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The Attack

The man had kicked the door open and looked inside the room but didn't see anyone, his bullets left marks on the wall arounds the room. he grunts and took a step into the room.

"mrhban , daena nadhhab , la 'ahad hunak , ladayna fatat lileuthur ealayha (hey, common let's go, no one is in there, we have a girl to find") the other tall man with a curly hair said to him in Arabic.

The man cursed and walked away from the room; he could have sworn he heard something coming from the room.

Meanwhile Ray, Jamie and Ethan managed to hid themselves in the bathroom, luckily for them, they had gotten to the bathroom before the man open fire on the room. The sound of the gun scared the hell outta them, theirbreathing raced and their heart thumbed in their rib cage at the thought of getting killed here tonight.

They heard the door open and shut their eyes close, and held hands to the possibility of the armed stranger making his way to the bathroom and murdering them in cold blood.

But they heard a voice say something and soon there was no sound at all anymore.

"Have they gone?" Jamie asked in a whisper.

"How would I know; they said something, but I don't think that's English" Ray Replied

'That's Arabic" Ethan Replied

"How did you know that?" Jamie asked surprised.

Ethan turned his gaze to Jamie and said "Take your lingual classes serious" he paused and then turned to Ray; "they said something about searching for a girl. These people are here to for some real assassin business, we have to get out of here before we end up dead"

"Yeah, you're right" Ray moved to door and placed his ear on it to listen for any movement, but from all, he could not hear any sound coming from the room except the sound of his own racing heart.

"Did you hear anything?" Ethan and Jamie asked in unison.

"No, nothing. This is our chance; we have to make a run for it" they nodded and Ray stood up to his feet. His palm felt dry as he touched the cold door knob, gently twisting it so as not to make a sound. The door creaked open to reveal the room, the trio bobbed their head out and looked around the once neat and arranged room which had now been disorganized by the bullets. The harden wares laid shattered on the floor, holes made by bullets all over the walls, the sight of this made these even scarier. The tip toed to the door that exited the room, they looked down the both sides of the hall way, making sure no one was in sight.

"Which way?" Ray asked not sure of which way leads out to avoid running into those men again.

"It's this way" Jamie said.

'Are you sure?" Ethan asked, thinking they should go the opposite.

"Yeah, I'm sure" Jamie replied.

Ray took the first steps out of the room and made his way down the hallway as Jamie had pointed out. Silence cut through the whole house like Knife through butter. Even the sound of a pin falling down to the floor would seem like a loud noise now, and this made it difficult for the trio because any single sound from them or their trailing feet could draw attention to them, and oh boy they didn't want that.

They didn't know their way around the, so just had to figure their way around the house and get to the exit.

Ray stopped suddenly, raising his hands up to signal Ethan and Jamie to stop too. The sound of footsteps approaching echoed down the hall.

'Someone is coming" Jamie whispered from behind.

"Go in there" Ray stated in a whisper and they ran into the door opposite them and slowly closed the door.

They listened until the footsteps followed by voices of men conversing in Arabic walked past the door.

"I think we should stay her for a while and wait this out" Ethan suggested.

Ray sighed and moved over to the other end; "I'm so dead tonight, my mum is gonna kill me" He muttered and rested his back on the wall. A back pushed against a framed image that was hung on the wall causing it to fall off.

The wooden frame hit the floor, letting out a loud sound that startled the trio in the room.

"Common Raymond, keep It down, someone might hear you" Ethan told Raymond.

Raymond nodded and turned to look at where the frame had fallen off from, he had not taken note of the image, probably because he was to worried about getting out alive.

Ray noticed the shelve in the wall that the frame had been covering; "Guys come see"

Jamie and Ethan moved closer. Ray opened the shelve slowly.

'WOW" They exclaimed in unison as wads of cash came in view. They took out the cash and stuffed it in their pocket, under their brief until they had taken all the money.

Ray looked into the Shelve and caught sight of a necklace. The brown color of it's casing and the green glittering from it's pendant caught his attention.

He stretched his hand forward and took out the Necklace.

"That's one odd looking Necklace" Jamie commented as soon as he saw it.

"yeah, and it seemed to be of great value since he kept it in his hidden shelve, don't you think" Ray added, looking up as them as if waiting for their response.

"Nah, could be a gift his mama gave him" Ethan replied.

"Guys, I think we have to move" Jamie said.

Ray carefully placed the necklace around his neck and when he brought his hands down, he noticed that His hands now had a black stain as a result of touching the necklace. He tried to rub it off on his clothes but it just won't go off.

They stepped out of the room and moved stealthily down the hallway, making sure not to make any obvious sound.

"Where the hell is your daughter!" They heard a voice yelled. They stopped and threw glances at each other before they moved forward again and his themselves in a corner so they could have a clear view of what was going on.


Amun's men just returned and informed him that they could not find the girl.

"Where the hell is your daughter!" He yelled at Mr. and Mrs. Weston.

"What do you want with my daughter, we've told you what you wanted to know" Mr. Weston spoke up.

"Yes, you're right, you've told me what I need to know. So I don't need you any more" Amum Said with a wide grin on his face.

He took two steps forward and turned back to face them, almost immediately pulling out his gun, he shot Mr. Weston on the head.

Mrs. Weston let out a shrilling cry as she saw her husband drop dead on the floor. She fell on him, tears streaming down her red eyes and on to his body.

Blood oozed out from the hole made by the bullet in his head. The once white floor was now blotched out by the red blood, there was no other sound in the room except the screaming, crying voice of Mrs. Weston.

Amun walked up to Mrs. Weston, he chuckled as he saw her crying over husband;

"ارقد في سلام (Rest in peace)" Amun said in Arabic before released a bullet at Mrs. Weston head. She dropped dead immediately, particles of her brain matter spewing all over the floor and the corpse of Mr. Weston.

"Dad, mum" Elaine screamed out loudly as soon as she sighted her parent's body on the floor. Her eyes reddened at the horrible sight in front of her.

Amun turned almost immediately, he caught sight of the teenage girl just at the entrance, the striking resemblance and the fact that she called the couples he just killed "mum and dad" made him realize that she was their daughter.

He raised his gun and pointed it at her direction, but before he could pull the trigger, the girl was pulled off from his view and into the next room…

"What the fuck" Amun exclaimed in surprise, two other figures ran past the entrance and into the next room.

His brows curved up at the sudden realization that there were some people watching him all these whiles. The air around him tensed up, his finger laid steadily on the trigger, ready to fire as he trailed up steadily toward the entrance and to the next room.

He jumped in to the door post of the room and pointed his gun at various angles, but there was no one in the room. his eyes caught sight of the open window and he ran towards it immediately, he caught sight of the 4 people running away into the darkness. He fired at them but alas there were no longer in his firing range.


Meanwhile, Ray and the others hid in the corner, watching all that transpired between the man and the two couples he just killed. they were lost in shock when the familiar girl from school ran into the scene and screamed out "Dad, mum"

Ray watched as she stared ahead in shock, her feet glued to a spot in shock. He knew that if she stood there even for just a few seconds later she would join the two who were already dead.

"we're gonna die anyways" he mumbled to himself and jumped out of the hiding spot and pulled the girl into the other room.

Jamie and Ethan wasted no time in following suite, their cover had just been blown by Ray so they had no choice than to follow him, probably to their deaths.

Ray pushed the girl out the window and jumped after her, Jamie and Ethan also jumped out and soon they were running out of the Yard, a couple of bullets were fired at them but luckily for them, there weren't hit.

They ran out of the Yard, Ethan and Jamie Ran ahead of Ray who was busy trying to pull the girl whom he just rescued.

"Ray if she wants to stay and die, then leave her be, its her choice. We certainly don't want to" Jamie stopped briefly and said to Ray.

"Common Ray, Jamie is right. Let's get out of here before those men catches up with us"

Ray sighed softly, he had been trying to drag the girl along as they ran, but she kept on crying non stop and won't even run.

Ray brushed the strands of hair covering her face, even in the darkness he could still notice the sadness in her eyes and her sobs that broke through the eeriness of the night.

"Please we have to get out of here before those men catches up with us" Ray said to her, but got no reply.

She kept on sobbing, Ray swerved her off her feet as he carried her on his shoulder and ran to catch up with his friends who were already farther away from him.

The road was dark except for the Street lights that lightened up some spots. The cold air breezed past their face as they ran, no one was seen on the road.

Ethan took a quick turn and went in the direction of his house and after a couple of minutes of running Jamie reached his house.

It wasn't easy for Ray running with a girl on his shoulder, but somehow, he still managed to do it. He got to his hood, unlike the classy section of the town were Jamie and Ethan lived in, which was void of people on the streets because it was late, the hood still had few gangsters on the street. Street racers racing down the streets, HOOKERS, looking for anyone who would pay couple of dollars to have an Erotic night.

Ray took the back, to avoid his mum and also to Avoid Andrews. And besides he was coming home with a girl who had jus cried her eyes out, how would he explain that to them.