The Westons’

"Come on, I certain don't also want to die as a virgin. I made a promise to fuck during prom" Jamie said as they walked forward.

"Common guys, let's not deviate from the issues at hand. We need to go back to the house, it's almost sunset. We need to take what we want and get out without anyone seeing us, because if we get caught, we would have all the time we need in the world to regret our action in Prison" Ray told them

'Yeah, you're right" Ethan muttered. He took a deep breath and turned to the road. He knew, they all knew that these was wrong, but they had to do it for their friend, because friends stick together till the very end.

Jamie flagged down a taxi that took them back to the mansion. The asked the car to pull over few meters away from the gate, Jamie paid the fare and the taxi drove off. They moved over and hid beside a black car that was parked just outside the gate.

"so what's the plan?" Ray asked as he wore his masks.

"Common Ray you gotta be fucking kidding me. I thought you were a pro in all this Shit, how would you be asking us this, I thought you had a plan. Oh goodness we are doomed." Jamie letout in panic.

HONESTLY, Ray was as anxious as they were but he was good in hiding his emotions under his skin.

Ehtan came up with a plan and narrated it all to them.


Elaine had returned from the grocery shopping and also helped her mother in the kitchen; Dinner was served and they all ate it happily like one family. It been a while since they had dinner together with such air of peace and comfort.

After clearing up the dishes, she retired to her room. she shut her door close and she made to get some fresh air.

The cold air from outside greeted her as she opened up the door and walked in to the Terrence. She took a deep breath and curled her hand around her chest, she felt peaceful.

Her eyes suddenly caught a car parked right in front of the gate. From the terrace, she could see beyond the gate and so she saw the car.

She gazed intently at the car as it seemed familiar. Then it occurred to her where she had seen it. It was the same car that was driving slowly behind her on her way to the grocery store, then when she stepped out of the grocery store the car was parked across the road.

Those this mean that the car was trailing me all along, she wondered. The thought of that made her scared. She ran back into her room and shut the door, locking it up.

She had to tell her parent or maybe even call the cops, because something didn't feel right. She had this weird feeling about that car.

She opened her door and walked out of her room and was about making her way to her parent's room when she saw a shadow walk past the hallway. She paused and hid herself behind the pillar close to the stairs. Her heart thumbed hardly against her chest, like it would rip it open. Her breathing increased as she swallowed hard. Someone had gotten into the house. She searched herself for her phone but it wasn't on her.

Shit! She cursed as she as she realized that she might have left it in her room. she looked around and ran back to her room to get her phone so she could inform her parents about it before they would get to them.


Ray, Ethan and Jamie had successfully climbed over the wooden fence and gotten into the house through the window.

"What the fuck, this house is a paradise" Ray gasped as he stopped to admire the art work and interior design. Jamie walked over to Ray and hit him slightly on the head.

"We didn't come here to admire anything, lets get this over with before we get caught and you will have enough time in the world to admire the prison gates" Jamie implored as he repeated what Ray had said early.

Ethan chuckled slightly and they made their way up the stairs.

"We have to find something worth at least a thousand dollars" Ethan said in a hushed tone.

"yeah" Ray muttered.

They opened a door and walked in.

"Seems like this is the parent's room" Jammie pointed out.

"Yeah, I think so too"

"if that's the case, I believe that some jewelry would be here" Ray said. They searched the drawers and found bundle of cash and few gold chains. They took it into their pocket and kept on searching.

But then suddenly, a loud gun echoed through the whole building, sending the whole place in to eerie silence. They stopped and turned to each other obviously startled and on the verge of Panic.

"What was that?" Jamie asked in a shaky voice.

"I don't know, sounds like a gunshot" Ray replied...

"Seems the owners have figured out that their house is being robbed and is coming for us. We need to get out of here"

"I think so too" Jamie added. They all made their way to the door and as soon as they opened it, they froze as they caught sight of 2 men walking down the hallway, fully armed with a heavy firepower.

Slowly, they closed the door so as not to make a sound.

"Fuck, we are gonna die, I can feel it. We are all gonna die here. Oh lord I'm still a virgin I can't die now" Jamie cried out.

Ethan and Ray immediately sealed his mouth shut; "ssssh" they hushed at him.

Unfortunately for them, guard turned and caught sight of the door closing, followed by the muffled sound. He turned and redirected his steps towards the door with his gun pointed in front of him.

"Come out, come out" the fierce man sang as he drew close to the door. He stopped right in front of the door and then pulled the trigger shooting sporadically at the door.

The shooting lasted for only a few seconds before he suddenly stopped and kicked the door open and stepped in menacingly


Elaine locked the door behind her and rushed over to her phone which was just on the bed, she tried calling her parents but at first got no reply and then after calling for the second and third time, it connected.

"Hello mum, Dad. Some men are in the house. They are armed. I'm scared, what should I do?" she cried out as soon as the call connected.

"Oh darling, don't be scared I'm coming to get you to somewhere safe, just tell me where you are"

She threw the phone away immediately she heard the strange voice. That wasn't her parents' voice. Does that mean they have gotten a hold on her parents?

She walked over to the phone and saw the call had already ended. She picked up her phone and called the cops.

"Hello, 911, what's your emergency" the female voice came on immediately the call connected.

"There are some armed men in my house, I think they've got my parents. Please come quick, I don't want anything to happen to my family" she cried

"Where are you now ma'am?"

"I locked myself up in my room"

"Okay, can you tell me your location and I'll send the dispatch team"

"1027, 5th Avenue"

"Okay ma'am, please stay put. Our team will be arriving shortly" the voice said and the call disconnected.

"shit," she hissed to herself loudly, wondering how long it will take the cops to get here. She placed her phone back in her pocket and then made her way to the door…


Meanwhile, few minutes earlier.

He felt really tired, catching up with the archaeologist seemed more tougher now, just when he seemed to have caught up with him, he disappears. He had tracked him down through nearly around the world. Canada, Algeria, Ukraine, Germany, Hong Kong, South Korea, even to Africa, just you name it. With each of these attempts seem tougher than the other, he finally found him here in America.

The door flung open suddenly and three of his men walked in with the archeologist and his wife. A victorious grin crept in on his face as soon as he saw them.

Their hands were tied behind their back and they were forced to kneel in front of him.

"We meet again DR Weston" he said, relaxing his back on the brown retractable leather chair.

Mrs. Weston turned her gaze to her husband, with confusion written all over her. How could such a man know her husband, she thought; "Do you know him?" She asked her husband.

"No, I don't" He replied stiffly.

"Oh Dr. Weston, you say you don't know me. but we've met a couple of times" He stated and pause, turning his gaze to Mrs. Weston he continued; "why do you think you husband has been running around the continents, it's all because of me. he has something that my Boss wants and that's why I am here again, to take what rightfully belongs to us"

Mrs. Weston knew that their life was at stake, but never really knew why. Her husband did everything to keep them safe, but now they have been cornered.

"Where is it Weston? Where is the Artifact?" He asked calmly, his back still resting on the retractable chair and his hands interlocked and resting on his thighs.

"I'm not telling you anything unless you let my….." Mr. Weston had barely completed his statement when his phone rang in his pocket, cutting him short. It rang and then disconnected, but soon it rang for the second time.

One of the men In the room walked forward and pulled the phone out from his pocket, he took a quick glance at the screen and then said.

"Amun, it's his daughter"

Mr & Mrs. Weston glanced at each other on hearing them mention their daughter. She was also in the house.

"Oh darling, don't be scared I'm coming to get you to somewhere safe, just tell me where you are" he said but the call disconnected almost immediately. He signaled to the men to go get the girl and they left the room.

"Please leave my daughter out of this, I'd tell you what you want to know, just don't harm us" Mr. Weston pleaded.

"What artifact are you talking about, there's no Artifact in this house, I think you have us mistaken with someone else" Mrs. Weston added.

Amun chuckled and stood up from the chair; "I guess you never told her" He muttered

"a group of Archeologist which was led by your husband discovered a precious Artifact in Giza, the time stone had been lost for almost four thousand years, but was discovered by your husband a couple of months ago. And now we want the time stone because it clearly belongs to us, it is our heritage and won't let it go" Amun stated, the whole room went silent as he spoke, even the grave yard would be jealous of the silence that stirred in the room at the moment.

Mr. Weston knew that what he found had properties that were beyond his understanding and he also knew the danger it will pose as if it gets into the wrong hands and that was why he took it with him to keep it safe.

"If I tell you where it is, do you promise to let my family go?" Mr. Weston said, disrupting the cloud of silence that loomed all over the room.

"I would disappear from your life, like all these never happened"

Mr. Weston sighed and turned to face his wife, who looked visibly frightened and shaken up, he had brought this on his family and he needs to set it straight.

"it's inside a room upstairs, the fourth Door by the left" He finally told him the location.

A wide grin crept in on Amun's face, this was it, finally. He turned his back at them and picked up the walkie talkie from the table and then phoned his men, informing them of the location of the Artifact.