Chapter 12

"What was that about?" Seth whispered to himself as he remembered the kiss. "She was drunk!" He recalled tasting alcohol on her lips.

"Are you ready sir?"

Seth snapped back to reality as Lorenzo opened the door dressed in black and white, Seth admired Lorenzo, he took a deep breath and stood up strapping a gun to his waist.

"Do you mind me tagging along?" Macy asked.

She overheard Seth talking to Lorenzo to get the car ready for today, Macy felt culpable and wanted to make up for it.

"It wasn't your fault,"

"Please, I can't forgive myself if I stayed behind."

Seth gave it a quick thought and sighed, he went to his wardrobe brought out a pistol, and tossed it to Macy. She cocked the gun with a smile on her face.

Angela had a mansion downtown, it was filled with ancient artifacts that belonged to her father, her grandma always talked about how Angela's dad loved collecting ancient artifacts from around the world, he was obsessed with them.

The rain stopped pouring down, the cuckoo birds are just happy to have survived the storm and are singing their lovely lullabies to their cousins. They flew around the mansion with beautiful blue feathers matching their black beak.

Lorenzo parked the car in the garage, and Seth and Macy stepped out, Macy had cold feet as she noticed a marksman on the tree top.

Seth's face was indifferent, he just wanted to see Claire, the mansion was quiet, too quiet. Seth opened the door slowly without knocking, he was too impatient to wait for someone to open the door.

"Coming in uninvited," Angela said walking down the stairs. "That isn't very polite,"

"Either way, I'm here. What do you want?"

"I love guys who go straight to the point," Angela blushed and turned her gaze to Macy. "I told you to come alone,"

"Well I'm not the type that follows orders," Seth kept his gaze on Angela and kept his right hand close to the gun strapped on his waist, there's one thing he hated the most, that is, having a sneak attack from an enemy.

"Very well... Let's have some drinks,"

Angela led the way as they walked to the wine cellar, her confidence was painted like makeup around her face with every step she took Angela knew she had already won, she lets out a smirk and raised her head with pride.

Griffin sat impatiently tapping his foot on the floor, he was finally getting the revenge he craved; his eyes lit up with excitement as he saw Seth following Angela behind like a lost puppy.

The door opened, and Seth's face remained indifferent as he saw Griffin, the atmosphere was pleasant but Macy could sense the tension in it.

"Pretending not to see me? Aye, Seth," Griffin broke the silence, Angela smiled as the maid poured some red wine into her glass.

"I've nothing to say to you," Seth said.

"You're not curious about why you showed me mercy and I betrayed you? You do not want to know the reason?" Griffin spat out.

"Hmm," Seth took a deep breath and glared at Griffin. "Who needs a reason for betrayal? One must always think of the worst, even of your kin. That way you avoid too much disappointment in life."

"Okay boys, let's get down to business shall we?" Angela cuts in.

She snapped her fingers and the maid dropped some documents on the table, sipping her wine she flipped over the page.

"In exchange for Claire, I need you to..." She hesitated, "I need you to sign your companies to me, every single thing you've ever worked for, sign it to my name."

"And if I don't," Seth asked.

"Are we seriously going there right now?" Angela scoffed "If you don't, your beloved Claire will be electrocuted to death," Angela turned on the TV, and Claire was wrapped up in chains that had electrical currents in them.

"She's being shocked as we speak, but that amount of voltage isn't powerful enough to hurt her," Griffin said with satisfaction.

"You crazy bitch," Macy lost her cool, her eyes were filled with rage, and she wanted to strangle Angela to death.

"Looks like we hit a nerve with that one," Angela giggled.

Macy reached for her gun but Seth stopped her, her hands were shaking she wanted to blow Angela's brains out.

"How confident are you that I will sign this deal?" Seth said scanning through the documents.

"We let you walk in here with a gun strapped to your waist," Griffin said as his eyes met with Seth's. "My men are all over the place, any funny business will be the end of your life."

Seth hated the fact that Griffin was right, he glanced at the screen looking at Claire. Seth doesn't mind signing off his entire property to Angela, but Angela is like a fox and he doesn't know her true intentions.

* * *

"Who's there," Griffin's sentinel asked nervously as he heard movements in the bush.

He walked over as sweat rained down his face, holding his gun upright, and was ready to pull the trigger. He looked over the bush and saw no one, feeling relieved. He wiped off his sweat believing it was just his imagination before he realized that someone was behind him a knife was placed on his throat. Taking deep breaths he wanted to act fast.


His Adam's apple was sliced, and his comrades noticed the noise coming from the bush. They rushed in to check but were shot down, bullets went through their heads. One of them tried crawling away, but the killer grabbed his shoulder and flipped him over, his jaws dropped cause he was being assassinated by a female. She gave him a headshot before he could say a word.

"Am in," The killer said touching her wired earpiece.