The new professors (1)

After school ended, I immediately went to my room, as I still had some things to prepare.

I misjudged the time it would take me to give everyone the advice, thus not being able to finish what I had planned in time.

I sighed as I walked through the hallway at a laid-back pace, thinking about what steps to take next.

'Maybe I should prepare some notes for the people I couldn't give advice to?'

As the student satisfaction could also play a part in the bonuses that I would get, I should try to make them enjoy my lessons as much as I can.

Besides that, the course registration correction period hadn't ended yet as it still was only the first day, meaning that if I did it correctly, rumours would probably spread, and more people would get attracted to my class.

However, I had to admit that money wasn't the real reason why I wanted many students in my class.

I chuckled, realizing my dishonesty.

Although I acted like I was doing everything for the money, I had to admit that the primary reason why I wanted to teach many students was my own personal enjoyment.

Even in my time as a mercenary, I enjoyed teaching kids or teenagers some tricks to defend themselves in my spare time.

Teaching was a pleasant change of pace compared to surviving on the bloody battlefield.

Well, there were many things that were more pleasant than trying to survive on a battlefield, so I didn't particularly set the bar really high.

"You are the new professor, Mr.Voidwalker, aren't you?"

As I walked through the hallway, lost in my thoughts, somebody called out my name, bringing me back to reality.

It was a handsome young man with dark tanned skin, and golden eyes that shone like the sun. His hair was also brown. Although in a much darker shade than his skin.

Due to his looks, I guessed that he was from the middle east.

"Yes, I am. Do you need me for something?"

Although I was sure that he was a professor, not a student, as he didn't wear the usual school uniform and looked around my age, I decided to not jump to conclusions, asking him what he needed me for.

"Yes, as you can see, Mr. Voidwalker, I too am a professor at this academy. And so, I, Baal-hamon Ibrahim, permit you to enter our meeting of enjoying a lunch together to further get to know each other."

Baal-hamon proudly exclaimed as he put his arms on his hips, sticking his chest out.

I crossed my arms as I looked at him critically, raising my eyebrow.

'Does everyone in the middle east have such a big ego?"

Just from the way Baal-hamon talked, I could already guess that he was a man with unswaying confidence.

However, even though it seemed like he had a big ego, he didn't appear arrogant.

"No, thanks. I am busy."

Baal-hamon put his hand on his chin, stroking it thoughtfully.

"I see, so you are the hard working type, aren't you?"

After a while, he closed his eyes, nodding in approval.

"That's certainly an outstanding character trait to have. I approve of you."


I didn't bother to talk very much. It seemed like he was the type of person to fill the gaps by himself.

"So now, if you excuse me-"

"Wait a second please, Mr.Voidwalker!"

Another voice called my name. This time, it was a feminine voice.

I rolled my eyes internally, annoyed by the whole situation as I just wanted to return to my room and focus on my notes and the preparation for my first class.


I turned my head around, spotting a woman with shoulder long brown hair and round amber eyes staring at me.

If I were to describe her looks, I would certainly use the word 'cute'. She somehow reminded me of a little rabbit.

"First off, I wanted to apologize for Mr. Ibrahim's behavior. Even though it might seem like he was being rude towards you, I can assure you that it wasn't his intention."

"Fear not, Mrs. Flora. I did not do anything that could be considered rude to my esteemed colleague."

"Mr. Ibrahim, while I understand that it's hard for you to adapt to the Empire, I would appreciate it if you were quiet for now."

Mrs. Flora turned her head to Baal-hamon, warning him in a slightly irritated tone.

Although she still had a smile on her face, it didn't seem genuine. Her smile even looked intimidating, almost.

"No, he's right. He wasn't being rude to me."

"See? My esteemed colleague seems to understand that I was not rude to him, but merely conversing with him as a normal person would."

Baal-hamon then erupted in a weirdly proud-sounding laugher.

I didn't even try to understand what was going on inside him, because even after the short time I had spent with him, it was clear to me that he was the type of person that I could never understand.

He was very eccentric, to say the least.

Mrs.Flora turned her attention to me again, ignoring the laughter in the background.

"If that's the case, then I'm relieved."

She sighed as she finished the sentence, her shoulders hanging down tiredly. It seemed like the first day was very stressful for her.

"I know it may be selfish, but I would really appreciate it if you would join us for lunch. It would be a good chance for us all to get to know each other."

I sighed, knowing that it would be hard to refuse the offer after two of my new colleagues invited me to eat lunch with them.

At this point, it would be rude to refuse, wouldn't it?

"Alright. But I will only be there for a short while."

Mrs. Flora's eyes lightened up as I said to her that I would join them for dinner.