
"Good morning there, I hope I have graced you with my presence!" Tony exclaimed as he head downstairs.

"Morning Stark.." Natasha said as she rolled her eyes.

Natasha was sitting on the couch in the living room just lounging around when Tony walked towards her and sat next to her and asked, "Feels like I'm in a graveyard.. Where is everyone?"

"Sabrina's probably in her room and the rest are out carrying their mission" Natasha replied blankly.

Tony nodded his head and just lean onto the couch and watch the television with Natasha. As they were lounging around, Tony suddenly sit up right and faced Natasha. "How close are you to Sabrina? What do you know about her?" Tony asked out of the blue.

"I mean it's random but I've been wondering why is she so mysterious?" Tony asked as he slowly got up and head to the kitchen.

Natasha just shrugged her shoulders. She couldn't care less about Tony's questions and wonders. But the thought does lingers in her mind, "What is she so mysterious? Why do we know nothing about her?" She thought to herself.

As she was busy wondering, there were intense knocking on the front door, Natasha was startled, "Who the hell is that?" she thought to herself annoyed as she got up and went to see who it was.

It was Steve, but it seemed like he was carrying someone. It was Sabrina's unconscious body. She rushed to help Steve as he quickly enters the house. They rushed to the sofa and gently put Sabrina down. "STARK! You're gonna want to see this" Natasha called out to Tony who happen to be in the kitchen.

Tony rushed to the living room after his name was called. He saw Steve and Natasha staring at the sofa. He didn't think much of it, but to his surprise, it was Sabrina laying down. Totally unconscious and there were little scratches, cuts and bruises around her body, especially her face. "You told me she was in her room?! What happened to her!" Tony asked panicking.

"I don't know Tony, Steve found her this way" Natasha replied.

"I found her by the alleyway nearby while I was making a turn back" Steve replied with a hint of worry in his voice.

Steve and Tony went back and forth about what could've happened to Sabrina while Natasha was quiet the entire time, she was glaring at them and Sabrina. She was trying to come up with a way to shut them up. "How about instead of going back and forth without end, you get me a towel and some ice, wrap the ice with towel and get our first aid kit" Natasha instructed Tony and Steve.

Both of them rushed to get the things Natasha asked for. Natasha moved closer onto the couch and sat down. She then slowly lifted Sabrina's head and placed it on her lap. She smiled as she looked at Sabrina who is laying on her lap. Her smile was genuine, it was pure but also filled with worry. Vertical wrinkles formed in between her eyebrows as her eyebrows were pulled up and together. Even with the worry on her face, she still smiled softly. She then slowly brush through Sabrina's hair gently. "How did you get yourself in this situation дорогой?" Natasha whispered to herself sounding worried. ( дорогой = sweetheart )

She caught herself smiling and she quickly wipe the smile off her face. Minutes went by, Tony and Steve came back with the things asked. Natasha quickly and carefully attend to Sabrina's wound. Steve stood quietly behind Natasha as she attends to Sabrina's wound. The wound wasn't as severe as they exaggerated, what was bad was the fact that Sabrina was unconscious and they're clueless about what happened to her. "Did she tell you guys anything?" Steve asked

"She told Bruce she was going out yesterday" Tony replied.

Natasha just shook her head. "She isn't the type to share her whereabouts." Natasha said.

"How about we ask her when she's awake?" Tony suggested.

"Should we shift her up?" Steve asked. Natasha nodded her head. Steve then slowly lifted Sabrina up and carried her upstairs. Natasha opened the door and helped Steve in. He then puts Sabrina down slowly on her bed and left. Natasha pull the covers onto Sabrina and softly rubbed her head. She gave a soft smile before she left Sabrina's room and closed the door behind her. "You do care about the kid" Steve said with a smile.

Natasha looked up at Steve, "Shouldn't we all?" She asked him as she raised an eyebrow and gave a blank expression.

She then turned away and walked towards her room. "I think it's more than just care. Perhaps it's love Romanoff?" Steve said as he stared at Natasha who's walking.

She stopped walking and stood there silently, her facial expression changes. She pursed her lips as she slowly turns her head to the left. She sideways glanced at Steve. "Love is for children and you know it" She said with a stern voice as she walks away and walks towards her room.

Steve shook his head and walked off. He headed downstairs and sat on the sofa next to Tony. "She okay?" Tony asked.

"Yeah the kid's okay" Steve replied.

"Wasn't asking about the kid Rogers, I know that one's okay" Tony said,

"Natasha?" Steve asked as Tony nodded his head.

"She's fine, even if she's not, she will be" Steve said as he smiled softly.

Both Tony and Steve just sit and watch the television and lounge around. Hours went by, Natasha is still in her room and on her bed planning for the upcoming mission, she was trying to keep her mind distracted. She was still thinking about the incident that happened to her when she was a kid. It still haunts her up till this day. And she was also thinking about Sabrina. Especially what Steve said. She weren't sure about her feelings. With all the things going on, she quickly brushed it off and went back to mission planning. She completely ignored the thought about Sabrina and shifted her attention to her work.

"What did you do to her?" said a man with a British accent as he got up, and walked towards the guy who's standing still with his head facing down.

The poor guy trembled in fear, "I did wha- what you told me to" said the guy, terrified.

He couldn't even even look up and face the man in front of him. "I didn't tell you to lay a finger on her, did I Trey?" Asked the man sternly as he got closer and closer to the poor guy.

"I didn't mean to, sh- she was being rowdy and she picked a fight, and I panicked, I'm sorry!" Trey said panicking as he started pleading on the floor.

"You are fully aware of what my brother is capable of doing, to a mere mortal like you if you don't come clean?" Asked another man with a deep accent as he slowly walks in.

Trey nodded his head, "Elijah I'm sorry" he pleaded to the other man.

He started kneeling at the feet of the man. He kept on going about how he's sorry. "Stand Trey" Elijah instructed him. 

Trey got up and stood in front of of the two man, he was still begging them to forgive him as he knew he messed up big time. His words were all jumbled up. Nothing makes sense, he's trembling and constantly apologising. Elijah walked away and sat down on a chair opposite to him. "Shhhhh" The man with a British accent shushed Trey as he held him by his face.

He rubbed Trey's face gently as he look down his nose at Trey. Trey continued to beg for mercy. "I won't screw up next time, I promise you" Said Trey as his voice tremble uncontrollably. 

"There won't be a next time" Said the man with the British accent as he snaps Trey's neck.

The man let go of Trey's face and his body fell to the ground. "Niklaus, he promised" Said Elijah as he raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"His promise wasn't convincing enough brother" Niklaus replied with a grin.