Enhanced weapons and gifts

Enhanced weapons can only be made by the most talented of blacksmiths, even though there are more blacksmiths now to create the weapons there is still a rarity of enhanced weapons.

By using a mana rune that can be found in caves and domains to forge whatever type of weapon you are making, you can create a pseudo mana pocket for the weapon. The stronger the room, the bigger the mana pocket. The thing with domains are, they aren't much and since daemons tend to be attracted to the mana in the runes they also gather at the domains.

Once mana is poured into the sword via enhancement magic, it accumulates in the mana pocket and then gains a gift, mana affects each thing differently which in turn provides a wide array for different abilities.

Feathering Veil: Mana is drained from the target that is hit by an arrow, mana isn't drained back into the user. Just drained away from you.

Kozaku Honojiri: Reduces the amount of mana consumed when using enhancement acts on it.

Advent of mist: Writes down the amount of daemons slain by the user on the side, if you slay a daemon with this blade and the number doesn't increase... Then maybe it's not dead, It greatly increases ice magic and has one more special feature that you will see later in the story.

Flightless moon: This gun is powered by mana providing unlimited bullets for the user, also the user can changed the form of the weapon to either increase the size of the pellets, speed of the pellets or even add an explosion to the pellets after they hit. The weapon has 5 forms, of which you will see Airi use.

Gifts: Already explained in previous chapters but gifts are side effects of mana accumulating on one part of the body for a period of time, and as a result will give that part an enhancement of sorts.

Being able to see sound

Being able to sense any daemon within 10 miles, however, you can only sense daemons whose mana is lower than yours.

Being able to speak to animals.

These are all things that can be done with gifts.

See ya.