Chapter 13

"Why the sudden rivalry?" Seth asked Angela.

"Why the sudden question?" Griffin jumped in. He knew Seth had something up his sleeves, Seth wasn't the kind of man that will give in so easily without a fight.

"Your dad took away everything from me," Angela was fierce but her expression was sad.


"Please stop acting like you don't know about the plane crash that happened," She hesitated, "The plane crash that killed Mr. And Mrs. Rodriguez," She looked at Seth straight In the eyes, Angela's eyes got watery "My mom and dad." Her tone changed as she stared at her palms.

Angela didn't spend much time with her parents, she didn't get the love she deserved and she blamed it all on Seth.

"You.." Seth suddenly knew what she was talking about. "She kept the journal away from you." He whispered to himself but it was loud enough for Angela to hear.

"What journal?" Angela asked arrogantly, she believed this was a plot Seth came up with to get her emotionally drained so she can lose focus.

"Your grandma lied to you,"

Seth's words struck Angela's chest, how does he know grandma? The thought raced through her mind.

"She was always a cunning bitch," Seth cussed.

"You better shut the fuck up,"

"Listening to that bitch all your life, no wonder you didn't care to find who killed your parents,

"I said shut the fuck up," Angela shrieked.

"You should stop acting like a psychopath and reason for once, why would my dad who was a business partner with your parents kill them?"

"Maybe he got greedy," Angela was nauseated.

"Okay.. that could happen, but I'm sorry to tell you this, my dad got assassinated two days after your parents died." Seth finally took a sip of his wine. "He was killed in a plane crash.."

"Same accident.." Angela whispered the words.

"My dad was a 50% shareholder in your dad's company if Mr. Rodriguez will, unfortunately, lose his life one day. My dad would have been the owner of the company, not you."

"Lies... I was the next of kin from the start," Angela tried to convince herself.

"No, you were not! Something happened Angela. Something happened that frightened both our parents, so to secure the money and some hidden properties. They both agreed to sign the company off to a god-damned eight-year-old."

"Stop lying,"

"I'm your enemy," Seth surmised.

Griffin got bored listening to Angela and Seth's petty family history, he stepped out of the room. He's been trying to communicate with some of his sentinels but none of them have been responding. "Probably slacking off," He said to himself.

Griffin stood on the porch as he stared at the tree top trying to signal the marksman, a bullet sizzled past his ear. "Shit!" He opened the door immediately and ran.

"This a god-damned trap," Griffin wailed as he opened the door.

Macy stood up pointing a gun that Angela's head, Griffin knew that the table was about to turn and there was only one person that can guarantee his safety.

He took a few steps backward and ran, Macy quickly pulled the trigger but she missed.

"I must have underestimated you," Angela smiled at Seth.

"I wasn't bullshitting you, my dad has nothing to do with the murder of your parents. I'm just here for Claire," Seth brought Macy's hand down slowly.

"Let's be allies!" Seth stretched out his hand.

"Allies?" She looked out the window and let out a waggish smile."Allies my ass,"

Angela ducked under the table, her guards burst through the window with rapid fire, and Seth and Macy took cover.

"Shit," Seth cocked his gun.

"You're bleeding," Macy looked at Seth's shoulder as it gushed out blood.

The glass shattered on the floor as the bullets broke through the wine cellar, it was impossible for Macy to take a shot.

"Listen..." Seth tapped Macy's shoulder "They are going to reload very soon, when they do, I'll get a clear shot."

"Okay, I'll watch your six,"

"No! I need you to make a run for it."

"Fuck why?" Macy lowered her head as some glasses fell.

"I need you to find Claire..."

"What about you?" Macy looked anxious, Seth was bleeding out and the fucker wanted to play the hero.

"I'll be fine," Seth listened carefully and noticed one of the men reloading on his left side, He wasn't sure about the location, if he misses he might get shot. "Now!" Seth screeched.

He tossed a bottle of champagne in the air making Angela's men take a quick look at it, Seth stood up and shot the man on his left that blocked the door. Macy saw the opening and made a run for it. Angela's men took cover, Seth reloaded his gun, and waited for the right opportunity to strike again.

* * *

The mansion was filled with so many doorways, it was like a freaking maze. Macy stopped as she took her breath, her shirt was soaked with alcohol. She took it off wearing only her sports bra, "Should have carried a fucking bulletproof vest... Seth," She whispered to herself.

"Helppp!," Claire's voice echoed in the hallway.

"Claire.." Macy ran towards the sound.

She kicked the door open and ran inside, Griffin held Claire's neck from behind and pointed a gun to her head.

"Macy.." Claire stretched out her hand as tears rolled down her cheek.

"You sick bastard," Macy walked towards Griffin.

"Not another step closer," Griffin warned.

"What the fuck do you want?"

"Just a little revenge that's all, you see, Seth took away my company from me, everything I've ever worked for,"

"And your plan is taking revenge on a little girl?" Macy was filled with repugnance.

"Well yes, she's Seth's offspring, isn't she? Seth will be so devastated if she dies."

"You motherf...."

"Fucker, I know." Griffin tightened his grip on Claire's neck, her face got red as she tried to breathe.

"Let her go, I'll do anything you want, please just leave Claire alone," Macy knew this was a bad time to let her emotion get the best of her, but seeing Claire agonizing made her crack.

"Anything you say?"

"Yes, anything you god-damned prick,"

"Are you willing to die for her?" Griffin smirked as his voice echoed in the room.

"Yes, yes, god damned it, just let her go."

"Prove it!"


"Take out your gun and shoot yourself," Griffin wanted to know Macy's limit and strived to see her kill herself.

Macy's eyes were wide open, and her heartbeat accelerated. She looked at Claire and took out her gun, Macy always blamed herself for what happened in Seth's house. If she had protected Claire none of this would have happened. She cocked the gun and glanced at Claire...

"You're gonna be alright okay, I promise." Macy's body shakes as tears rolled down her cheeks. She pointed the gun at her tummy, Macy held her breath and...


She pulled the trigger.