
"welcome" said Berty with a wide smile.

"Thanks" said Ari

"I want you to meet lady Liza the emperor's aunt and her daughter Elise" said Berty.

" Hi" Ari in a polite tune.

"Hi" said Elise in a polite tune.

" nice meeting you"Ari inviting her for a hand shake

"same here" said Elise shaking her hand.

"Have a sit"said Berty pointing a sit close to her.

"Thanks"said Ari before sitting.

"Why will the emperor decide to keep a human" said Liza.

"what are you trying to say" said Berty

"I thought we had planned on concaring the the kingdom of Astro what happened" said Liza in a serious tune.

" The emperor changed his mind" said Berty.

"what happened" said Liza

"please ask the emperor himself"said Berty trying to eat.

"I don't understand from all the vampires he could have why a human" said Liza in a serious tune.

"please let's us just eat and she's a goo person" said Berty looking at Ari

"And how are you sure she is a good person" said Liza.

"And how are you sure I'm bad"said Ari trying to eat.

"who knows maybe your just here to kill the emperor"said Liza looking at Ari

"Really now, unlike other people I'm not a blood sucking demon" said Ari while eating.

"how dare you"said Liza raise her hand up to slap Ari before hearing a voice.

" touch her and your dead" said Rick in a threatening tune as silent fill the room.

"welcome emperor"said Berty trying to break the silence.

"Don't you dare touch her" repeat Rick in a deathly tune.

"what is this" said Liza in an angry tune

"what do you mean" said Rick.

"I meant to say she is so disrespectful"said Liza.

"Really now"said Rick while looking at Ari before speaking"but from what I saw she was only defending herself from your insults"

"emperor in was just trying to let her know her place" said Liza

"Don't let me disrespect you aunty cause I won't take it lightly next time you with try to hurt her" said Rick before moving towards Ari to take her hand to leave.