Behind the scenes

The council of grandmasters commanded Vancrest for every major action taken. Whether it be the subjugation of a leviathan class or the exploration of a new domain. However today was different, Roman had brought up a subject that he had brought up only once in the past.

"It's time to end it." Roman told Ansu, who was the second founder of Vancrest.

"A humanoid daemon that doesn't rampage seems more like a fairy tale, though when you see it with your own eyes." Ansu took in a deep breath, just like Roman she sustained her life by casting healing magic on her person. "You believe."

"Why are we taking him down? have your plans for him ended?" Ysley chimed in, he was the third founder of Vancrest and is known as the smartest man alive. "I believe it'll be better to keep him alive for research purposes."

"No, we end its life. It was born into this earth on a black moon, a day of dread, and with its creation came the end of two lives. Mine could've ended that day if not for Alto." Roman told Ysley.

"I see."

"Still, this was careless Roman. If you weren't in the post you were, I would have had you sentenced. Do you know the amount of damages that would be caused if that child were to start a rampage?" Ansu hit her hand on the desk.

"That's why I informed the hunters of Nox and Galestadine of its existence. It's half-human, or at least I think it is. That was the plan when creating it anyways."

"So that would explain why you only allowed it passage through those two nations." Ysley held his chin. "Why did you allow it to become a hunter though?"

Liric walked into the room, they had requested him so they didn't fuss over his barged entry. He had been listening to the entire conversation but it would be wise to enter before one of them caught on.

"I wanted to see what he would feel when put in a crowd of mana," Roman explained. "Nothing more nothing less."

"Liric your mission today is a simple one, eliminate the humanoid daemon that roams Havenstale," Ansu ordered. "Its name is Igor Dragonstead."

"A weird name," Ysley said.

"Dragonstead is the name of its father and the name Igor comes from its ugly appearance after birth."


"If I may," Liric asked for permission, and when no one denied he continued. "Wouldn't a humanoid daemon need more than just me? humanoids only appear after a daemon has eaten enough humans to become known as a titan class."

"Hmm... This case is different even though you wouldn't be given the full details let's just say this humanoid daemon was given birth to through normal means." Ansu told him.

"He was conceived by a pregnant woman?" Liric was beyond curious. "Meaning it's a hybrid."

"Sometimes you're too quick on the uptake Titanfall, take care of the daemon and return to Vancrest. We have some information on a possible destroyer class at Bindspath. However for now." Ansu clicked her fingers on the table. "You are dismissed."

Liric walked out of the building, one day he would stop listening to them but for his plan to go smoothly he needed them alive. They weren't a part of his plan but if they were to suddenly die, the amount of unrest in Vancrest would be catastrophic.

"Airi," Liric stopped and looked at the shade of a building. "Where's the nearest tiger class."

"Liric!" Airi coughed. "Liric, it's not very often you ask me for something." She walked out of the shadows and came closer to him.

"I assume you're the one who found the humanoid daemon in Galestadine."

"Yes," She stopped for a second gazing into the sky. "The nearest tiger class is at Rosso Horizon, near the shopping district. There are numerous hunters nearby. What do you need it for?"

"That doesn't concern you," Liric cast a support magic act and teleported.

"That old hag, she definitely pissed him off." Airi was the great-grandchild of Ansu, she was born pretty late by her mother that's why she was twenty-eight despite her mother being seventy. She and the old hag never saw eye to eye, especially because she always made Liric angry. "That old hag!"

The businesses moved as they always did, an alarm had been sent off for the sighting of a daemon but that didn't shake the customers or traders. Daemons appeared almost on a daily basis, if you'd stop your business just because one is approaching. You'd surely be sent into financial ruin, and with the speed at which the guards and hunters of Rosso horizon acted. Everyone was safe.

The alarm went off, the guards were baffled. No one had slain the daemon and panic was slowly rising in the hearts of the citizens until they heard over the P. A that it's been taken care of by the guys at Vancrest.

Liric could fly, it was a secret of the Titanfall clan. However, it was more about staying in the air than flying. By concentrating his mana Liric could create multiple wind gusts that kept him in the air even though he didn't have the affinity for the element.

"Havenstale, Havenstale... Bingo." Liric dropped the daemon from a high altitude and it dropped onto the city like a bomb, there was no reason for daemons to go to places with no mana. So maybe the appearance of a daemon would seem fishy, however. If the daemon chases someone then Liric has found his target.

Havenstale was a camp, people with no mana came here to live the rest of their lives before dying due to whatever sickness could be contracted from the air or water. However, if the intel given to them by Airi was correct then the humanoid daemon would be here. He had to be and due to the fact that he has mana, the daemon would chase.

There was a reason daemons didn't hunt other daemons despite having a low intellect. Daemons didn't have mana which removed them from the food chain and as for why lower class daemons didn't hunt higher class daemons this was due to a little emotion implanted into their brains called FEAR. Fear was the reason a tiger class won't go near a dragon class but this only applied to daemons. If the tiger class daemon Liric unleashed on Havenstale were to hunt down Igor Dragonstead. That would mean without a shadow of a doubt, that the boy is somewhat human.

No signs of activity from anything, the daemon rampaged just as it should killing humans that got in its way but not consuming them. Maybe he is a daemon after all. Liric was about to start searching when he felt an act go off. He had found his target and the daemon chased. He was correct, the world's first half-breed between the two races has been found and his name is Igor Dragonstead.

Liric descended looking at Igor run toward the ruins of the city, he took the daemon away from the people. He was protecting them.

There were two reasons Liric was here chasing after a hybrid and that was one, he was curious and two, the surname the hybrid had was only known by a few people who still lived. Yuri Dragonstead was the name of his teacher, he was a valiant man through and through bearing enough strength to conquer destroyer-class daemons with ease. However, after the tragic event that occurred to the Titanfall clan, Liric had not seen him again. The Dragonstead clan was also abolished sometime after so for this hybrid to bear the name. "Worth digging into indeed."

[Battle magic act three: Frozen blood], Liric had a plan. He would learn more about the child little by little while at the same time creating a weapon. The boy had a big enough mana pocket but it wasn't enough. If he were to fight the death god he would die before the fight would start.

So to take revenge on the man who stole from him, Liric would use Igor. He felt bad doing it but that was the only way, he'll train him and feed him the corpses of people with vast amounts of mana. Maybe one day he too might be fed to the hybrid.

After talking to the boy he knew that this was definitely the reincarnation of Yuri Dragonstead, the same amount of courage and fear his teacher exhibited was instilled into his offspring and after spying on Osiris who was about to capture Igor he was completely convinced.

He had followed the group from Vancrest all the way to Nox, he had hoped to have saved the group but if he intervened halfway. He would never have gotten the full extent of the information he needed from the leviathan class daemon. He burst through the sky and saved his student, he tried to comfort him but he saw it.

When he looked into the dark eyes of the kid all he could see was his teacher. The same blank eyes he would have when in battle, the kid had when he was boiling with rage. Liric didn't need to help the kid gain more power, he would do it himself. Liric could foresee it, an end where Igor devours Osiris.