Reidar, The Pacifist

Reidar was unbothered by his current situation, he was on a different level than these people and Tyr might have overestimated his ability in this situation. 

"I do not know why you have turned your sword against Birger but I am willing to look the other way if you all leave Kattegat. Enough blood has been spilled today," Reidar said, he did not try to unsheathe his blade and genuinely tried to have a dialogue. 

"Where are Birger and my mother?" Tyr asked, and Reidar looked surprised by his request as one would think he would be interested in Liv, she was right there after all but he welcomed Tyr's lack of interest as it meant he was more open to accepting dialogue.

"Queen Lagertha is…." Reidar said, pausing as he pointed in the direction he just came from. 

".... there but you better hurry," Reidar, who had continued his march forward, had said. 

"What do you mean…" Tyr asked but all Reidar did was smile.