
"Hey, sorry to bother you. May I come in?" Sabrina asked.

Wanda nodded her head. Sabrina walked into Wanda's room and sat on the edge of Wanda's bed. "You haven't left your room in days. Anything wrong?" She asked once more.

"Misunderstanding" Wanda reply blankly.

"With Pietro?" Sabrina asked concerned.

Wanda nodded her head. Few seconds of silence went by, "He's downstairs by the way" Sabrina added on trying to break the silence.

Wanda slowly nodded her head and said nothing in return. Everything was slowly getting awkward. Nobody was going to say anything, the tension was building up, the silence grew louder. "Uhm.. Is this about you having to speak for yourself?" Sabrina asked breaking the silence.

Wanda looked at Sabrina skeptical, "I overheard, sorry" She added on.

"Oh.." Wanda replied as she smirked softly.

Sabrina went to sit next to Wanda, she then rest her head on Wanda's shoulder. "I never told anyone this before, but I used to have a sister. We'd argue every time, and it's all because of some stupid misunderstanding. But she'd always tell me to speak for myself too" Sabrina said as her eyes started to fill up with tears.

"Used to?" What happened?" Wanda asked concerned.

"She killed herself" Sabrina replied with a sad smirk.

"Oh.. I'm sorry" Wanda apologised.

She quickly wiped her tears off and got up. She stood in-front of Wanda, "It's not your fault, don't apologise" Sabrina said as she reaches for Wanda's hands smiling.

Sabrina slowly drag Wanda by the hand, trying to get her out of bed. "Come on, lets not miss breakfast" Sabrina said with a soft smile.

Wanda chuckled breathily, "Okay.." she said under her breath.

Wanda got up and out of her bed. Both of them left Wanda's room and walked down the stairs, "Clint made breakfast?" Wanda asked as she laughed softly.

"Yeah I did, come down and eat it" Clint replied with a soft smile.

Everyone was was gathered in the living room eating, some are on the couch and some are sitting on the floor around the table. They turn to look at Wanda and Sabrina who's going down the stairs. "It's pretty good you don't want to miss it" Steve said giggling.

"Surprisingly the kitchen didn't catch on fire" Natasha added on teasingly.

Clint rolled his eyes after receiving the praises from his teammates. Sabrina and Wanda walked towards them and joined. Everyone made room for Wanda and Sabrina to sit down. Wanda sat next to Pietro while Sabrina sat next to Natasha. "They had an argument or something?" Natasha whispered a question to Sabrina.

Sabrina node her head, trying to secretly reply to Natasha's question. Natasha smiled and continued sipping her coffee. Wanda look at her brother and smiled. "мне очень жаль, Пьетро" Wanda apologised to Pietro with her head facing down. (мне очень жаль, Пьетро = I'm so sorry Pietro)

Pietro smiled in return. "Yeah we totally understand whatever she said" Tony said sarcastically as he chew his pancakes.

Pietro rolled his eyes after the commentary from Tony. "It is a personal matter" he replied with annoyance.

Pietro rubbed his little sister back and ushered her to eat the pancakes Clint made. Everyone was happily enjoying their meal and finishing the pancakes. "Dang, didn't know my pancakes were that good" Clint said smirking.

Everyone was laughing and joking around together as they savour every last pancake that was left. Time went by and everyone was done with their meal. Wanda walked into the kitchen to wash her dirty dishes in the sink.

"Leave it there, I'll wash it" Sabrina said smiling.

Wanda placed her dirty dishes in the sink. She smiled and left the kitchen. Everyone else was doing their own thing by now, some are cleaning the living room, some are already in their room, some are still on the couch lazing around. Sabrina was busy washing the dishes when Natasha walked in. "That's kind of you" Natasha said smirking.

Sabrina scoffed and rolled her eyes, she ignored Natasha's presence and continued washing the dishes. "How was the café bar yesterday?" Natasha ask randomly.

"It- it was good, the coffee is amazing" Sabrina replied smirking awkwardly.

There was a long silence between Sabrina and Natasha. Sabrina awkwardly washed the dishes while Natasha watches her. "I- I've got a question" Sabrina ask breaking the silence.

Natasha turned her attention to Sabrina. Sabrina quickly finish washing the dishes, she wiped her hands with the hand towel and faced Natasha, "Have you ever lost someone you love?" Sabrina ask shyly.

Natasha walked towards Sabrina and leaned on the countertop next to her, "Yeah, why?" Natasha replied with a concerned tone.

"How'd you deal with it?" Sabrina asked.

Natasha took a deep breath and breathe out slowly. "That's the problem, I don't" She said as she takes a sip of her coffee.

Sabrina nodded her head softly. "By the way, uhm.. When are we starting the mission?" Sabrina asked trying to change the topic.

Natasha shrugged her shoulders, just as Natasha was about to say something she heard Steve calling out to them, "Guess we're starting now" She replied as she walked into the living room.

"Everyone gather around!" Steve shouted.

Everyone quickly gathered in the living room and waited attentively for Steve to start talking. "I've got no news regarding the mission, or when we'll start, Fury told us to take the time off until further notice. Besides that, he will be sending the Maximoff twins to Wakanda, he has instructed Barton to handle the twins. Everyone can go back to doing whatever you're doing. Wanda and Pietro you can ask Barton if you have any questions" Steve instructed.

Steve walked over to Clint to hand him a file regarding the twins departure and went up to his room right after. Clint took the file and sat on the sofa. Everyone looked at each other and walked off, going back to doing what they were doing. "Guess we're not starting now" Natasha said as she walked back to the kitchen.

Sabrina walked behind Natasha following her into the kitchen. Wanda and Pietro went over to Clint, "We are heading to Wakanda, why?" Wanda asked Clint confused.

Clint open the file that Steve handed him earlier on, "The Maximoff twins will assist the Wakandans in protecting the synthezoid from any Avengers level threat" Clint said reading the first thing he sees when he opened the file out loud.

"You didn't see that coming" Pietro said as he sat on the sofa.

Clint continued to read the remaining contents of the files. "When are we heading to Wakanda?" Wanda asked as she went to sit next to Pietro.

"Today. They're already on their way, pack your bags and say your goodbyes" Clint said as he closed the file.

Both Wanda and Pietro got up to go to their rooms and went to pack up for their departure.

"Will you stop walking back and forth?!" Natasha said annoyed.

Sabrina has been walking back and forth non-stop and it's getting on Natasha's nerves. "No I won't stop walking back and forth, and honestly, I feel like they shouldn't head to Wakanda, they literally just finished breakfast, like have some patience" Sabrina said annoyed.

Natasha shook her head, "Why don't you let your frustration somewhere else? Or try to distract yourself?" Natasha suggested as she smiled insincerely.

Sabrina stopped walking and stood in front of Natasha, "Tasha, you're a genius! I'm gonna go see if Wanda needs my help tootles" Sabrina said as she walked out of the kitchen.

"I highly doubt it" Natasha said as she shook her head.

"Tasha? Cute" Natasha thought to herself as she sips her remaining coffee smiling.

Everyone else was busy doing their own things while Sabrina is secretly watching Wanda pack her things. "Need any help carrying those?" Sabrina asked with a soft smile.

Wanda turned to Sabrina with her packed duffle bags, "Sure" Wanda replied smiling.

Sabrina took the bags off Wanda's hands. She assisted Wanda by carrying her duffle bags all the way down the stairs and to the front door. Peter was also lending a helping hand, he was helping Pietro with his duffle bags. Both the twins reached the front door in time for their ride to arrive. "Your ride is here it'll be dropping you guys off at the airport, there should be a quinjet or some sort of flying thing that'll send you to Wakanda, when you're there, you should receive further information from whoever's incharge" Clint instructed the twins.

The twins noded their head and headed out of the house with Sabrina and Peter follow them with their duffle bags. They all headed towards a black Mercedes Benz that's parked right outside the house patiently waiting for them. The rest of the Avengers watched them from the the front porch while Sabrina and Peter helped to load the twin's bags onto the trunk. She then ran towards the twins and immediately hugged both of them. "Don't get yourselves or each other killed" She said while hugging the twins.

Sabrina quickly let go of the twins from the hug and smiled at them, both Wanda and Pietro gave a soft smile in return. "You're acting as if we are leaving forever" Pietro said teasingly.

Sabrina chuckled as she watches the twins get into the black Mercedes Benz and it drove off. Everyone went back into the house and head to their own room while Sabrina watched as the car drove out of her sight. Soon after the car was nowhere to be seen.

"Shit now I gotta hurry" Sabrina said to herself as she quickly went back into the house and up to her room.

She took the satchel that she received out of her wardrobe and opened it. She took some files out, "Gilbert accident, Wickery Bridge" written on the cover of the case file. She opens the file and read the contents. "Two casualties, one survivor" she said reading the phrase out loud.

Sabrina read the remaining contents of the file in total silence, she immediately closed the file and put it back in the satchel, she then hid the satchel under her bed. She grabbed her things and immediately left her room and went down the stairs. She was rushing to go down the stairs when Peter stopped her.

"Where you headed to?" Peter asked as he awkwardly stood in front of Sabrina.

"Coffee run" Sabrina replied with an awkward smile.

Sabrina tried to get through Peter but he wouldn't let her pass through, "What is it Parker?" Sabrina asked as she sat on the steps of the stairs.

"Everyone seem to have their hands full" Peter said with a sad tone.

"And your hands are empty?" Sabrina asked with a smirked.

Peter noded his head and sat a few steps below Sabrina. Sabrina then quickly got up and stood in front of Peter. "How about you make more web fluids? You always run out on those. Don't worry I have the stuffs you need in my room, it's in the cabinets" Sabrina said.

Peter quickly got up, "Wait, really?! You're a life saver!" Peter said as he ran up the stairs excitedly.


"OKAY!!" Peter shouted back.

Sabrina then stood at the bottom of the stairs as she took her phone out and texted someone. She then walked towards the front door while her eyes still glued shut to her phone screen. She stopped and stood in front of the door without opening it while still texting someone. As she was about to open the door someone tapped her on her shoulders, she was startled. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" Bruce apologised.

"It- It's fine" Sabrina replied as she tries to shake off the shock.

Bruce genuinely do seem like he care about everyone, but not everyone knows it.

"Is there anything Dr Banner?" Sabrina asked with a smile.

Bruce shook his head, "'I saw you stood in front of the door without opening it. I wanted to see if you still know how to open a door" Bruce said as he chuckled.

Sabrina smiled back in return, "How can someone not know such things, but thank you, I'll be heading out now" Sabrina said chuckling as she opened the door and left.

Bruce smiled and went up the stairs to go to his room. On his way to his room, he saw Peter in Sabrina's room. He stopped and stood in front of Sabrina's room watching Peter who seems to be looking for something, "Peter? Why are you in Sabrina's room" He asked confused.

"Oh, hey Dr Banner, I'm looking for some salicylic acid and some toulene for my web fluids. Sabrina said it'll be here" Peter replied as he shrugged his shoulders.

"You could've ask me, come on" Bruce replied as he ushered Peter to follow him to his room.

Peter quickly closed everything he opened and left Sabrina's room. As he was about to leave he sees a satchel peaking from underneath Sabrina's bed. He wanted to see what it was, but ended up ignoring it and closed the door slowly.

Peter then followed Bruce into his room. "I have plenty of these, you can always knock on my door if you need any science related stuffs" Bruce said as he hands Peter the stuffs he needs for his web fluids.

"Thank you Dr Brenner, sir" Peter said as he left and went into his room.

Bruce smiled and closed his door.

Sabrina was sitting alone drinking by the bartender when a guy walked up to her. "Here alone?" The guy said as he sat next to her.

"Do you see anyone here?" Sabrina replied as she sips her drink.

"You're hot, and fiesty" Said the guy trying to flirt with her.

Sabrina clearly doesn't have a thing for this guy. She just wanted to sit and drink in peace. "Tyler leave her alone" Said the bartender.

Sabrina scoffed and sips her drink. "Get back to your work Matt" Tyler replied annoyed.

Sabrina puts her empty glass down, she signals the bartender, Matt, to pour her another. Matt poured Sabrina another glass of whiskey. "Slow down, I'm afraid you won't be able to walk home later on" Tyler said as he chuckled.

Matt shook his head, "You need to lay off the booze man" Matt said to his friend.

"How about you shut up Matt" Tyler replied with a hint of anger.

"How about you stop being a dick to your friend and leave me alone? Thank you" Sabrina said as she smiles annoyedly.

Tyler was stunned, he didn't know what to say next, he immediately got up and left. "I'm sorry for my friend's behaviour, he's a jerk when he's drunk" Matt apologised."

"He seems like a jerk even when he's sober" Sabrina replied smirking as she shrugged her shoulders and chugged her drink down.

She took her purse off the table and took out a 100 dollars bill and placed it under the glass. She took all her things and got up and left the café. Matt watched her as she leaves the bar.

The Avengers were all in their own room doing their own thing. Peter was busy cooking something for him to eat in the kitchen when suddenly he heard knocking coming from the front door. He immediately stop what he was doing and went up to Tony's room. He knocked on Tony's door a couple of times, "Uhm Mr Stark? There's someone at the door" Peter said whispering.

"I can't hear you, I'm busy" Tony replied as he turned the volume of his music up.

"Mr- Mr Stark?" Peter call out to Tony.

There was no response from Tony so he decided to try a different approach. "Dr Banner, sir?" He said as he knocked on Bruce's door instead.

Peter was panicking on the inside, he didnt know what to do or how to react. As he was sinking into his own thoughts Bruce's open the door, "Yes?" Bruce asked.

"I'm sorry to bother you sir, but uhm, there's someone at the door and I don't know what to do" Peter said with slight panic.

Bruce was stunned, "Did you tell Tony?" Bruce ask confused and concerned.

"I tried, but he seem unbothered. I don't know what to do sir" Peter said with a hint of panic.

"Have you tried opening the door and asked what they want?" Bruce asked confused.

Peter shook his head, "This isn't my house sir, so I can't just do as I please and I'm afraid Mr Stark might get angry" Peter said as he stood awkwardly.

"You got a point. Let's go" Bruce said ushering Peter to go down and check the front door with him.

Both Peter and Bruce went down the stairs and headed towards the front door, Bruce slowly walked towards the door while Peter hid behind him. He opened the door and to his surprise he sees a young lady sitting on the steps of their front door. "Hi, how may I help you?" Bruce asked.

The young lady quickly got up and stood in front of Bruce, "I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm looking for a girl name Sabina" said the lady with a bulgarian accent.

Peter looked over Bruce's shoulder, "You mean Sabrina?" Peter asked as he stepped aside and stood next to Bruce.

The young lady nodded her head. "Uhm, yes. Is she home?" She asked.

"She left earlier on, but I can help tell her you came by. What's your name?" Peter asked.

"Thank you, tell her Nadia came" The lady said as she left and walked towards her car.

"I have no idea why I panicked earlier on" Peter said with a soft chuckle.

"Believe me I wonder why too" Bruce replied with a soft smile.

Peter quickly walked towards the kitchen to continue where he left off with his cooking, while Bruce head back up to his room.

Nadia got into her car and suddenly her telephone rang, she stared at her phone for a moment before answering it. She let out a huge sigh and answered the phone, "Did you find her?" A female voice asked over the phone.

"She's not home" Nadia replied with a sigh at the end of her sentence.

"Then where is she?" The voice asked once again.

"I don't know, I'm starting to give up. We have been doing this for years" Nadia said annoyed.

"Keep finding her Nadia, we can't stop" The voice said over the phone.

The voice over the phone hung up. Nadia kept her telephone in her pocket and rest her head on the steering wheel. She then let out a huge sigh. She took a deep breath and slowly breathes out. "Head in the game Nadia" she thought to herself as she start her car and immediately drove off.