Reidar Vs Erik [PT.1]

Reidar was sent flying into a nearby wall, which was strange considering he was meant to be sliced in half considering the force of Erik's swing.

"One would think I stole your wife in our previous lives…." Reidar teased, clutching his torso as he got to his feet slowly, there was a faint metallic sound when Erik's ax made contact with his torso. It was revealed he was wearing body armor made of very durable material.

Erik was crazed and was not interested in a conversation, but Reidar had used himself as a decoy, allowing the other men to slip away with Liv.

"Your ax has dulled, I would be dead otherwise," Reidar muttered, he first noticed this with the thrown ax. Erik's ax had been drenched in blood ever since the war, it was only natural that his weapon would dull and be in the process of rusting as Erik's fighting style did not rely on the cutting power of his weapons but that was exactly what prevented a one-hit kill right now.