Arianne kissed her way back up Rhaenys's body. Aemon remained further down the bed, still working his fingers inside Rhaenys's cunt.

"Aemon! I'm—" Rhaenys's sentence cut off with a moan, and she fell apart on his fingers once more. He looked up to find her breathless above him, breasts heaving beautifully and Arianne pressing kisses to the skin of her neck. Val soon joined Arianne; the two shared a heated kiss.

Eventually, Rhaenys's hand came down to pull his own from her body. "It's too much," she gasped, oversensitive at the pleasure bestowed upon her. Aemon slowly removed his fingers but could not resist leaning down to kiss her clit a final time.

"Come here, Aemon," Arianne urged, shifting to make space for him between herself and Rhaenys, hand outstretched towards him. Willingly, Aemon settled himself between the two Princesses.

Arianne's voice was a seductive whisper as she leaned close to Aemon's ear, her warm breath tickling his skin. With a playful nip, she whispered her desire to him, her body already aching for the feel of him inside her. Aemon's eyes met hers, his own filled with a hunger that matched her own. Without hesitation, he turned his head to claim her lips in a searing kiss, his hands exploring every inch of her body. Arianne's fingers danced across his skin, urging him on as she pulled him closer, eager for the intimacy and pleasure that only he could provide.

Arianne wasted no time, parting her legs and wrapping one around Aemon's waist, her warmth pressing against his shaft.

As the moonlight spilled into the room, Aemon's eyes were fixed on Arianne's perfect curves. He couldn't resist the temptation and leaned into trail kisses down her neck, feeling her body shiver with pleasure. Arianne's breath quickened as she felt his soft lips move down to her breasts, his warm breath sending shivers down her spine. Her body arched as he took her pert nipple into his mouth, his tongue flicking over the soft pink bud, causing her to moan in ecstasy. Arianne's hand tangled in his hair as she surrendered to the passion.

"Aemon, please," Aemon pressed his body against Arianne's; she couldn't help but whimper his name, her fingers digging into the skin of his back. She ground herself against his hardening length, slick with the evidence of her desire, her hips rolling in a dance of need. With each movement, the tip of his cock brushed against her swollen clit, sending jolts of pleasure through her body and causing her to gasp for air.

He could feel Rhaenys and Val edging closer beside them and glimpsed her dark hair from the corner of his eye as she leaned in to kiss Arianne. He paused his attentions towards Arianne's breasts to watch them kiss, grinding down against Arianne's wet slit at the sight of their tongues slipping filthily into each other's mouths.

Rhaenys pulled away to fix Aemon with a hard stare. "Fuck the Whore, Aemon," Rhaenys commanded, leaning forward to kiss him. "Can't you feel how much she needs you," she murmured against his mouth. "How wet she is for you?"

Arianne spread her legs wider beneath him, and Rhaenys's free hand slipped between their bodies to rub at Arianne's clit, slick with her arousal. Then, Rhaenys grasped his cock in her dainty hand, guiding it toward Arianne's dripping entrance.

"Aemon!" Arianne let out a soft moan, her lover Aemon pressed the head of his throbbing cock inside her, eliciting a shiver of pleasure that coursed through her body. Despite the moment's intensity, Aemon couldn't help but pause briefly to glance up at their other lovers, who were both watching with a captivated gaze as his thick shaft slid further into Arianne, stretching her open and filling her completely.

Aemon wanted to take her slowly, to keep Arianne on edge, but she was so warm and tight around his cock that all restraint left him. Aemon snapped his hips sharply, filling Arianne up, pressing deeper until his length was completely inside her to the hilt.

As Arianne and her lover indulged in their passionate lovemaking, her leg, which had unintentionally slipped from his waist earlier, now found its way back around him - wrapping itself tightly as if never to let go. The gentle pressure of her foot against his arse was a clear sign of encouragement, urging him to delve deeper into the depths of pleasure with each thrust. Arianne's eyes were closed, her breath heavy and labored, as she surrendered herself completely to the moment.

Aemon, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, withdrew his pulsating manhood from Arianne's wetness, leaving only the tip tantalizingly inside her. He savored the sight of her writhing and begging for him to fill her completely, relishing the power he had over her. The sensation of her walls clenching around the head of his cock was too much for him to bear, and he could no longer restrain himself. He plunged back into her with a primal intensity, each thrust pushing her closer to the headboard with a force that caused her to grasp at it wildly, lest her head collides with the hardwood. Aemon reveled in the sound of their bodies slapping together, lost in the raw pleasure of their carnal union.

Aemon gripped her hips, trying to angle himself so as to touch that spot inside Arianne that he knew drove her wild.

"Yes, right there!" Arianne cried out.

Aemon leaned back, unhooking her leg from behind himself and spreading her thighs to watch his cock sink into her willing cunt over and over. Aemon loved hearing the moans and broken sighs from Arianne at every thrust. He tilted her hips up to slide deeper, and Arianne's noise of sheer ecstasy almost had Aemon coming then and there.

Rhaenys and Val were busy making out; With their lips locked in a heated exchange, the Targaryen princess's hands roamed freely over Val's toned body, relishing in the softness of her skin and the firmness of her curves. As Rhaenys's tongue explored every inch of Val's greedy mouth, she could feel her own heartbeat quickening, her body yearning for more of Val's touch.

With a sly smile, Rhaenys trailed her lips down Val's neck, feeling the shiver run through her body. Val's moan was music to her ears, and it only urged her on to explore more of Val's body. With one hand on Val's hip, Rhaenys trailed the other down to Val's core, tracing circles around her pussy lips. As Val's breathing grew heavier, she bit her lower lip, and Rhaenys took it as a sign to pump her fingers inside and outside Val's folds faster each time.

Rhaenys gazed into Val's eyes, a smile playing at the corners of her lips as she whispered in a low, husky tone, "You're such a good girl, Val." The words sent shivers down Val's spine as she leaned closer to Rhaenys, her heart pounding with anticipation. Finally, their lips met in a passionate kiss that left them both breathless. Val eagerly returned the kiss, her hands instinctively reaching up to tangle in Rhaenys' hair as they lost themselves in the moment.

Aemon moved to thumb at Arianne's clit, stroking in lazy circles over her pleasure nub. His eyes flicked back up to the head of the bed as he heard the tell-tale kissing noises. He didn't want to miss a moment of it. Soon Val and Rhaenys started playing with Arianne's large breasts.

Rhaenys and Val peppered kisses along Arianne's jaw to whisper something in her ear that Aemon couldn't quite make out. Arianne moaned in response, and Aemon felt a gush of wetness around his cock.

He tried to focus on what Rhaenys was murmuring into Arianne's ear. When he finally registered the words spilling from Rhaenys's not-so-innocent lips, Aemon found himself even more aroused.

"Arianne...that perfect little cunt of yours was made for him, don't you think?"

"Yes," Arianne sighed, breath hitching with Aemon's every thrust, eyes glazed over with lust. "My Prince. I'm Yours."

Aemon took a moment to admire the way her breasts bounced each time he sheathed himself inside her. How he loved the flush that steadily worked itself down her neck to her gorgeous breasts, love bites scattered across her skin. Aemon couldn't resist leaning forward to kiss the swell of a breast.

Arianne arched up, pressing herself against him, urging him silently to take a sensitive nipple into his mouth. He nipped at the delicate bud, knowing how Arianne was pleased to feel his teeth on her body. He sucked a bruise against the soft underside of her breast, marking her. Arianne's nails raked down his back, marking him in turn.

For the second time that night, Aemon felt his balls beginning to tighten, pressure building as he grew closer to his second release. His hips stuttered in their rhythm, and he touched Arianne's clit with renewed vigor.

Arianne met him thrust for thrust, moaning and writhing beneath him in pleasure. Her cunt began to tremble around his cock, and Aemon knew she was close. She cried out his name so sweetly, and Aemon could no longer hold back, spilling himself deep inside her, filling her to the brim, soon leaking out of her cunt.

He collapsed partially on top of Arianne, spent and breathless. Arianne pressed kisses against the sharpness of his collarbone. Rhaenys, whom Aemon realized had been touching herself at the sight of his union with Arianne, now reached up to stroke an escaped tendril of hair back behind his ear.

Gently, Rhaenys leaned in to kiss Aemon, her lips cool against his own—a welcome chill after the heat of his lovemaking with Arianne.

Arianne began to shift under Aemon, and he realized he was still on top of her, probably crushing her with his weight. Rhaenys shifted beside them to make room, and Aemon hastily flopped over onto his back. Letting out a puff of air made both Rhaenys, Val, and Arianne giggle.

Arianne leaned over to kiss Aemon sweetly.

"We're not done yet, my Prince," Arianne murmured, running a hand down his chest and abdomen to his now flaccid cock, still slick with her juices and his spend.

Aemon hissed as she gave his length a stroke.

He reached up to thread his fingers into Rhaenys's hair. "Come here," he urged, guiding her head towards him so he could lick into her mouth, moaning as Rhaenys's tongue touched his own. Their kiss ended too soon when Rhaenys pulled back, but before he could swoop in to claim her lips once more, Arianne's mouth was upon his own, soft and insistent.

When she pulled away, Arianne gave him a secret little grin, hand continuing to stroke his length. It was too much, especially so soon after he had just peaked.

Rhaenys crawled over to him and settled herself in his lap, her sex brushing against his cock. She leaned down to kiss him tentatively, taking her time to explore his mouth with her tongue, to run her hands over his body.

All too soon, their passion grew as Rhaenys rocked her hips against him, slick folds parting around his length. Aemon longed to press into her, finally taking her, but he waited for Rhaenys to be ready, wanting her to make the first move.

And she did. Reaching down to guide the head of his cock to the entrance of her cunt. Both of them moaned at the sensation as he entered Rhaenys's cunt. Even Arianne's breathing became heavier.

"Fuck, Rhaenys," he breathed as he bottomed out inside her.

He glanced up from where they were joined to gaze upon her face. Her eyes closed, head tilted back, mouth open in a soundless gasp as she adjusted to his length inside her.

"Oh," Arianne exhaled quietly. From the corner of his eye, Aemon could see her and Val touching each other.

Rhaenys leaned forward to kiss him lazily, the tips of her breasts brushing against his chest. Aemon could not resist sliding his hands up her sides to cup her perfect tits as his tongue slowly dipped into her mouth, licking across her own.

"Aemon," Arianne whined impatiently beside them, "I want to see you fuck her."

"I am," Aemon replied as he kissed across Rhaenys's jaw, thrusting his hips sharply for emphasis and earning a soft moan from his lovely sister and another whine from Arianne.

Aemon groaned in anticipation, hands sliding from her arse to her hips. And then, without further hesitation, Rhaenys impaled herself on his erection, and Aemon could do nothing more than take it as she fucked herself so eagerly on his dick.

She looked so beautiful, bouncing herself on his cock. A flush rose on her cheeks, spreading down her neck and across her chest, her skin aglow in the firelight.

Aemon gripped Rhaenys's hips tighter and thrust up into her tight heat. He glanced to the side at Arianne and Val, who were thoroughly enraptured at the way Rhaenys brought a hand to her breast and pinched a pert nipple. Rhaenys's other hand slipped to the apex of her thighs, and Aemon turned his gaze from Arianne back to Rhaenys.

He loved the little sighs and moans that escaped her each time she sank down onto his hardness.

"Gods, look at you," Aemon couldn't help the words slipping out as he admired her beauty.

Arianne let out a little noise of agreement at his voiced wonder.

"Aemon," Rhaenys panted, "harder, my sweet little brother. Please. I'm so close."

Already, Aemon could feel Rhaenys's core tightening around his length.

"Oh, oh yes, oh gods," Rhaenys moaned as she climaxed, her thighs shaking, her cunt clenching deliciously around his cock.

Aemon didn't stop fucking her, though.

He only had a moment to admire the sight of her, completely blissed out on his cock, before his view was obstructed entirely as Arianne unexpectedly pressed her wet cunt to his mouth.

As Aemon savored Arianne's luscious flavor, which mixed with the remnants of their passionate lovemaking, he was transported to the realm of his vivid imagination where he could taste the essence of Rhaenys as well. As he plunged his tongue inside Arianne.

"Just like that, my Prince," Arianne cried out. He only wanted to bring these three women to the heights of pleasure with his mouth and cock.

Aemon could feel Rhaenys brace herself against his chest. He only gripped her hip tighter in response, thrust more fervently into her still quivering cunt.

Above him, Arianne, Val, and Rhaenys were kissing once more, panting harshly into one another's mouths as Aemon brought them closer to orgasm. He could imagine the way Arianne's hands threaded into Rhaenys's hair. Pictured them trailing over Rhaenys's pretty tits.

Aemon slid his free hand – the one that was not clutching desperately at Rhaenys – from Arianne's thigh to the globe of her arse. He gave a rough squeeze, and Arianne bucked her hips in response as his tongue lapped at her cunt.

He could hear Arianne's choked-off moans and could hear Arianne swallowing down the sounds as they kissed one another.

Gathering her arousal on the tip of his tongue, he licked up past her cunt, to the little pucker of her arse. He flicked his tongue against the tight ring of muscle before dipping it back into her cunt.

Arianne had gasped above him at the action but had not pulled away. Aemon took this as a sign to proceed, and slowly, he pressed his thumb against her spit-slick hole. He moved it in slow circles, echoing how his tongue swirled around her clit.

"Aemon!" Arianne screamed above him, another wave of arousal leaking from her cunt at his attention.

He doubled his efforts to make the two women above him orgasm. He could tell Arianne was close from the way her hips stuttered, the little sighs that grew higher in pitch with every passing second. Aemon sucked at her clit, daring to press his thumb just inside her arse.

Once more tonight, Arianne climaxed.

Aemon licked her through it, moving both his hands to steady her shaking thighs. Aemon loved the taste of her cunt. He wanted to wring pleasure from her again. He Knew she could take it. Aemon barely had to press his tongue inside her cunt before Arianne's walls were quivering.

"Oh, Aemon, my Prince," she moaned hoarsely. He could hear Rhaenys kissing Arianne and wished he could see it. She Felt Rhaenys slide almost all the way off his cock in her effort to lean forward and meet Arianne's mouth.

Eventually, Arianne shifted above him, lifting her cunt away from Aemon's mouth with a pleasured shudder and moving to collapse beside both her lovers. Sated and incredibly satisfied, if Aemon were to judge by the small smirk at the corner of her mouth.

Lazily, Arianne reached out to run a finger over his lips, wet with her juices and the remnants of his own spend. And then she gripped his chin and forced him to watch as Rhaenys impaled herself on his cock over and over.

Aemon's hands had found their way to Rhaenys's hips, and he found his thumbs tracing circles over the jut of her hip bones. Mostly, it was to distract himself from the way Rhaenys held herself above him and fucked him so shallowly that only the head of his cock was inside her.

Every now and then, Rhaenys would squeeze the walls of her cunt around the tip of his length, and Aemon had to grit his teeth, praying that he wouldn't spill inside her too soon.

Soon enough, Aemon could no longer stand her teasing.

"Rhaenys, I'm close," he warned and promptly thrust his cock back into her warmth. Burying himself to the hilt. He could feel her walls trembling and knew her orgasm was swiftly approaching.

"Aemon!" Rhaenys slipped forward at the force of his thrust, needing to brace herself on his chest. It wasn't enough for him; she had already ridden his cock to completion once tonight. Now, he wanted to fuck her into the furs.

Suddenly, Aemon sat up, the new angle causing his cock to brush against some sensitive part deep inside Rhaenys's cunt. Her moans of pleasure were driving him wild. Rhaenys's hands scrabbled for purchase against his shoulders.

In one smooth move, surprising even himself, he flipped Rhaenys onto her back. And then he was fucking her in earnest, dick pounding into her wet cunt, aiming for that spot he had discovered earlier.

"Don't stop," Rhaenys pleaded, nails digging into his flesh. "Gods, Aemon. Right there, please don't stop."

Arianne's hand slipped between their bodies to play with Rhaenys's clit.

"That's it, cum, Rhaenys. Cun for me," Arianne whispered to the dark-headed woman beneath him, capturing her lips in a searing kiss.

"Yes, fuck," Aemon snarled, his own orgasm fast approaching, balls tightening, cock pulsing, and Rhaenys's cunt beginning to clench around his length.

He grabbed one of Rhaenys's legs, hooking it over his shoulder as he bent forward.

Aemon spilled deep in Rhaenys's cunt, fucking his seed into her pulsing heat until they were both completely undone with pleasure. But it wasn't over yet; soon came Val's turn, who was eager to start.


As Aemon stirred from his slumber, he was slowly caressed by the warmth of his three beloved partners that lay beside him; Rhaenys, the raven-haired beauty, nestled into the crook of his right shoulder, her breaths coming in soft, even whispers against his skin, while Arianne, the snake princess, snuggled up against his left, her delicate fingers tracing absentminded patterns across his chest. And then, there was Val, the wild one, her lithe form draped across his chest like a warm, fuzzy blanket, her tousled golden locks tickling his chin as she breathed in deep, peaceful slumber. Aemon couldn't help but smile as he basked in the comfort of their shared warmth

With that in mind, Aemon knew the Jousting was tomorrow. Tomorrow he would reveal himself and Aegarax to everyone. To reveal that House Targaryen was back in power. He knew certain houses wouldn't be happy, but he didn't care what they thought.

"Aemon, while you were sleeping. I have felt three new dragons approaching our territory. They don't seem hostile, and Cannibal has left the mountains. I think he's near the long rivers." Aegarax suddenly informed him, his voice a little on edge.

Long Rivers! Cannibal is in RiverLands.

If you want to read the following 16 Chapters, Check Out the LINK Above