Change logs(1)

Changed a piece of dialogue in fate where Roman talks with Liric cause it contradicts. Changed to-

Roman stayed silent, perhaps in thought. A controllable daemon would certainly prove useful but there was only one way a daemon could increase it's mana. "Has any hunter been eaten by him?"

"Apart from his father? I'm still investigating that, but surely you don't want to use that as a reason to kill him." Liric discontinued his grin. "Hundreds of students die in this facility every year, on your orders."

Changed some parts of the Power system aux chapter.

In the chapter Talent and effort i change the wording of sacred, to enhanced.

In the chapter Like Beethoven, Osiris can use up to act 44

Titan class daemons and above are capable of speech

Changes in the chapter "Behind the scenes" Romans life 'could've' ended on the night of Igor's birth.

Only a few people still alive know the name Dragonstead.

In the chapter Titanfall, The Advent of mist can greatly enhance ice magic, take the mana of those it slays and the numbers on the side change when it takes a life.

Changed the words on the advent of mist from roman numerals, XXVI to 121.

In the chapter "Rose at it's finest" I add a dialogue piece where Merlo tells Osiris about Yuri's gift.

Sven doesn't mention a date in the end of Connoisseur of madness.

Sven can use battle magic though not him using it (explained more in the chapter "Mock exams part 2")

Sky tree is also Sky box. Same stuff

Hopefully I don't have to add to this.