
The Titanfall's were the strongest clan known to mankind, each member had a large mana pocket and knew ice spells that were exclusive to the clan but being this strong puts you on the radars of beings who believe your strength will become a threat one day.

The day was calm, sweet, the aroma of cooking filled the air and noses were in a trance. Grace Titanfall was the woman guilty of such an enchanting aroma, and immediately she was done she closed her pot and went to find her family.

Ylra slept on a chair, he trained his son occasionally but hired a personal trainer once the amount of commissions he took on a daily basis overwhelmed him. He loved watching his son do everything he could to be stronger, he knew his son's dream after all he's told them like ten times. The young boy Liric dreams that one day he'll be able to use his sword to protect his parents.

Neighbors watched from afar as the duel between the valiant Yuri and the little warrior started.

Liric steadied his form using his breaths. Inhale. Exhale he repeated this mantra till time froze. His movements pristine, his senses peak. Time resumed and the calm flowing feel of the wind brushed past his skin. He loosened his grip on the sword, relaxed, he surveyed his environment. His opponent Yuri stood in the center of it, Liric scanned him thoroughly and charged in for a strike. [Battle magic act two: Flash Freeze.] The sky darkened, his blade lit up, glitters of ice lathered the sword, and as he swung it a shockwave of ice magic passed through the air. His apprentice truly had grown Yuri thought before grabbing the blade with one hand and then proceeding to punch Liric in the gut with the other. Liric taken aback by the sheer force of the strike coughed up saliva which eventually turned into blood. He wiped his mouth and circled around Yuri waiting, hoping for an opportunity. Yuri in the center of a circling foe stood still his hand rested on his blade but he did not draw. "Let's end it here."

Liric fell to the floor, holding his chest.

"Sorry master Ylra I shouldn't have hit him that hard." Yuri Dragonstead who was hired as a personal trainer for Liric apologized before helping the little boy up.

"My master used to break my jaw and force me to cast healing magic on myself." Ylra laughed. "You're good don't worry."

"Well on that note Master Ylra I'll be taking my leave now," Yuri grabbed his bag and left. "See you tomorrow Liric, make sure you've mastered 'Frozen blood' by then."

"Bye!" Liric hugged his father as Yuri left, "Dad something smells nice."

Ylra laughed and upon hearing Grace call them, the two walked into the house for lunch. "You two sure love training." Grace brought out diced carrots alongside the dish for Liric.

"Dad, when will I be going to Vancrest? everyone else went and you still haven't even mentioned sending me." He crossed his feet underneath the table, little eight-year-old Liric didn't know what the exams were like but he did know that no Titanfall that has gone to Vancrest had ever returned. "Everyone has gone and become so famous they don't even care to visit."

The two adults didn't say a word, they clenched their hands and forced a smile. "Yes Liric one day you too will become a daemon hunter, maybe not a Vancrest but Nox is okay."

"I'm not going to Nox, I'm going to where brother AE went."

Ylra patted Liric on the shoulder, he knew his son would grow up to be strong but as he was right now. Vancrest would kill him and send a letter after. "Why don't we eat first before discussing school."

"Yes, father."

AE wasn't a Titanfall, he was the adopted son of one of the neighbors but on any account, AE never took the name. He always said he'll call himself a Titanfall if anyone asked but that wasn't his real name. Ylra was in thought. For the last twenty years, all Titanfall's that have been sent to Vancrest hadn't come back, AE hadn't come back either but they never received a letter from Vancrest.

"SORRY TO INTRUDE!" A guard shouted as he burst open the door of the family. "Master Ylra..... There's a humanoid daemon outside!"

"Are you able to pinpoint its class?" Grace said as she dropped Liric's plate on the table.

"According to Mrs. Halo... It's a death god."

The sky's darkened. Death gods were the strongest tier a daemon could have and since the daemons appeared there's only been one. Its name is Merlo. They knew one day he'd be a threat after he destroyed the Altrathor clan. They knew they would be next.

"Son I love you," Ylra ran into his room and brought out two swords. "Grace lock him in the closet!"

"What's happening," Liric said as Grace picked him up and locked him inside a wardrobe. "What's happening? please tell me!"

"I love you son I always have, Always will. Me and your papa love you now do mummy one favor okay, don't make a noise." Tears fell down her eyes as Ylra ran into the room.

"Stay in the closet okay. Don't leave till you hear me say everything's all right." Ylra shouted after he spoke, an attempt to force the tears back into his eyes. "If I don't come back go to my room, under my bed is a box and you'll see a weapon. I'm not strong enough to use it but maybe you are."

The two parents walked away and in unison, they gave their son a warm farewell with tears rolling down their eyes. "Bye Liric."

The closet was dark, he could see flames outside and he could smell smoke. What was happening? he'd wait for mama and papa here but what if. What if they never came back? What would he do when that happens? He has to go see it for himself.

Battle magic act one: Ice burst, freezing the side of the wardrobe Liric kicked through it and ran to where he heard the most voices.

People were burning, people were split into pieces and one of those people was his mom. He wasn't close enough but he could see his mother's head on the floor. "No" He ran toward it and her eyes were locked in a position of fear, she died a painful death.

[Battle magic act twenty: Frost blades of darkness], Ylra unleashed an act that was destroyed on impact with the death god's skin. The death god 'Merlo' walked toward Ylra, Liric could see him. He had black hair, grey eyes and he wore clothes that he had never seen before. Merlo consumed Ylra in front Liric.

"What a pitiful clan, being the strongest ice users in the world.... They sure are," Merlo swallowed the last piece of Ylra. "Disappointing."

"Take that back." Kin said as he struggled to stand. "Take back your words against my-"

Merlo didn't move but Kin's head was separated from his body, he grabbed Kin's arm and tore it off his body. "Disappointing indeed."

Liric turned back, he hid behind a chunk of debris and bit his tongue. He wanted to fight, he wanted to unleash an act, he wanted to annihilate the daemon. His hands didn't care, the two five-fingered ornaments he called arms shook like he was in cold water. This wasn't a result of his parent's death, it was a result of not wanting to go anywhere near the daemon.

Merlo slowly consumed every corpse of the Titanfall family before leaving and Liric watched, he watched the bastard devour his clan and he didn't move a muscle. His mind went blank and he couldn't think properly. He fell asleep.

He woke up, he had a terrible dream that his entire clan was massacred by a daemon. He ran to tell his parents but half their house had already burned down. Along with everyone else's.

"It wasn't a dream." Liric laughed then slowly the laughter turned into tears. "I'm tired."

Liric walked into his parent's room, arranged the bed, and as he was about to take a nap his leg hit something. A box under his dad's bed. He remembered, his dad told him to take this if...if they never came back.

Liric sat down on the bed and opened the parcel, it was a sword. The words '121' were engraved on the blade. He took it out and a note fell from the box, he dropped the sword and read the note out loud.

"If you're reading this it means I'm no longer with you." This was his father's handwriting. "Don't worry Liric, I'll always be with you in spirit. I'll always be beside you, so don't give up..... In this box is a sacred treasure, it has been enhanced with enchantment magic up to the seventy-fourth act." Liric looked at the blade. "The numbers on the side change every time you slay a daemon with, it greatly enhances ice magic and it takes the mana of those it slays. Liric my son... Use this blade and avenge me, add one more number to the sword and when you're done pass it down to your own kids, the name of the weapon is the advent. The advent of mist."

"The advent of mist." Liric held the sword close to his chest and gnashed his teeth. "Merlo, I shall be the one to slay you. I will not die until I see you beg for mercy, I will hunt you and when I find you. I'll make your death as painful as you made my clans."