A Problem Or Solution

Mr Magnus returns from the main office to see how Barry was doing. The email was sent to every person in the contacts list which was an excellent outcome. Barry waits for him to tell him what he has found in the emails. It seems to be an ominous threat. It concerns him a little. Mr Magnus is about to tell him how impressed he is of Barry. "Well, I got to say, you don't fail to impress me…"

…Boom! The sound of a detonator makes the office floor vibrate with a large impact. Everyone in the office goes into a spring of panic and petrification. "What the hell was that!" Barry points his index finger at the message. The boss reads it aloud with a stern look on his face." I, the secret messenger, command you to follow through with the plan, it's the only way of getting them to listen. They may call us terrorists, but we are saviours. If you do this I promise, all your prayers will be answered, they will listen again. That is what this company stands for, not for sinister intentions but a chance to show those who defy our true power. 'The S-Corporation doesn't keep secrets from anyone, S stands only for security and sociology. Remember this when they ask you why we do what we do. "Wait, how does this person know our motto?" Barry answers his question, "I am not so sure, but it seems this person is bad news. You see these symbols below the message. There is something sinister going on. The person who is doing may be one of our own. Or maybe this person is trying to scare us. Making us look bad, but I have a plan," Barry continues on, "I will attempt to decipher the symbols." But I will need a secure environment because it is no longer safe here. People know we're here, so I will need to do it at home. Barry quickly sends the email to his contacts under a different name. He had one prepared in case someone would frame as he had a tendency to be very protective of himself and his privacy to the extreme but that wasn't the important point. His boss is still confused about what has occurred. "This whole ordeal is so, so crazy due to how fast it has happened, who could possibly be the culprit. Barry reassures him. "We will get to the bottom of this. This person won't put us down. Their business is our business now!" Mr Magnus decides to let him go home but he would have to do it as quickly as possible and as stealthy as he was able to. They didn't want any more problems than there already were.

They think conspicuously about getting Barry to his car. They decide to distract the masked lunatic that set the detonator off. Access to the CCTV would prove to be very difficult for them, but Barry knew they had to just risk it. There was next to no time to ponder so Barry tells Mr Magnus that he will go to the security office on the other side of the building. With the crazed man covering his face guarding the left stairway holding a gigantic rifle that he obtained from somewhere so going that way was not an option. Who'd have thought this office firm would be under attack by terrorists. The whole situation seemed so surreal like something out of a Michael Bay movie plot but that wouldn't stop Barry. He would become the hero of the day, the savior to his fellow co-workers so he acts quickly and runs to the stairway on the right discreetly closing the door behind him. With his trusty signed baseball bat given to him by rob, he wasn't completely protected from firearms, Barry would over-confidently assume he could grab the masked man from behind but had a second thought of him possibly dying. He decides to take the situation not as lightly from this moment on. Barry peeps down the spiral staircase to scan for suspicious or dangerous activity. The coast was perfectly clear, and Barry started to head down the stairs. He heard startling gun shots from above him which agitated him a little, but he had to tread onwards as quietly as possible.

As he gets to the exit door, he hears loud knocking. It grows more thunderous in tone, which is very worrisome. He shouts to alert the supposed intruder. "Stop what you are doing, I have a weapon." Just open the door slowly." He gets no reply. He makes it a priority to break the glass on the door to startle the person behind the door. CRASH!! The glass shatters into large fragments. It was a little excessive, but he had no choice. The door opens with a creak. Barry is shocked to see there is no one in the reception or anyone behind the door. He wonders what the sound was. Barry is so confused that he doesn't notice the hostages (one female, one male) tied up in the corner of the room. They are quivering in fear. As soon as he hears their muffled cries for help, he goes towards them to tear the tape off their mouths. Barry asks them what occurred. "Are you both okay?" They both nod nervously. Barry continues… "Who did this to you?" The two hostages gasp fearfully as someone peers from the reception desk. It is Page and what she does next is unexpected. She points a shotgun towards Barry. He hears the click of a shotgun. realizing straight away what she is doing. "Turn around with your arms in the air." Barry is shocked with Page who just seemed to be an ordinary receptionist. "Page, why are you doing this?" She answers him very dauntingly "I am just doing what is necessary, now if you could stand down before I have to get violent." Barry knows he can't because he is about near the front entrance out of the building so he stands his ground. He tells her, "Sorry but I can't do that, I'm afraid. Page is not on board with his plan to escape so she begins to fire her gun at him, killing Barry along with the pleading hostages. In her head this happens but in real life she gets disarmed and punched in the face. It appears that she was a stupid pawn in the whole operation. A conclusion comes to fruition as Barry manages to outsmart her. His skills astonish the hostages. "I guess that Judo helped finally come in handy." The male hostage asks him. "You do Judo?" Barry without hesitation, answers, "Ur, yeah. Only on the weekends. It is pretty amazing that he was able to quickly recognise the situation and seized the opportunity and stopped her tyranny. Barry helps untie the two hostages with his car keys that were jingling in his pocket. How convenient. Barry rapidly thinks about what to do next. Take them with him or have them hide. He looks over the reception desk and sees a filing cabinet. He thinks on his feet and insists that the two office workers hide in the supply closet adjacent to the water fountain on the right side of the room. All three of them combine their strength and will power to push the cabinet towards the closet like out of an action movie, obviously. The office workers both move behind the cabinet that is now in the front of the door. They then squeeze into the miniscule gap opening the door into the closet. In order to make sure they are securely safe in the closet, Barry pushes the cabinet closer to the door, just being able to grab the handle of the door to shut it. He shouts to them to try to keep quiet and stay safe. As soon as he does this, he makes a break for his car which he can see the shape of as he looks through the glass entrance. He exits the building with diligence. He starts running to his Volvo. He does this in an exhilarated fashion. Soon, he is back in his vehicle at high speed down the highway back to his humble abode.