Untitled chapter

'where is he taking me to ' thought Ari as they walk through the corridors of the castle going towards her room' And why are we going towards my room. what does he want to do' still in deep thoughts' or does he ' no Ari don't think such ' but what if.... no Ari just say sorry he must be really mad at you' "I'm sorry" said Ari in a low vioce.

" said something" said Rick turning towards her.

"I'm sorry" said Ari bowing her head while playing with her fingers.

"about" Rick looking at her intensely.

" what happened in the dining room" Ari still looking down.

" Really" said Rick folding his arms still looking at Ari interested in what she wants to say.

" Even though it wasn't my fault" Ari in a low vioce.

"so whose fault it is " Rick in a serious tune.

"Don't know"Ari trying to avoid his graze.

"But you said it wasn't your fault so you must know whose fault it is" said Rick looking at her with a devious smirk.

"I'm serious" said Ari raising her head" I was just defending myself" in a defensive tune.

" Wow so you can actually sound like this" Rick moving towards her while Ari keep on talking a step backward "don't understand" trying to keep a calm voice still stepping back till her back reach the wall of her room' please stop, god please help me ' while closing her eyes before receiving a reply" you looking beautiful" Rick touching her right cheek as Ari gently opens her eyes in a confused expression before hearing his voice" you are so beautiful" said Rick locking his lips on her neck with his left hand circled around her waist while Ari moans.

" Take care" said Rick before giving her peck and left.

' what the...' thought Ari looking at his back as he leaves before raising her right hand to touch her cheek.