Chapter 11

"What do you mean Macy is hurt?" Ava panicked. "You have a daughter!"

"Yes, I have a kid, and Macy got hurt trying to protect her," Seth said in a calm voice.

"Did you intend to tell me about it?" She hesitated. "About her!"


Ava's thoughts went racing, her head was spinning. She kept thinking about Macy.

"You said she'll be fucking safe in your safe house." Ava raised her voice as tears rolled down her cheeks.


"She was shot in your safe house, her ribs are almost broken. She almost died, for fuck's sake." Ava was having a mental breakdown.


"This is all my fault if I had signed the damned contract. Angela would have left us alone. Macy would have been safe…" Ava cried.

Seth stared at her, he went closer and hugged her. She cried on his chest for some minutes, Seth was worried about Macy and everyone but Angela has Claire now, it's just a matter of time before she checkmated.

Seth and Ava sat on the plane, they were both lost in thoughts. The flight was silent as none of them said a word, they arrived at New York airways by noon. Seth's driver Lorenzo came to pick them up in a Volvo, New York was as busy as always.

Lorenzo drove to Seth's house in Greenland Real estate, Sensei Yen, Macy, and some security guards were there receiving medical attention.

Arriving at the mansion, a frisson of nervousness swept over her, she walked down the hallway and noticed all the room doors were abecedarian.

"She's here." A maid said, pointing at a door.

Without hesitation, Ava opened the door, and Macy sat on the bed drinking her medicine.

"You fucking bitch!" Ava ran and hugged her.

Macy smiled as she hugged Ava tighter, Ava stood up and checked Macy's body like a doctor caring for her patient. Macy blushed as Ava was making sure she was alright.

"What happened?" Ava asked.

Macy sighed as she explained that the situation was abominable, she told Ava about her fighting lessons and about how she got along well with Claire.

"They took her from me." Macy looked down.

"She's a maniac," Ava concluded.

Macy sighed, she wondered what Angela will do to Claire.

"We need to get her back,"

"We will, but right now, you need to rest, I'll go talk with Seth," Ava hasn't seen Macy this sad and worried since the day her dog ran away, she loved that dog so much.

Seth sat in his room with a bottle of whiskey, he just found out that Griffin ratted him out to Angela. That ungrateful son of a bitch! Angela has gotten him hands down, this was the time for negotiation. With every shot, he took, Seth wondered what Angela would want in exchange for Claire.

Ava knocked on the door, and Seth ignored it. She walked in anyway, she sat close to Seth, biting her lower lip as she stared at him.

"This is not the time to ask me any…." Before Seth could finish his sentence, Ava leaned forward and kissed him. She slowly took the whiskey bottle from his hand as she sat on his lap, his lips were warm and soft. Feeling Seth's hand around her body made Ava crave more, she wore a baggy t-shirt with panties.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Seth asked, looking her in the eyes.

"Shhh…" Ava puts her finger on his lips, "Less talking… More kissing," She was filled with pleasure and wanted to ride Seth like a god-damned cowgirl.

He kissed her lips and neck, and she lets out a soft moan, holding his head. What the fuck was she doing? She knew she wasn't thinking, but who gives a fuck, right?

"Sir? Angela just responded," A guard barged in without knocking. He saw that he interrupted, he bowed his head and apologize for infringing.

"Guess we'll continue later," Seth gave Ava a smirk.

She blushed as he carried her from his lap and placed her on the bed, Seth bottomed his sleeve as he walked out.

"Why the fuck did I do that?" Ava collapsed on the bed as she stared at the ceiling.

Seth walked to the security room as the guard showed him the message Angela left, Seth picked up the paper. Angela wanted to meet him tomorrow at her office, and he should go alone.

"What are you planning?" Seth whispered to himself.

* * *

"Leave me alone!" Claire screamed as Griffin tried touching her.

"You little shit, you think you can hide under daddy's castle like a little princess?" Griffin hesitated. "Too bad, Rapunzel, I guess dad couldn't keep you safe."

"You like teasing little children, don't you?" Angela walks into the room with a cold expression on her face.

"I'm just having fun,"

"Anyway, Seth will come over tomorrow, that will give us a chance to negotiate with him."

"I thought we were going to kill him and his kid?" Griffin said as his eyes filled with hatred.

"If he rejects the offer, then we result to plan B," Angela bent down touching Claire's chin.

"And what is plan B?"

"We kill his little angel," Angela looked at Claire with a smile on her face."Tell the guards to be on full alert, the marksmen should be ready." Angela stood up as she walks towards the door.

"What for?" Griffin asked ignorantly.

"If Seth decides to settle things with force, not minding whether she dies or not. Then God saves us all." Angela knows very well what Seth is capable of, but she still chooses to pick a fight with him because she believed that even the devil has a weakness. She glanced at Claire as she slammed the door.