A Dangerous Game

During all this, Mr Magnus and the rest of the team are on high alert as the entire building is surrounded by campaigners supporting the business. They are all strangely wearing masks and look to be very angry towards the terrorists which is apparently unharmed. Could be bad news, most likely. Concurrently, Barry is still on route to his house, though there is no traffic behind, in front of or even between him. The hypothetical clock was ticking in his head as getting straight to the bottom of this issue was important as people he knew would highly be caught in the crossfire if things go awry within the plan. This was the time for Barry to prove himself more, by being courageous, tough, tenacious and most of all, confident. Precision with decrypting the code from the techno-tyrant that was the menacing messenger. Who was this person? Probably a catfish or a con- artist. Whoever it was, it was personal or justified. Most positively so within their crazy, warped mind. Barry has to press on, so he speeds up, burning rubber as he darts further and further, eventually coming to a screeching halt. His house was just between arms reach. Back at the S-Corporation things take a drastic turn as people's rocks begin being tossed viciously at the building's glass, windows that were unnervingly un-tinted. Who would've thought an act of terrorism could be so imminent and a reality. But it seems that something odd was going on. It was as if it was perfect timing and executed concisely to the point where the masked gunmen outside began shooting the crowds of people with the supportive signs. It was insane because the people didn't react, scream or even run away. They just awaited their quick death. Mr Magnus was so shocked and confused by the ordeal that he grabs a pen and begins clicking it profusely and nervously and the intensity of the situation grew larger and more unbearable. Barry needed to go onto his laptop and uncover the hidden message of the symbols.

Cutting back to Barry, he has arrived back to his house hopefully in the nick of time. He gets to the door as his phone rings. It's his boss who sounds very on edge. "Have you made it home left, because things are pretty bad here. We have noticed the killings of numerous people. Get to solving this case ASAP. Barry calmly says, "Don't worry, I am just entering my house. I promise, this day will be over soon and once I decipher the message everyone will settle down." "Okay, just hurry as all of us are praying for our escape." Mr Magnus is most concerned with the situation, so it sounds. Barry goes to assure him again that everything is under control. Unironically, he wasn't wrong on his end, but he just wanted to stay positive and not cause an alert. For the sake of the co-workers and the boss, he tells a white lie to his boss that nothing would go wrong but realistically, no one is this bodacious in real life say he gives himself the benefit of the doubt that he can be concerned for his safety and be a little petrified at the situation but is he just focuses, he can save everyone. That was the goal at least. Barry opens his door and oddly isn't greeted by the cat. He doesn't really have time to look for the cat, so he just goes upstairs to his bedroom. As he is about to go up the stairs, he hears the very ear shattering sounds of glass being smashed into pieces. Reminds Barry of what happened earlier with the hostages. Anyhow, Barry decides to ignore the vibrations and walks up to his room. As soon as he enters his room, he grabs the case containing the laptop from the top of his dress drawer. He logs on and accesses his contacts.

Conveniently the top message is the one message, the threat in fact that was from the secretive person. The symbols below the message are subliminal. Seemed to be satanic and evil. They don't look like regular symbols. Barry is aware that this isn't good. He does a bit of research on the particular symbols. The devilish signs are revealed to be spelling out a warning. It recites an unclear meaning of, 'Sinister. It is what we are, what we do, what we say." It's not an exact translation. He noticed that the symbols embellished more hidden meanings. It appears as if it was morse code. Hours upon hours of decrypting would be needed to figure out this whole ordeal. During this time of figuring things out he finds that the symbols represent numbers that represent letters leading to the next plan of the attack so Barry, using his IT skills, would need to concentrate as hard as he could. The word Sinister sounded weirdly familiar. Mostly the first letter of the word itself. Though, it could just be a coincidence. Merely not planned to be similar to S-Corporation. No more than that, he didn't think. But what he ended up inspecting, is that the message had a lot of sibilances. What was up with that he thought. It was strange to notice but they appeared to connect. The sinister part was to scare people and kill people. Hostage taking, the secret message, it was all clear. Everything was a lot bigger than just an attack. The kind of thing that made people like Page turn bad. Barry's exhilarant reaction at ultimately discovering what was happening quickly dissipated from his lips. Could the S-Corporation actually be involved in this. Was the motto about security and sociology all set up? Keeping the sinister aspect hidden. The undertones of the company were a reality. Barry couldn't believe that. It couldn't perhaps be true, would it. Besides this, he looked at the other people in his contacts and was given a set of instructions. Page was given the task of taking hostages. Other workers Barry didn't personally know were guarding the stairs but only one set of stairs. Mr Magnus had the message to kill his most valued worker. Barry knew it meant him. Though, surely, he wouldn't want to do that. Barry decides to knock that thought off his conscience and warns Mr Magnus of his newly revealed ordeal on his phone. Luckily, he answers straight. He sounds scared and annoyed more than ever understandably. "Have you finished discovering what is actually going on, as it's been hours since you have called!" Barry is apologetic, "I'm sorry but I have figured everything out now. The symbols are a factor in the plot of this mysterious man/woman. So, they relate to Page and the terrorists, and a threat has been sent to you. All wild stuff." His boss pauses for a while which causes Barry to ask him if he's okay. The silence continues so Barry assumes the worst and leaves his house more speedily as he enters. Along with his keys, phone, baseball bat and the shotgun he got from earlier. He wastes no more time and makes his way to his car back to the S-Corporation.