"Sir, I've already e-mailed the PDF to you." I spoke rather

angrily whilst walking around the hospital hallway searching

for George.

"Do it once again." he yelled and I distanced the phone away

from my ear.

I suddenly stopped before a doctor's cabin. I peeked inside.

Inside was a female doctor probably in her fifties. She was a

pretty woman. Her long blonde locks were hanging down her

back and, on the examination, couch was lying a very

charming looking man.


The doctor was laughing and blushing profusely continuously

to what he was saying. He was flirting with her.

What the actual heck?

I smiled and shook my head when someone pulled my

ponytail from behind. I winced.

"Where the hell were you?" George asked me whilst dragging

me along with her.

"This hospital is so huge. And I was under the notion that

doctors save lives you seem to be ready to take one." I spoke in

a dramatic voice whilst rubbing my scalp.

"Shut up." she spoke in an exasperated tone.

We were on our daily rounds. I walked inside the laboratory to

collect the blood reports of one of George's patients Mary.

Mary was a woman in her twenties who had developed the

symptoms of dementia. George had told me that it was

possible for people to have symptoms of Dementia even in

their 30's and 20's. Personally I had prayed a lot for Mary

when I first met her. I didn't pity her. She seemed to be a

strong woman but the only thing that I was worried about was

her teenage boys. She was a single mom. And it was really

heartbreaking when her 10-year-old son had narrated the

incident of her not recognizing him.

"Will she forget me?" he had asked me while George was

examining her.

This was truly the worst part of the job as Daniyal had told

me. Families dying inside when one of them departed from

this world. I couldn't even fathom it.


Azaan popped up in front me. It had happened so suddenly

that I gasped and fell down.

He chuckled deeply.

I got up and dusted myself.

"At least have the decency to give me a hand."

"Why must I? You seem perfectly capable of taking care of

yourself." he shrugged.

"Still. Gosh. Chivalry is so dead."

"What are you doing here?" I asked him after a while.

"I just came here to collect my blood test report."

"Are you alright?" I asked him genuinely concerned.

"Yup, all good." he grinned.


"So, what's up with you flirting with old ladies?"

He chuckled lightly.

"So, you saw it?"

"Yeah. I just happen to pass by."

"You're a charmer." I spoke whilst looking into his eyes, he

grinned and lifted his hand near my face. He tucked a strand

of my hair behind my ear. I stilled for a moment.

It was beautiful. His fingers still behind my ear. Gazes locked

and his charming smile.

He burst out laughing. I composed myself and looked away.

"Yeah, that I am." he spoke after sobering up.

"Hey, I need to go." he told me when the laboratory guy called

him inside.

Someone cleared their throat and I looked behind to see


"Hey, I got them." I waved the file in front of her face.

She simply took the file from my hands and started walking. I

trailed behind her.

"I saw it all." she spoke in a calm tone.


"Is there something going on between you too?"

"What? I barely know him. We're friends not even close." I

spoke rapidly and sat down.


I was walking towards my car after my duty was over.

"Romaisa." I heard him calling me.

"Hey." I smiled at him and slowed my pace.

"Want to go out somewhere? A food adventure maybe?"

"Uh. I need to get back home. It's late." I replied nervously.

"Okay. Some other day maybe?"

"Uh. I don't know."


I heard a familiar voice. I saw Daniyal coming towards me

with a bouquet of peonies and lilacs in his hand. He came to

stand in front of me and handed me the bouquet.

"You surprised me yesterday so I thought I would surprise you

today." he smiled.

I looked at Azaan awkwardly, he was looking down.

"This is Azaan. And Azaan, this is Daniyal." I introduced

them. They simply shook their hands.

"I will take your leave now." Azaan smiled at us. I nodded and

he walked towards his car.

"Who was that?" Daniyal asked me once got into his car.

"Uh, a friend I made at the hospital." I replied awkwardly and

looked out of the window.


"Would you like some hot chocolate?"

"Yup." I grinned. My phone rang and I glanced at the caller Id.

It was mom.

"Who's it?" Daniyal asked me whilst ordering the hot


"It's mom." I sighed wearily.

"Take it." he urged me.

"Hey, mama."

"Where are you, Romi? Do I have to check up on you every

day as if you're some little girl." I heard irritancy in her voice.

"Exactly, mama. You don't have to check up on me as if I am a

little girl." I snapped.

"Watch your words, Romi."

Daniyal took my hand in his and gripped it comfortingly.

"I am sorry, Mama. I am with Daniyal. I will come back soon."

I spoke after a while.

She didn't say anything and ended the call.

"Relax, Romi."

"I am fine." I rubbed my hands over my face.

"How are you?" I asked him after a while.

"Physically fine but mentally sick." he let out a short laugh.

I rubbed his forearm in a soothing manner.

"I was so sleepy that I once slept on my desk during my

working hours and then my attending Physician shook me so

vigorously that I fell down. Like seriously he's so rude."

I laughed. He was narrating his embarrassing stories of this


"So, is your attending physician still mad about this?"

"Yeah. He sends me black coffee every day when I reach the

hospital. It's kept on my desk." he laughed.

"Tell me yours."

"Huh?" I asked him confusedly.

"Tell me your most embarrassing story at the work place."

I pressed my lips together thinking of one.

Once, I had this meeting with our HR manager and this was

like our first meeting with the HR manager so I didn't know


I walked in the conference room a little early and I began

arranging my stuff on the table. I got some coffee ready and

as I was walking to my seat a man probably in hid thirties

barged in angrily. He threw his stuff on the table and walked

over to the window.

"Leave." he yelled at me angrily. His back facing me.

I frowned.

"This isn't your place to order around, mister." I spoke in a

rude and loud voice.

"Come back later. Leave now." he yelled again.

I flinched.

"I am going to report this unethical behavior of yours to the

HR manager. No one's going to put up with it. If you're

having a bad day that doesn't mean you can yell at your


He turned around and started walking towards the door.

"So, you're sacred now. Don't run away. Stay right here. The

HR manager is going to be here soon."

He simply opened the door and stood beside it breathing

heavily, eyes almost red in anger.

"I said, leave." he yelled again.

I nodded.

"So, you want to learn it through the hard way. Okay, then."

I walked towards the door and my coworkers started coming

in. I was friends with all of them

"Guys, look. This man right here thinks so highly of himself.

He yelling at me just because he's having a bad day. I was

just sipping on my coffee when he barged in like a maniac

and asked me to leave. Like seriously who does that? I am

going to report him to the HR manager." I spoke proudly and

looked at them. They were looking at me awkwardly.

"Umm, you don't know?" my team mate Lia asked me.


"He's the HR manager." she pointed towards him. He was

taking deep breaths unbothered by any of this.

"Alright guys if the chatter box is done chattering shall we

begin with our meeting, then?" he spoke calmly and rushed

towards his seat. We all followed suit.

'I swear I couldn't look at him for the rest of the meeting."

Daniyal, laughed out loudly. I let out a short laugh.

"You're outrageous, Romi." he spoke after sobering up.

"Oh, come on. You still love me."

"That I do."

The gate opened and I walked inside. I took out my boots and

rested my feet on the grass.

I heard a dog barking. I turned around excitedly. A golden

retriever jumped on me and I fell down.

"Prince. My baby." I hugged him tightly.

He was barking continuously. At two months old Prince was

the most adorable puppy ever. Daniyal had rescued him 2

months ago from a construction site. Since he had to work

almost 12-13 hours a day, he felt he couldn't take care of a pet

so he gifted it to me. I loved Prince dearly and when he got

sick a month ago, we had sent him to a vet center for


I patted his head lovingly. He closed his eyes and I took him in

my arms. I saw Hamza walking towards me.

"So, when did he come back?"

"Just now." he smiled.

"Is he fine?" I asked him concerned.


I looked at Prince. He was dozing off in my arms. I melted at

his cuteness.

"Did you feed him?" I asked Hamza whilst walking inside.

"Yes, mommy of Prince." he mocked me.

"Hey, don't call me that." I smacked his arm.

I tucked Prince under his blanket.

"I saw him." Hamza spoke after a while.

"Huh?" I looked up.

"I saw Daniyal." he spoke calmly.

"So, what?" I shrugged.

He looked at me with wide eyes.

"Are you for real? If daddy finds out he'll be furious."

"Who will tell him?"

"Me." he smiled wickedly.

"No, you wouldn't. Besides I am not scared."

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Because there's something he should know about you and

you wouldn't want me telling him that." I smiled.

He looked concerned for a second.

"There's this girl." I spoke in a calm tone.

"You met her at the mall. She's blonde."

"Stop. She's no one." he looked away.

"Yeah. Go on deny it."

He stood up looking angry.

"Don't interfere in my life, Romaisa."

"Well, as long as you don't interfere in mine."

He walked outside.

I sighed. I didn't want daddy to know about this. I didn't want

to upset him.

"Romi, come here." I heard my mom yelling from downstairs.

I sighed. I knew what was going to come.

"Yes. Dear Mama."

I walked into her bedroom. An idea clicked inside me.

She was standing in front of the mirror trying out some new

outfits. She was wearing a red floral maxi dress.

I gasped.

"What's wrong?" she frowned.

"You look fantastic, Mama. The red color is bringing out your

color. And the fit is so perfect. Also, that black stiletto heels

that you own will look perfect with it." I spoke rapidly

grinning widely.

"I know right." she smiled widely.

"I was thinking of curling my hair and pinning them back with

a hairclip." she flipped her hair.

"And how about some light makeup. Your nude lipstick with

some brown eyeshadow." I added.

"Perfect." she grinned widely and sat down on her bed.

I smiled and wiped off some sweat on my forehead.

"I would wear this on the day of the dinner."

My smile faded away.

"The guy might mistake you as the girl he's coming to see and

his parent's might ask for your hand in marriage from dad." I

spoke rudely.

"Oh god. Your daddy wouldn't spare them then." she laughed.

I laughed with her. I wished it happened like that.

"No, it wouldn't happen like that. My daughter would look too

pretty. They wouldn't be able to look away after they see you."

she smiled and patted her bed gesturing me to sit.

I lied down on her lap. Just then Daddy walked in.

"This is rare." he spoke and sat down beside my head. I closed

my eyes.

"I don't want to get married, daddy."

"Romi..." they began simultaneously.

I got up and sat upright.

"No, please listen to me. I want to stay here with you, take

care of you both when you are old. I want to live here with my

family. I don't wish to go somewhere else. You all are my

world." I smiled sadly.

They looked at each other and sighed.

I took each one of their hands in mine.

"Please, daddy. Not now. Maybe sometime later."


"Look daddy as promised I will meet the guy at the dinner but

please do not expect anything else from me." I looked away.

"Dear listen to me." daddy made me face him.

"We're going old Romi. We just want to make sure that our

children are settled and happy in their lives before we die. Our

family has had its own ups and downs and who knows we

might face them in the future too, we just want to keep you

out of this." my mom explained to me in a calm tone.

I sighed.

"But I want to stay here and face those problems with you if

they come."

"You've grown up to be a very sensible woman, Romi."

"Come here." my dad extended his hands towards me for a

hug. I hugged him back and held out an arm for mom to join

in as well.

Our group hug was broken by a knock on the door. Hamza

was looking at us with an unknown expression.

"Hamza come we're having a group hug." I extended my arm

towards him. Dad and Mom were looking at him with

unexplainable expressions.

"Daniyal is calling you, Romi." he waved my phone in front of

me. I saw daddy's expression change to an angry one.

"Why is he calling you, Romaisa?" daddy snapped angrily.

"Daddy I...."

"Oh, you don't know? Romi met him earlier today." Hamza

interjected with an innocent face.

Daddy looked at me accusingly.

"Why are you doing this to me, Romi?" he muttered quietly.

"Daddy I..."

"Please, leave."

I looked at mama helplessly she was looking down. I looked at

Hamza he was gone. I felt angry at him. Just when I thought I

could mend our broken family by making little efforts he had

to destroy everything.

I walked outside.

I was arranging the reports of a patient in her file when I saw

Azaan passing by George's cabin from the glass window. Then

I saw him come backwards and press his face to the glass

window. I chuckled. He looked cute with his head and hands

pressed to the window.

I opened the door and he walked in.

"So, this is your friend's cabin?" he raised his eyebrow.

"Yeah, come have a seat." I smiled.

"Are you sure? Like she wouldn't have a problem with a

random man in her cabin."

"As long as the random man looks charming, she wouldn't

have an issue with it." I grinned and sat down.

He walked towards me. He sat down beside me and rested his

hand on the back of the sofa.

"So, you think I look charming?" he smirked.

My smile faded away.

"I meant according to her. She would find you really

charming." I gave him a small smile.

"I see."

The door of the cabin opened and George walked in.

"Uh, George." I stood up and hugged her.

"Hey there, George. I'm Azaan." he stood up and offered his


She shook his hand and eyed me suspiciously.

"What?" I shrugged.

"George, dear. I am here to steal your friend for an hour. Do I

have the permission?" he smiled.

I looked at him wide eyed.

"Sure, but after 15 minutes though." she laughed.

"But I didn't even agree." I interjected.

"But your boss did, sweetheart."

"I will see you after 15 minutes then. Thanks, George." he

grinned and walked outside.

"Oooh. Sweetheart huh?" she raised her eyebrows.

"Shut up." I smiled.

We were checking with Mary.

Her eldest son who was 17 was nowhere to be seen. The

second eldest who was 14 had no idea what to do. And her

youngest son Oliver was crying continuously. Apparently,

Mary was experiencing hallucinations which was one of the

symptoms of Dementia.

"How long will this go on?" Oliver asked me between his

hiccups. I crouched down and hugged him tightly.

"It will be over soon, Oliver." I patted his back.

"Romi." George called me.


"You can go now. It's your break. "She smiled.

"Here." I heard a familiar voice and a chocolate entered my

vision. I looked up. Azaan was smiling at Oliver. I took the

chocolate from him and handed it to Oliver.

Oliver rubbed his eyes and unwrapped the chocolate. He

walked over to his mum and shared it with his brother and

her. I melted at his cuteness.

I felt a hand grip and I looked up. Azaan tightly gripped my

hand and helped me get up.

We walked outside. My hand still in his grip. I tugged it and

he quietly let it go.

"I am taking you out on a food adventure." he spoke after a

whilst driving.

"Where?" I asked him quietly.

"You'll see." he smiled coyly.

He parked his car and we got out. We walked inside an ivycolored building. Inside it was like a bar and cozy library

lounge. The patio was the dining room set against a green

hillside, complete with a few cabanas. We sat down. I was

looking anywhere but him. It felt awkward.

"The Brioche bread pudding here is delicious." I heard him


"We are here to try that specifically. 6:00 pm a perfect time

for a dessert, isn't it?"


"What's wrong?"


"Look at me."

I looked up and he was smiling widely. He looked beautiful.

The flickering fireplace had created a beautiful atmosphere.

"Nothing. It's just that working at hospitals can be really

tragic." I smiled sadly.

"Yeah." he looked away.

"So, tell me something about your life." I quickly changed the


"My life?"

I nodded.

"My dad and my brother are pilots. So, they wanted me to

become a pilot too. But I had other plans. I was always

intrigued by IT subject at school. But my dad is still kind of

bummed about it."

I frowned.

"Why? You're successful. And also, IT field influences almost

everything that we do."

"He just doesn't see me as the perfect son. Because I've never

obliged to what he asked me to do. Unlike my brother who's

the perfect son." He scoffed.

"Oh." I looked down not knowing what to say.

"But my brother is amazing. I love him. He has always

supported me." he smiled.

"And your mother?"

His smile faded away.

"She passed away 2 years ago." he spoke quietly.

"Oh. I didn't know. I am sorry."

"She died in an accident. My dad still blames himself for

letting her drive alone in the rain. I despise rain. It's like the

rain took my mother away from me." he looked away.

I reached forward and rubbed his hand soothingly. He sighed

and closed his eyes opening them again after a minute.

"Sir, ma'am. Your order." the waiter placed the Brioche bread

pudding in front of us.

"Here." he served me.

"You alright?" I asked him carefully.

"Yeah." he smiled.

In that moment I prayed for him to keep smiling like that


"Isn't this amazing?" he spoke whilst eating his pudding and

smiling like a child.

"Yeah. It is." I smiled.

The waiter arrived with the bill. I saw him take out his card.

"Let's split it." I took out my card too.

"Uh huh. I brought you here so I'll pay." he held both of my

hands with his one hand. I tried to free them.

"Mr. Waiter. Do not listen to him. We are splitting the bill.

Here's my card." I tried hard to hand him the card but Azaan

pulled my hand back.

"Mr. Waiter? What the actual heck, Romaisa?" he cackled

with laughter.

I laughed with him and looked at the waiter. He was busy with

his work, a small smile playing on his lips.

We walked back to his car still sobering up from our laughter.

"Should I drop you at the hospital or..."

"No. Just drop me at the hospital. My car's still there."

"Alright." he walked ahead of me and opened the door. He

then bowed down.

"After you. My lady." he spoke in a rich British accent.

"Thank you. My lord." I imitated a British accent too.

"I am always late to work because I oversleep." he spoke.

"Me too." I high fived him.

"I don't like sea food." I spoke.

"Me too." he high fived me.

"I don't like beaches. I like the mountains."

I laughed.

"Me too." I high fived him.

Geez. This man and I had a lot in common.

"My parents are pestering me to get married." I laughed.

"Mine too." he laughed and we high fived.

"Mine has called a guy over for a formal dinner."

He high fived me.

"Mine too but I didn't agree."

"Luck you." I scoffed.

"So, what are you going to do?"

"I have a plan." I smiled wickedly.

"Drop it."

"Huh? Why?"

"I have an even better plan."

"But you don't even know what I've planned." I whined.

"But I know that your plan is going to get backfired."

"Hey." I whined and turned away.

"At least listen to my plan."

"I don't want to."

"You'll love it."

I ignored him.

"Look here, sweetheart." he pulled my cheek. I swatted his

hand away.

"Don't call me that."

"Why? I like it." he shrugged.

"But, I don't." I smacked his hand which was trying to touch

my hair.

"Geez. Woman."

"Play a song." I muttered quietly.

He turned the radio on and a gentle tragic tune began to play.

"It was my mom's favorite."

He looked away.

I closed my eyes still savoring the taste of the dessert and

relishing in the music.

"Just mix some salt in his tea. Or even better tell him that you

a werewolf or a vampire."

I laughed lightly.

"I thought you had a better plan. My plan is much better than

this one."

"Oh yeah. What is it?"

"I will act as a possessed girl at times."

"Nice plan. You're not that bad as I thought you to be."

I smacked his arm.

"Why are you being so violent today?"

The hospital had arrived.

I sighed. I wished for the ride to be longer.

"I wish the ride lasted longer." he spoke quietly.

I froze. Did this man just voice out my thoughts?

"Yeah." I gave him a small smile and unlocked the door. I

walked towards my car and turned around to look at him. He

was smiling at me, I motioned him to leave and saw his car

going in reverse, his gaze never left mine until he was out of

the parking lot.

I lied down to sleep. His words ringing in my ears.

"I wish the ride lasted longer."

I grinned like an idiot and hugged my pillow.


Being with him felt so familiar. It was like I had known him

for a very long time.