The Last Enactment

As Barry is about to set off, he peers out the window to see the neighbour with a garbage bag in his hand. Barry is very suspicious of him as maybe Reginald must be part of this whole thing. Could be another pawn in this nefarious game. Everything that has happened up to this point was like a lengthy dream that just never comes to a conclusion. Barry will decide to hide out and wait till Reginald does something questionable or even malicious. This neighbour would also act a little shifty as he didn't really talk to Barry as he was generally quiet and wasn't very open to him. If Barry's hunch was factual, it would be very measurable. It was pretty pure irony both dramatic and regular. For the person reading, we would expect him to be a part of the e-enquiry. To test whether or not this was true, Barry would keep to protruding Reginald as he goes towards his pick-up truck. Of course, Barry's eye was too keen, so Reginald ends up seeing Barry spying on him and with no hesitation, grabs hold of his sawn-off shotgun and opens fire on Barry's front car window. Barry himself has to duck as briskly as he can, tilting his car seat all the way back, enough so he doesn't injure himself. Reginald, yells provocatively for Barry. "Come out now and I won't hurt you. It will be a quick, painless death." Barry down right refuses to listen to him as he was clearly insane. The assumptions that Barry made were accurate. As Reginald prepares to fire a second shot, Barry expertly reaches for the shotgun and fires at Reginald back. He manages to shoot him in the shoulder. He winces in pain and grabs hold off his bleeding wound but given how mad Reginald is he frantically shoots and shoots until there are no bullets left. Consequently, he was firing in blind rage that Barry manages to fool him into going into arms reach of his gun. He fires another perfect shot, this time in his chest. Seems extreme but this neighbor was a bad dude. The guys fall to the floor in a pool of blood. Barry didn't want to kill him but he had to protect himself. There wasn't time for him to be sorry for his actions and so he just went to look in the truck bed to find the garbage bag. He opens it unaware of what's inside. It is Reginald's cat who doesn't seem to be moving. Barry feels sick to his stomach as he sees the cat's wounds. His jaw is broken. Bruises all over his body. Tail is shaved and scratched. It appears that the cat has been beaten. Barry inspects the bag again to find a hammer. He can't believe it as he realizes the cat is dead. Barry blames himself for this act. "If I just  stayed home instead of going to work, I could've saved you. I would have ended him sooner. "This organization will pay for their crimes. They won't win, they won't persuade me!" The meticulous nature of this "Sinister" movement was so unfathomably twisted that they needed to be terminated. Barry was more than just an office clerk, but more of an avenger for the people. Barry clicks his gun adding more bullets to it. Wielding his bat in his opposite hand he prepares to stop this organization once and for all but first he obtains a flare from the truck bed just for extra caution.

Barry hurries to aid his boss and all those who weren't involved. End this nightmare and end the trauma. No more casualties, no more issues. As soon as he enters the car park, he turns his head to the entrance once he exits his car that luckily still functioned after a literal shoot out. There are snipers around the corners of the roof and around the perimeters of the building with more men on the inside so he will have to take them out. A stealthy approach would suffice here. Carefully creeping around the building, he climbs the ladder leading up to the roof. His eyes are just behind the first sniper. He gets his footing without being noticed by the guy. Barry hears the sniper be given orders on a phone call. He is able to hear the message clearly. "So, make sure you don't let anyone in the building," says the boss, sounding annoyed. "You got is boss, checking the perimetre now." Just as the guy moves a little, Barry sneaks behind him like a ninja from the shadows and knocks him in the back of the head until he falls 5 stories down, with the impact killing him. Barry is calm and collective as he takes the first sniper out. He moves towards the other end of the building that is separated by a wide but jumpable gap. He hops on over and doesn't see anyone around. He is immediately grabbed from behind as he takes a few steps. The sniper has a tight grip as he somehow knew Barry was coming. Barry struggles and struggles as he isn't a superhuman. But he rapidly examines the situation and seizes the opportunity to strike the sniper in the stomach with his bat, breaking free of the armlock. He then whacks the guy ferociously in the face and shoots him in the chin. It's a violent altercation. Barry beats the guy continuously with the baseball until he stops breathing. Barry is a force to be reckoned with so the "Sinister" organization should be quaking in agitation. There are only a few more snipers left but Barry knows there will bemore lackies on the inside awaiting him. There was no time for mess ups. That could cost people their lives. He takes his tie off and throws it to the ground below. With his gun and bat at the ready, he was prepared for anything.

The vicinity further out of his eyes wasn't very far which in tail allows Barry to continue forward. He sees another sniper as he crosses roofs from the main complex, to the separate office block. He nearly trips due to his overconfidence. Barry is able to see the sniper interact with the other sniper opposite him. Barry had to seperate the two as he would be outnumbered immensely. So he goes to distract the guards by leading them away from each other by throwing the flare on the other side of the building. He snaps it like you would a glow stick and tosses as far as he can. Fortunately, the sniper on the left locates the floor, shining a light on it. The one who didn't see the flare decides to check the roof area where Barry is, and as soon as the sniper approaches him, Barry grabs him by the legs. and pulls him to the gap in between the two roofs. This guy reaches the bottom in one piece but is abruptly killed by a rapid headshot from Barry. The sniper was in a very narrow gap. The final sniper remains. This was it; Barry couldn't mess up now. He must keep going as the finish waa closer than the start. This last guard was a little tough to fool but Barry had a simple solution. He would go around the other way and attack him from behind. Barry points his gun right to the back of his skull and orders,"Put your hands where I can see them. The game is over." The shooter is cocky and laughs. "You think you have one, but you will fail. Just because you beat us snipers, doesn't mean you will triumph over the big man. If I were you, I would be very worried." "I doubt that very much," complies Barry. "Don't say I didn't warn you," the sniper says nefariously. Barry ends him quickly and without hesitation. He then prepares to head inside the building. So moves towards the ladder, climbs down it and walks towards the entrance. There is a ubiquitous amount of armed men around the place. Barry opens the entryway quietly like a mouse and shouts for men to come towards him so he can exact death upon them. He hides behind a plant just near the door. The armed men are all within his eyeline. He yells, "Now, let's take out the trash. Within a span of 5 minutes, Barry shoots 3 men in a line in the head like a proper professional. He slides into more cover including the reception desk, a couple of support beams, another plant, a water cooler and other shooters. He kicks a few of them in the shins, firing in every direction hitting shots left, right and center. Barry breaks some necks, legs. He holds onto a chair and hits one person in the mouth, one in the head, one in the chest. Puncturing one of each shooter in the back, stomach, nose, cheeks, face and eyes like he's John Wick. Breaks a few guys' teeth with a baseball bat. Bashing them till their nerves explode Barry is literally annihilating the entire plethora of armed men. Completely no remorse for anyone he maims and takes out. He then ultimately grabs a fire extinguisher and bashes bruises and even pummels the guys who are left with said extinguisher until they bleed. Barry swings his bat in every direction until there is no one left. After Barry piles the bodies up and clears the area, he goes to the stairwell with the door already open. Barry climbs the stairs until he reaches the top in bewilderment that everyone in the office is tied up. He sees someone holding a gun up to Rob's face. "Rob is full on fearing for his life." "Rob?" Barry says worryingly." If you move, he will kill me." says a petrified Rob. Barry listens to the request and holds still. The shooter turns around to reveal their face. It is Page, shockingly. "Page. But you were taken down. I took you down!" She reveals what happened. "Well, you see Barry. I knew that you would try to best me so I asked my sister, my identical twin sister to pose as me. Barry asks "But why? Page gruntles, "My whole plan was you become the one in charge. Do you know how it feels to be undermined, underappreciated, undervalued. I worked my dead end position for years and never once was I honored for my craft. I have more to offer for this company and I won't let you stop me." Barry consoles her, "Page, I get it and I understand, but killing Rob or anyone tied up in this room, isn't worth it believe me. Just think for a second will you." Before Page can respond she gets blasted in the head by an incoming speeding bullet by Mr Magnus. Barry is baffled and frustrated. "Sir, what was that for." "She was insane. She had to go." replies a tame Mr Magnus. Barry is still annoyed but satisfied that a conclusion was drawing near. That is until he, Rob and Mr Magnus are blinded by sacks which cover their faces as they are dragged up the stairs to the roof. The sacks are pulled off their heads squinting their eyes to see someone clicking a gun. They are on their knees looking at this person. When they manage to adjust their eyes, the attacker reveals himself to be Barry's father, Chris. "Dad, he asks?" The shock on his face is noticeable. He keeps the gun near his face. Prologue plays out as his father explains where he was and why he is part of this. His dad reveals info. "I am the secret messenger." I did this because you have made me proud. "So, you're not gonna kill me?" Barry asks. "No, only your boss and friends." says Chris oddly. Barry is beyond confused. "This is your idea of telling me you're proud of me because this is a pretty crazy way to do it." His dad explains, "I came here to tell you this Corporation to be a front for terrorists and people alike. I thought we could expand the business by encouraging those to act. I ordered everyone here except you three to help the company by killing or persuading those who defy the message. As you three are not fooled very easily, you were hard to persuade. To join us you needed to be more compliant. Fear is the best way to do things. Terrorists make voices heard such as those  protesters. Their sacrifice was to make apparent that business means everything to them. People won't listen if you don't do things this way." Barry doesn't agree. "This game is over. Sorry but you went to far." You're just going to have to kill me because I refuse to join you." "Well in that case... he clicks his gun but nothing happens. Chris runs out of bullets. How anti-climatic. Barry helps himself up, assisting Mr Magnus and Rob. "Man, what a day," says an exhausted Barry. "So glad everything is over," says Mr Magnus, also exhausted. Rob exclaims to them, "Let's call it a day now." "Mr Magnus and Barry reply with "Sounds like a plan." No other words are said. The police arrive shortly after. Barry from the roof waves to him and mouths a sorry to him as he is arrested. Chris smiles back at him calmly. It is a bittersweet ending as Barry feels bad for his dad. His intentions were good but the execution of his plan failed. He plans to make amends with him at some point. The people in the office now untied and safe things draw to close.

Story endings can be good or bad. Plans can be failures or be successes but the moral of the story is 'everyone can make mistakes as we are all human'. Our expectations won't always meet reality, you know. The important thing to know is 'It is better to try and fail than to not try at all.' That is it so you can leave. There is nothing else. Why are you still here? Leave!