Ulf Found....!?

Ulf was transported to the throne room, everyone shooting him a curious glance because he was surrounded by multiple warriors.

That could only mean he was about to stand trial and this was not a private trial either. 

The trials in Kattegat were a public affair so Ulf's charges would be for the whole of Kattegat to hear. 

It would be a disgrace to his name and that of his brother but Ulf was hoping that there would be an exception. 

Ulf did not look worried, even with these factors in play as he had on a smug look all through. 

Bjorn saw his uncle being carted away like a criminal and grew curious about what was going on.

Ulf has been away from their home ever since that incident so Bjorn had no idea what his uncle has been up to.

"What is going on?" Bjorn asked a random citizen but even he did not know so Bjorn trailed behind Ulf.