Reidar Meets Erik

The day was drawing to a close and Ulf was extra cautious as the bodies he was responsible for had been discovered and he was now a wanted man.

He knew he had to be careful because he did not know the kind of men that Birger had under his command, nor their strength as it is believed he had strong warriors under his command.

That was the only explanation for Kattegat's fall. 

Ulf knew Birger wanted something from him or he would not go to such lengths to garner his favor, he wanted to keep him inside and safe, a sophisticated prison of his own.

Lagertha only became a target because of Ragnar and he did not know what fate awaited her but he knew Birger was not stupid enough to be the recipient of Ragnar's wrath because it was only a matter of time before Ragnar would hear about the state of Kattegat and there was no telling how he would react.